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PostPosted: January 22nd, 2010, 5:32 pm 
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I figure we should list some of our most emotional moments from videogames.

Super Metroid:
The baby Metroid saving you from being killed by Mother Brain by absorbing its power and giving it to you, all while shielding you from the Mother Brain's energy blasts. Then that one, final charge to protect you.



PostPosted: January 22nd, 2010, 6:03 pm 
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Lufia 2's ending:
Both Selan and Maxim giving their lives so that their son and the rest of the world can live.

Lufia 1 & 3's ending
The hero has to kill his friend and his love interest in order to save the world.

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1) Statement 2 is true
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PostPosted: January 22nd, 2010, 6:20 pm 
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... If anyone puts down you-know-who's musically-saturated death in a certain ground-breaking PSX Final Fantasy installment, I will scream.

The only one I can readily think of, though, is from MegaMan X4 ->
Iris's ill-fated - albeit badly-acted - death. *sigh* Poor Iris.

... Always humbly at the service of Faerie Queen Naeya,
Sarah's Knight

Last edited by SarahsKnight on January 22nd, 2010, 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: January 22nd, 2010, 6:50 pm 
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There was one scene from Suikoden 5 and it has been the only scene in gaming that almost brought me to tears. If you haven't played it and don't care for the spoilers, then here it is:


PostPosted: January 22nd, 2010, 7:30 pm 
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... If anyone puts down you-know-who's musically-saturated death in a certain ground-breaking PSX Final Fantasy installment, I will scream.

Well, I was going to mention it, but....nevermind.

The only other game I can think of that made me cry was the Jumi City in Legend of Mana. Such a peaceful race of people wiped out by greed....and the music was oh-so-sorrowful.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: January 22nd, 2010, 8:08 pm 
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@Sarah's Knight

You need to list your game so we know whether or not to check your spoiler.

I actually have a couple moments come to mind but I'll list them later.

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PostPosted: January 22nd, 2010, 9:14 pm 
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@Sarah's Knight

You need to list your game so we know whether or not to check your spoiler.

Yeah, I guess that would help. Consider my earlier post edited.

... Always humbly at the service of Faerie Queen Naeya,
Sarah's Knight

PostPosted: January 25th, 2010, 2:16 am 
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I am rarely emotionally affected by video games, or anything for that matter. But here are some of my top emotional moments.

Metal Gear Sold
When you kill Sniper Wolf. That made me cry, a little.
Metal Gear Solid III
When you get groped by Major Raikov - that made me cry too.


Actually, it was when you kill The Boss, and fully understand what she did for her country.
The death of you-know-who in FF7 didn't affect me at all. Probably because I never used the character, and had no real attachment to her.

When Tidus leaps off of the airship into the ocean at the end. Keep in mind that in art and literature, the ocean (and bodies of water in general) is symbolic of the unconscious mind, and of dreams. He was, symbolically, going back home.
LoZ: Majora's Mask
The first time I reached the end of the third day, and saw the moon crash into Clock Town and obliterate Termina. It added a real sense of urgency to the game from that point on. And the Dawn of a New Day was particularly moving.

Grog lamenting that he's afraid he'll never see his cuccos grow up, the cowering swordsman, the Deku butler's son, and Anju waiting for Kafei, until the very end - that and lots more make this the darkest, most emotionally charged Zelda game of them all, and my favourite.


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PostPosted: January 25th, 2010, 3:33 pm 
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Half-Life 2: Episode 2

By the end of the game you have spent many hours with Alyx Vance, daughter of Dr. Eli Vance. Every so often, you manage to meet up with Eli, you get to see a heart-felt reunion between Alyx and Eli... and Eli is always so greatful to you for helping her make it safely. By the end of the third game, Eli considers you as a son and even pokes around at Alyx that she needs to settle down with you. You know with the kind of eblow-to-ribs humor as he says, "Hey, I'm an old man now... it's only natural for me to want grandkids."

So by this time in the game, you have quite an emotional tie with these characters. Then the game ends like this: You've finally stopped something that could threaten the world, and you have a chopper readied so that you can go take care of something else (it would take forever to explain, but it involves Apeture Science... yay portal!). So Alyx plans to go with you... and Eli is coming to see you off. Right as you were about to board your chopper, the newest and most powerful enemy introduced in the game (known as an Advisor) burst through the wall. These Advisors have some kind of telekneesis that renders all three of you unable to move. (You, as the character can only look around with the right analog stick.) You've seen them before and what they can do, and as it sifts through the three of you, it picks out Eli. Immediately, Eli starts talking to Alyx... telling her, "I love you, baby" and, "Close your eyes, don't look." All the while I'm (without me even realizing it till later) mashing the D-pad trying to pull out something to shoot with and pressing pretty hard on the left analog stick... trying to do something- anything. But before long, the Advisor stabs Eli at the base of the back of his skull and chunks his now limb body on the floor. The Advisor starts looking at Alyx when, the most awesome character in video game history (a fully robotic humanoid named Dog), burst in and rips them a new one. Apparently Dog is somehow not under the telekneesis ability. The second Dog came in, the Advisor dropped the two of you. Alyx scrambles over to her father screaming "Oh God, no!" "Don't leave me" and weeping openly on his lifeless chest. And then, the screen fades out and the credits roll.

As you can imagine, I REALLY want to play Episode 3.

For those of you interested, here's a video of the whole thing:

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PostPosted: January 25th, 2010, 6:45 pm 
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The video after you rescue Nazomi, especially toward the end when she softly looks in the direction of the camera as you pass by on your motorcycle.

Modal Realms
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