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PostPosted: March 27th, 2008, 1:16 am 
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Is it just me, or do parts of the story make little to no sense? I even now can't understand certain parts of it.I don't know if it's on my part or because the translation was crappy.

Didn't exactly stop it from being one of my favorites, but eh...

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: March 27th, 2008, 2:25 am 
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No spoilers, huh? Makes it awefully hard to discuss what you are if you can't tell us what parts you're referring to. :P

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: March 27th, 2008, 5:36 am 
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More points that can actually lead to discussion need to be included here.

In other words, point out some things you didn't understand.

Or point out some things that show how crappy the translation was.

Content, man. Content.

PostPosted: March 27th, 2008, 8:29 am 
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A lot of stuff I didn't understand, but I did do some reaserch online to connect some pieces and it overall makes sense. Like what they said, tell us those parts and I'm sure some one can shed some light on it.


PostPosted: March 27th, 2008, 8:36 am 
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It's quite simple. Good Vs. Evil.


Sarcasm aside, name off the things you don't comprehend.


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PostPosted: March 27th, 2008, 11:16 am 
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[spoiler]Jenova. It pops up all over the place, yet I never understood a thing about it. Other than it's Sephy's mother? How is that even possible? And what exactly happened at the Shinra building on the first disk? Did Sephiroth come and take Jenova?

While I can understand most things surrounding the comet, what was never made clear is why it was set in motion in the first place. Hadn't Sephiroth already found the place he was looking for (promised land), or did he desire to go there for that reason?

Speaking of which, what is up with the town that Cloud was raised in (can't remember name). It was burned down, yet it still stands. An illusion? And what are the black things crawling around town? Are they the experiments of the mad scientist?

That's all I can think of for now.[/spoiler]

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: March 27th, 2008, 3:25 pm 
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[spoiler]Okay, as for Janova it's an alien that fell from the sky along time ago. Hoja and professor Gast performed experiments with it's cells. By injecting the cells into people you get SOLDIER. Most people can't survive the experiments though and get Mako Poison. That's what happens to Cloud before the Weapons attack. Sephiroth's real mother Lucretcia had Janova cells injected into her womb, so Sephiroth was born with the powers. Making him the strongest. That's why Sephiroth goes crazy, and starts calling Janova his mother.

As for what happened in the Shinra building I'll come back to that.

The reason Sephiroth wanted the comet to hit, is because it would cause so many people to go back to the life stream. The planet would try to heal itself and send a bunch of mako to the spot of im,pact to "cure the wound." Sephiroth wanted to fuse with all of that mako to become "god like"

As for Clouds home town. He was born there, it did burn down. Infact most people of the town died. Cloud and Zack were put into them capsule things. All of the people wearing black were the people of the village. Hojo used them as an experiment that is seen through out the game. The theroy was Janova's cells would always try to return to her, to form again. That is why all of them people were funneling into the crator. When cloud says I feel as though he was summoning me, well thats because he was.

The reason Cloud never made it to SOLDIER is because his body couldn't handle all of the mako. Hojo called Cloud a failed experiment all through out the game, but in factr he was refering to Zack. Inside the test tubes Cloud did become poisoned with mako. Zack on the other hand already had mako in him so he was okay through the experiments. I'm pretty sure that's why he was able to escape.

I believe I read somewhere the reason Cloud took the role of Zack was because Janova had some kind of mimic techneque. I don't really know if that is true so I'm not going to get into it. It made sense though.

As for what happened at the Shinra building, I'm not sure if it was actually Sephiroth or not. I don't think it was. All of the times you encounter Sephiroth it's actually Janova in the form of Sephiroth. (That kind of goes in with the mimic thing.) In the cargo ship when you're dressed as Shinra soldiers you see Sephiroth, but you see (I think it was Janova's Arm) it turn to Janova. [/spoiler]
That's what I got for know. I'm sure other people can fill you in better then me.


PostPosted: March 27th, 2008, 4:07 pm 
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That helped a lot. I forgot some details of the story myself.

[spoiler]So Jenova is really an alien...Pretty interesting. Is this referanced (sp?) in the story at any point, or is that mentioned in a different game?

The mimic thing does make a lot of sense, since you always are fighting Jenova. So in the final scene of disk 1, that's likely a Jenova clone killing Aeris and not Sephiroth himself then?

One thing you didn't mention is the hometown. You stated it was burned down, but it's still there. Was it rebuilt? Is it an illusion? Why are there no new people there instead of Hojo's experiments?

It seems during different events that Sephiroth is able to manipulate Cloud and control his actions. Any reasoning behind this?[/spoiler]

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: March 27th, 2008, 4:14 pm 
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[spoiler]I know the Sephiroth you chased through the game was an illusion, but this is the first time I heard it was Jenova. Far as I knew, the illusion was created by the real Sephiroth in the impact crater, and it was the fake Sephiroth who took Jenova from the Shin-Ra buiding and was bringing her to the crater.

