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PostPosted: January 15th, 2010, 11:13 pm 
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I've been lucky in that I never have experienced anything terribly painful. Sure, there have been staples through hands, stepping on a Lego in my bare feet, and falling off a cliff - but no major accidents, broken bones, parasitic infestations, root canals, etc.

Although, I spilled a box of ICs on the floor the other day; I thought that I had gotten them all up. Stepping on a Lego is a joy compared to stepping on an up-turned 40-pin DIP.

What about you?


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PostPosted: January 15th, 2010, 11:20 pm 
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In less than two hours, my face exploded to the size of a grapefruit in my cheek, lip curled up to touch my nose, eye swollen shut. Turns out I had an abscess that we didn't know about and it went for the worse.

The dentist used a lance go from along the front of my tooth next to the big front ones on top, right into my gums all the way up to the base of my eye socket. No pain killers. I bent the arm of the dentist chair and broke it off its hinge. He said he couldn't blame me for it.

The dentist had to hold my head still with all his weight using his forearm on my forehead against the back of the chair. I wasn't fighting it or making sounds but I wanted to cryout. I knew if I did it would just be worse. I am honestly surprised that I didn't cry other than the tears of my swollen eye cleansing it out.

I would rate that as the worst pain I ever experienced.


PostPosted: January 15th, 2010, 11:33 pm 
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I definitely can't compare to that dentist thing, holy sh*t.


Yeah, I got nothing comparable.

Just being hit by cars on more than one occasion, but nothing breaking. Scrapes and sprains.

Had a couple root canals, too, but I was completely numb and felt nothing. I felt the crowns going on more than those.

PostPosted: January 15th, 2010, 11:56 pm 
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insultobot wrote:
In less than two hours, my face exploded to the size of a grapefruit in my cheek, lip curled up to touch my nose, eye swollen shut. Turns out I had an abscess that we didn't know about and it went for the worse.

The dentist used a lance go from along the front of my tooth next to the big front ones on top, right into my gums all the way up to the base of my eye socket. No pain killers. I bent the arm of the dentist chair and broke it off its hinge. He said he couldn't blame me for it.

Thanks - I had been feeling off all day, and when I read that, at the sight of a giant pork burrito with sour creme (my dinner), I heaved my guts out. Really.


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PostPosted: January 16th, 2010, 12:04 am 
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I've had my middle finger slammed in the car door...twice.


PostPosted: January 16th, 2010, 12:14 am 
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I've had a few liver biopsies worst shoulder pain ever. (Yes, shoulder pain). Also comparable are spinal taps, and bone marrow aspirations.


Shingles is up there with the most painful as well.

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Last edited by myoky on January 16th, 2010, 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: January 16th, 2010, 12:14 am 
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Yeah, I had an abscess on my ass. I couldn't lay down or sit down without immense pain. Pain on a level that kept me up at night.

I didn't know what it was until it burst, I went to the doctor, and then he gave me some great super-pain pills that would have been wondering during the week I was in pain.


PostPosted: January 16th, 2010, 12:20 am 
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Actually, I can top my previous one.

2007, two week hospital stay. Cellulitis on my right leg. That was hell.


PostPosted: January 16th, 2010, 1:04 pm 
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I was quite the skateboarder back in the day. Having said this, it's pretty much assumed I broke something. And I did. My arm... right at the elbow.

But that is NOTHING to the 3 kidney stones I've past over the course of the past few years. I don't even know how to describe the pain..

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PostPosted: January 16th, 2010, 2:14 pm 
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One morning, when I was 7 years old, I suddenly woke up with a sharp pain in the lower right side of my abdomen. I was curled up in my bed crying from the pain, and couldn't even get up. It just hurt too much. My mother had to take me to the hospital. I had appendicitis, and needed surgery. Everything was a success, and I spent 10 days at the hospital. I then spent the rest of my recovery time at home. I kind of like my scar.

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PostPosted: January 16th, 2010, 4:54 pm 
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One morning, when I was 7 years old, I suddenly woke up with a sharp pain in the lower right side of my abdomen. I was curled up in my bed crying from the pain, and couldn't even get up. It just hurt too much. My mother had to take me to the hospital. I had appendicitis, and needed surgery. Everything was a success, and I spent 10 days at the hospital. I then spent the rest of my recovery time at home. I kind of like my scar.

... And I thought no one could beat my record on that age-wise, Guar. It'd probably still be hell to have that happen right now, in our twenties. So the pain definitely sucked when it happened as a small child. I did not just lay there in bed curled up like you say you did, though; to cut the pain by the slightest margin, I just rolled around a lot on the carpet ... while curled up and moaning like I had been stabbed.

... On the plus side, I did get out of school for a whole week. ^_^

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PostPosted: January 16th, 2010, 5:18 pm 
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For me, it would be this:


A corneal ulcer. An infection in the eye that makes the eye extremely sensitive to light (so much so that normal lighting conditions is too bright). Thankfully some antibotic eyedrops cured the infection in about a week. But it was torture before getting those eyedrops. The really scary part is when I remember driving. The light, even at night, was too much for my eyes and I was squinting the whole way to my destination. I wanted to close my eyes because they hurt so much. I was an accident waiting to happen. Thankfully that never happened.

Although my worst doesn't seem to compare to some of you other guys. I'm just a general healthy person most of the time.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: January 16th, 2010, 5:21 pm 
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Although my worst doesn't seem to compare to some of you other guys. I'm just a general healthy person most of the time.

I don't know, 1ce. Having a vampire's sensitivity to light - concentrated solely at your eyeballs - seems like a pretty sucky malady to suffer.

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PostPosted: January 16th, 2010, 5:28 pm 
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Either the blow to the back of the head with a baseball bat or when I dislocated my pinky.

When I got my head busted open (second time, mind you), my sister hit me with the bat. It was an "accident" but she saw me getting up and swung away anyway. I bled out of my head quite a bit and had to be rushed to the hospital. I still have a scar from where I got hit, but you can't see it until the back of my head is cut real short. This is when I was 8.

My pinky got dislocated 2.5 years ago when I was trying to catch a football. The ball fell a little faster than I thought, m=so my hands were in the wrong place and the ball struck the tip of my finger, thus jamming back the finger and dislocating the second joint from where the ball hit. At first, I thought I might have broken it because i couldn't even feel it. I couldn't bend it either. I took my glove off and saw part of the bone at the joint jutting out to the side and I cringed because I hadn't had that happen to me before. It hurt at first but eventually I just laughed about it. The x-rays showed that the finger jammed back a good ways and shoved one bone under the other and twisted it around a bit. Had to wear a splint on it and now it is permanently bent at a slight angle. Doesn't effect me all that much, though.


PostPosted: January 16th, 2010, 8:50 pm 
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I think it's funny that of all of these, it sounds like I'm probably the most unhealthy person. (Disease wise).

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PostPosted: January 17th, 2010, 12:20 am 
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myoky wrote:
I think it's funny that of all of these, it sounds like I'm probably the most unhealthy person. (Disease wise).

Just wait - I may be gaining on you.


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PostPosted: January 17th, 2010, 1:26 am 
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When I was like 12 I broke 2 ribs fractured another and bruised the rest. The fractured one still gives me problems today. I have a high pain tolorance so this is the most painful I can think of. I've had plenty of injuries since. I've broken my fair share of fingers and toes. I fractured my wrist too. And the worst was when I cut my achilles tendon. I couldn't walk for almost 7 or 8 months after that. Doctor said that could have become perminently damaged. It didn't really hurt. My leg went numb after a while and I was so light headed from blood loss. Good as new now though.


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