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PostPosted: January 20th, 2007, 10:31 pm 
Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage
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Put down your FFX game, put Cloud on pause and cancel your Emulator programs. Its time for Blue Dragon!

Here is some links:

If you dont have a 360, go get one since it will ONLY be on the 360.

PostPosted: January 20th, 2007, 11:17 pm 
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I REALLLY want to get it, (And I'm sure my brother will because he's a fan of FF.)

But I don't think he would ever let me touch the XB360...

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PostPosted: January 21st, 2007, 2:01 am 
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Dragon Quest 8 all over again, I still want it though.

PostPosted: January 21st, 2007, 10:47 am 
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Heh, "user avatar"

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Looks like a mix of Dragon Ball, Pokemon and Dragon Quest.

No, thanks ^^

PostPosted: January 21st, 2007, 3:07 pm 
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Yes, I want it. I just need $360 for the 360 and game.

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PostPosted: January 21st, 2007, 6:25 pm 
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meh the 360 dosen't appel to me

PostPosted: January 22nd, 2007, 1:47 am 
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I had a chance to play one. It is indeed a sweet system. It was doing all the things that Sony promised the PS2 was going to be able to do. (Over dub games, changeing out games instantly, etc)


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PostPosted: January 22nd, 2007, 6:45 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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I just got the new Game Informer... it's featured story was Blue Dragon.

And being a huge Chrono Trigger fan, seeing the original three creators of CT back to make another game just makes me drool. BUT... I'll never play it. I don't have a 360... and I'm getting a PS3 before I get any other system. IF I was to get another system, anyway... it would be a Wii. THEN I'd get a 360... but that's highly doubtful.

Does BLue Dragon remind ANYONE of Okage?

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PostPosted: January 22nd, 2007, 7:20 pm 
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It reminds me of Okage a lot! Due to the shadow system thing in the game.

PostPosted: January 22nd, 2007, 11:27 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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K, just making sure I wasn't insane or anything.

I'm sure it will be a fine game... maybe I can talk OW into getting it and letting us know how it is seeing as the Mag isn't prodominant to the 360.

I do know.. it's a little like this:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: January 24th, 2007, 11:32 pm 
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I hope you can edit the colors if the shadow creatures


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PostPosted: January 25th, 2007, 10:29 am 
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"The worst pokemon."
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actually... no.

Game Informer hand a plethora of in-game shots... and I didn't see anything mention changing color.

The only shadow that ISN'T blue is the one that belongs to the antagonist.

(Aslo, the article did mention something about the blue shadows, but nothing about being able to chage it... which doesn't mean you can't, but I highly doubt it.)

*looks at thread title*

Oh, and btw Duelpro... there's no such game as Chrono... It's CHRONO TRIGGER. How dare you sully the name, you knave!

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PostPosted: January 29th, 2007, 2:18 am 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Hehe....I knew because of my issue of GI...looks like another DQ Spinoff...


PostPosted: January 29th, 2007, 8:28 am 
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Chrono means Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross.... Lantis calm down.

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PostPosted: January 29th, 2007, 10:48 am 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Well, technically the creators of Chrono Trigger aren't the same as Chrono Cross.

Akira Toriama, for example, did not to the artwork for Cross. He did for Blue Dragon and Chrono Trigger though...

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

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