And Shin-Ra rebuilt Nibeilham and replaced the townsfolk with actors to hide the truth of what happened there. You find this out (along with what happened to Zack and Cloud) when your return there after Cloud rejoins the party late in the game.[/spoiler]

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: March 27th, 2008, 4:24 pm 
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[spoiler]The only referance is when they say Janova was a calamity that fell from the sky a long time ago. Also I read that the northern cave was created from meteor before, and Janova came with it.

Yeah, I believe it's Janova not Sephiroth.

As for the town, I don't know the exact amount of time Cloud and Zack were in the pods, but I'm think 3-5 years for some reason. I think Shinra rebuilt it. I don't have the exact answer for this, but it makes sense that they would rebuild it because of the reactor near it.

The whole illusion thing was just when Cloud was in the Life Stream. He was trying to regather his real memories.

As far as Sephiroth controling Cloud I know it's because of the janova Cells. Cloud has them in him because of his mako poisoning. That's why he was being summoned to the crator. Now I'm not sure if it's Sephiroth controling Janova, or the other way around. I've heard both, but I personally think Sephiroth is controling her. Anyway, because Cloud has the cells he can be controled by Janova to an extent. That's why he was able to some what fight off killing Aeris.

It also shows at the end the one on one fight between Cloud and Zach. That was Sephiroths last effort to control Cloud. In both Kingdom Hearts and Avent Children you hear how Sephiroth will return again and again. That's because the Cells will attract to each other. In KH Sephiroth says as long as the darkness is inside of you I will return. Meaning the Cells. Also I think that is the point of the children in Advent children. The Stigma is Janova cells, and they use the kids to find janova because they are attracted to her.

The reason I believe Sephiroth is controling Janova is because when some of the cells do come together he comes.

Again, some of this stuff is just what I read on the internet, and other is actually stright from the game.[/spoiler]

Edit for Draygone.

Everytime you see Sephiroth you see a piece of Janova fall from the sky and it starts a battle.


PostPosted: March 27th, 2008, 6:32 pm 
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how odd that i heard some people discussing this very same topic today, must be due to the release of that psp ff7 game spin off.

[spoiler]im just gona lay it all down. ive beaten this game more then anyone alive i think. its my most favorite game.

after cloud comes back from his mako accident on the second disk, he comes clean and goes through a speech where he admits he was a faker and was living zacks life. he assimilated zacks memories, from mako poison and the amnesia it produced. zack told cloud his own stories on the way to midgar. if you recall he knew things he shouldnt of known, such as visiting tifa 5 years ago even though he really didnt, it was zack who attacked seffy in the jenova section. cloud was there as a guard, and it was cloud who dispached seffy into the life stream.

if you remember hojos babbling, he mentions how he was the orchestrator of the reunion. it was him who created the new seffy clone and other experiments using midgars slum inhabitants. jenova was in the lab locked up, some kind of freak organism cross it looks like. dont forget that seffy chopped off jenovas head just before he was wasted by cloud, so jenova was not complete. jenova was seeking the rest of her head which is why she was making her way to seffy in the crater which ill discuss later (each jenova you fight is acually a piece of her seeking to be together as one whole organism). the attack by seffy was most likely a plot hatched by him and rufus, with the seffy clone taking out the president and breaking jenova free (the freeing of jenova was probaly a devious addition to the plan, rufus probably only wishing to be in charge). it could even be that the convergence of the seffy clone, cloud, and the ainchent proved to be too much for jenova to resist (since the blood train suggests that jenova was moving under her own power rather then being taken).

in order to summon meteor, the black materia was needed. also note that the seffy you fight up till the wind maze is a clone, the real seffy is still locked in mako materia crystal from clouds tossing him into the reactor.

the project was originally started by heist i believe, which took jenova cells from the alien life form and implanted it in the embryo of lucrecias, (there is a book inside the mansion that mentions who the father was, which i think was vincent.)

of course all the other clones failed and it was left to cloud, the last clone, to deliver the black materia to seffy. the materia reacted with the mako energy, and the jenova cells and seffy was activated and the barrier was formed over the crater.

with all of the parts back as one unit, and with the black materia absorbed into the process, the meteor was summoned as mentioned in the temple. of course aries has summoned holy, the last ditch effort to save the planet.

lots of side stuff like weapons, aries mother, the whole turk thing laid out in a spin off game and some other loose ends but this really just covers the key stuff.

it was a pretty good game, though some plot elements where weak.

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PostPosted: March 27th, 2008, 10:28 pm 
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[spoiler]Hojo is Sephiroths father.[/spoiler]


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