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PostPosted: March 5th, 2007, 11:17 am 
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Let's see if this works out...
This is a topic for those bored enough to post what are you playing and what have you done/how much have you progressed. :)
I know double posts are not looked in a good way, but I'll do it just this time to keep the explanation and the actual post apart:

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PostPosted: March 5th, 2007, 11:17 am 
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Phantasy Star Universe (Ps2)
My Guardian Liscence expired, so I'm using the acount of afriend who bought a three month liscence and used it onlu 2 days... but I miss my high level characters. :cry
Characters in main account:
Jess: (Female Human) lvl 53 Fighgunner 5
Guarionex (Male Human) lvl 22 Guntecher 1

Final Fantasy VII (Ps2)
Bought it on release date. Played it for a week. restarted when I found out [spoiler]I open a chest, and therefore, would miss the strongest spear in the game[/spoiler]
Haven't played it again. But I really want to! (kinda)

Legend of Zelda: TP (GC)
Beat it a few weeks ago.[spoiler] I want to finish the cave of trials tho[/spoiler], but I let my sister borrow both the gamecube and the game, so that will have to wait

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PostPosted: March 5th, 2007, 12:47 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Shining Force 2.

Kajak refered this game to me not too long ago.

I've got to say, that it's the best Sega Genesis game ever... not as though that's saying much (seeing as the Sonic series is the only other good thing Sega has).

Anyway, I [spoiler]Just finished visiting Grandseal after obtaining a good plethora of characters. Astril joined my party... but didn't JOIN it... however that works.[/spoiler] But I am honestly enjoying it.

After SF2, I'm planning on playing:

Sword of Mana

Xenosaga III

Disgaea II

And hopefullly by the time I finish that, (I seem to go though games alot slower now a days) Devil May Cry 4 will be out and I may be able to play that.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: March 5th, 2007, 1:29 pm 
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Just got Diagea 1, having fun with it. Also started Wild Arms 4. Interesting stuff.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


My studio is Quixotic Productions! Check it!

PostPosted: March 5th, 2007, 1:37 pm 
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I just got to World 2 in Sonic and the Secret Rings. The game is pretty fun. I'm liking it pretty nicely. :D


PostPosted: March 5th, 2007, 2:47 pm 
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MegaMan Battle Network 4 Blue Moon, about halfway into it. Namely, Hawk Tournament just completed.

Only game I'm actively playing right now.

PostPosted: March 5th, 2007, 10:00 pm 
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@ Lantis: Ha me too! But I'm stuck just outside the last battle... guess I have some grinding to do.

other than that, in Dragon Quest 8, I am 47 hrs in (lots of lvl grinding and optional items) and I just got to Baccarat.

Civ III, medievil era
looking forward to getting around to Grandia III


PostPosted: March 6th, 2007, 8:36 am 
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only game I'm actually trying to beat is Earthbound which I've already beaten a few times before...

[spoiler]Just got to the part with Winters and Jeff, saved right before you ride Tessie.[/spoiler]

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1) Statement 2 is true
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PostPosted: March 6th, 2007, 10:46 am 
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PLaying SF2, VP, Vagrant Story, and Legend of Mana. All of which are game I've beaten before.

Also playing TotA, which is just quite awesome :P


PostPosted: March 6th, 2007, 12:54 pm 
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Actually, I have a change of plans... I'm squeezing God of War II in after I beat Shining Force 2. I've been waiting for that game a bit too long.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: March 8th, 2007, 3:48 am 
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I finally got my healers strong enough and Kazan is a beast! Now there's just the end credits and a chat with an old hag...
I'm glad to see other fans of SF2 in here. I never could convince my friend to buy it.
With that outta the way I can move on and go lose all my gold in Baccarat :)


PostPosted: March 8th, 2007, 8:53 am 
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PSU: I finally got my account active again! Time to continue my quest to gather enough Photn Art Fragments! :D

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PostPosted: March 15th, 2007, 4:23 pm 
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I'm not playing anything right now, but I beat Metroid Prime for the first time last week. :D

Anyway, right now I am working on my game, so I haven't been playing anything. Although I believe I am at the final dungeon of Wild ARMs 4 (checked a walkthrough and it said I was). Also, I was planning on finishing up Super Mario Sunshine and FF12 after I beat MP, but I don't really have a desire right now. :\

I have a really bad habit of starting games and then ignoring them.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost, ye may know the truth of all things - Moroni 10:5

By the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall.

PostPosted: March 15th, 2007, 4:30 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Oh, Hi new guy. Just thought I'd acknowledge you being here.


I'm almost finished with Shining force 2. I've got one fight before the big showdown with Zeon. Also, I'll be starting God of War II tonight. So yeah... fun times.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: March 15th, 2007, 4:44 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Thanks for saying hi to me, Lantis. The only other forums I've been to are the ones at GameFAQs (been there since 2000), and they NEVER welcome new people.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost, ye may know the truth of all things - Moroni 10:5

By the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall.

PostPosted: March 15th, 2007, 4:48 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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lol, then I think you'd like this.

Start a thread here to introduce yourself:

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: March 15th, 2007, 4:58 pm 
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GameFAQs huh? I've been there since 2000 too :D
PSU: leveling up my fighgunner like mad. Soon to hit lvl 8 8)

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PostPosted: March 15th, 2007, 8:32 pm 
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Thanks for the link, Lantis. I just made a topic to introduce myself.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost, ye may know the truth of all things - Moroni 10:5

By the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall.

PostPosted: March 15th, 2007, 10:44 pm 
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I just beat the optional battle for the first time on SF2 (on normal) and I boxed up my nomad for another day.
In DQ8 I stopped focusing on the story(I'm still in Baccarat) and now I'm grinding and building my monster team.
I also just received my gamebridge in the mail so I will be starting a speedrun hopfully in the next few days.


PostPosted: March 17th, 2007, 11:36 pm 
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Got my copy of FF8 back from my younger younger cousin. Made it to the second disk for the first time since who-knows-when. This time, I intend to finish it, and fairly.

But man, I wish bosses didn't have so much HP.

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