This is the back story for the game I'm actually workin on for rmxp. It shouldn't be to long of a game. But we'll just have to see. No real release date or anything. Hope you guys like it.
In the beginning there was only darkness. Then God appeared and the power of his presence filled the world with light.God created man to express his light and carry it forth. And all was well. Man knew no pain or fear or hate and lived happily in the light under the presence of God. But the darkness was always at the edge, always waiting, watching, and wanting the light to be extinguished.
And then one day, the time finally came. One man desired the love of a woman, a woman who was already bound to his brother. Before God could rectify the problem, darkness seeped in and in a fury the man murdered his brother. And then the race of man knew fear and envy and hate. Darkness leapt forward, creating the night. Shadows, darkness given corporeal form, arose and attacked the race of man. Man cried out for their God to save them, but He was hurt by their fall from light. He could not bring himself to appear before his children. And so he sent one of His Erelim forth to protect the race of man. The Erelim brought forth a fiery sword and battled with the shadows. Thousands it slew, but still the darkness crept forth. The light of the blazing sword began to falter, but it was to late before the Erelim understood why. Death only begets death, and the black blood of the shadows had drenched the fiery sword.
The Erelim, in a final act, sent it's soul into the sword, igniting it once more. He hurled the sword towards the darkness, and it shrank back from the point the sword plunged into. The Erelim ushered Man towards the sword as the shadows crept around to overtake them. Just before the they reached the sword one man stumbled, and as the Erelim stooped to help him, the shadow took them both.
The darkness surged towards Man, but the light of the sword kept it at bay, forcing it to sit just beyond reach. Man named the sword the Valiant Cross, in honor of the Erelim that had saved them, and built a shrine around it. And so Man has live for thousands of years. But the shadow in the hearts of Man has never been removed. And the darkness still lurks just beyond the light.
