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PostPosted: January 7th, 2016, 9:19 am 
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A new year means a new installment in my "GoldGlee Plays" series. Here's what happened to start.

It all began with the intro story and learning that Peach's voice has been stolen (Kind of reminds me of when Ariel had to lose her voice in The Little Mermaid). Anyway, Mario & Luigi had to use Bowser's new aircraft to reach BeanBean Kingdom. I kind of like the fact that Luigi gets to play with Mario unlike the past few Mario RPG's. Along the way was mostly learning the basics. But the thing that really got to me was the jump rope challenges. At first I thought all 4 challenges were required until I found an alternate path which made me wonder "Why didn't I think of taking that route earlier." Could've saved me a lot of time had I thought of it. Well, I got out of there and since it's still early, I've got much more to look forward to as the game progresses.

That's all for now.


PostPosted: January 8th, 2016, 9:55 am 
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You mean you never went to the left after beating the challange, and Always went back inside?

That's kinda silly, but don't feel bad.
Pretty much everyone were bad at this game when we first played it.

Working on an RM1 game...

PostPosted: January 22nd, 2016, 11:51 pm 
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wheres the link glee, i wanna see it

Thee only thing that's for sure, is NOTHING'S for sure

PostPosted: January 23rd, 2016, 9:16 am 
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There is no link, marcololo. Though I do plan to eventually LP the game (can't say when).

Anyway, time for another progress report. Here's what happened:

The next encounter was an enemy that trapped Bowser in a cannon and demanded 100 coins in order to free him. During the 100 coin quest, Mario & Luigi learned some new teamwork moves which I will end up using a lot. Once the 100 coins have been aquired, it was time to fight that one enemy and free Bowser. Next stop was Hoodoo Village where a lot of places are blocked off and only a hammer can break them open. I have yet to find this hammer, but I hope to find it soon.

That's all for now.


PostPosted: February 15th, 2016, 12:17 pm 
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Time for another progress report. Here's what happened:

So now comes the voyage to the summit of the Hoodoo Mountain. Along the way I encountered a mini-boss fight which seemed rather long and a mini game where the floor couldn't be touched (reminds me of one of the bonus games in Donkey Kong 64). With all of that, the summit was reached. But the hammer has not been located yet.

That's all for now.


PostPosted: March 13th, 2016, 1:24 pm 
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Time for another progress report. Here's what happened:

Upon reaching the summit we encounter a boss. Upon defeating said boss, we head back into town to find that hammer I mentioned last time. The rest of the session was just trying to navigate back to BeanBean Town. I do eventually find my way back only to find that it looked destroyed. Next time I'll figure out how to save BeanBean Town.


PostPosted: April 1st, 2016, 10:06 am 
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Time for another progress report. Here's what happened:

The main priority this time was navigating a sewers where at the end a boss named Queen Bean appeared. It took me a long time to figure out you'd have to defeat the arms before the body. So next up is trying to figure a way out of the BeanBean Garden.


PostPosted: June 14th, 2016, 1:55 pm 
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Can't believe it's been 2 1/2 months since I've posted here. Anyway, here's what happened:

Next area was Chucklekola Mountain (I think that's the name of it). It leads up to this one boss who have a trainee who kind of looks like Bowser. Anyway, this boss steals mushrooms at the times if you don't have pixel perfect blocking time and uses it to recover himself. So this battle took a few tries. Next up will be to figure out where to go from there.

That's all for now.


PostPosted: August 22nd, 2016, 12:54 pm 
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Can't believe I got sidetracked lately. For those of you that do follow this thread. I will back to this game eventually I promise. My plan is to reach the end before the start of 2017.


PostPosted: August 31st, 2016, 6:16 pm 
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Okay, at long last it's time to get back into this game. Here's what happened:

Focus for today was navigating through Chucklehuck Woods. I manage to learn how to shrink one partner with a hammer. Then into the woods itself to find three possible routes. One leads to a dead end, one leads to a koopa troopa who can't be knocked out of the way for anything, and the last one leads to a warp. So, the question is: Which route is the right one and how to progress from that point on.

That's all for now.


PostPosted: September 13th, 2016, 2:47 pm 
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Time for another progress report. Here's what happened:

So I found the correct way to go based on my last post. This time, all focus was on getting the different colored Chucklehuck fruits. I found them all, and now I can progress further. Now there's the matter of what lies ahead next.

That's all for now.


PostPosted: September 23rd, 2016, 5:31 pm 
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Time for another progress report. Here's what happened:

So came more attempts at defeating Chuckola Reserve. It was a tough battle, but I eventually won. Then the barrel the reserve turns into becomes rideable on water. What'll happen next? Wait and see.


PostPosted: October 12th, 2016, 4:11 pm 
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Time for another progress report. Here's what happened:

Next place to go was Woohoo Hooniversity. It was more like a factory and such. Anyway, the focus this time was trying to get through. Haven't made it all the way yet, but I'm working on it.

That's all for now.


PostPosted: November 4th, 2016, 10:38 am 
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Time for another progress report. Here's what happened:

It was more of trying to get through Woohoo Hooniversity. Up until encountering a boss named Cacksackle (I think that's the name). Cacksackle has some pretty strong attacks, but I was not able to beat her. I don't know if that's the final fight or if I'm underlevel for the fight (I'm currently at Level 12). But someone please help me out regarding that.

That's all for now.


PostPosted: December 23rd, 2016, 11:24 am 
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Hey, guys. So I know I haven't finished the game, but I am currently working on a Let's Play of this game. Part 1 will go up on my channel on January 2nd, 2017.


PostPosted: January 23rd, 2017, 10:05 pm 
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Time for another progress report. Here's what happened.

So I realized that the reason I struggled to defeat Cackletta was the fact that I was under level at the time. Well, I fixed that and defeated her (for now). Next came the basement where I encountered Popple & Rookie again and defeated them. Next was the Fire & Thunder Palaces where Mario & Luigi learn their hand manuevers. Then it was time to put their hand skills to the test underwater. Next stop will be the Beanbean International Airport.

All of what I mentioned will be featured in the next few episodes of my ongoing Let's Play. So if you want to see it, please subscribe to my channel and be on the lookout for those episodes as they come.

That's all for now.


PostPosted: February 10th, 2017, 11:51 am 
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Time for another progress report. Here's what happened:

So there wasn't much to do on the airport runway except for getting some piranhas out of the way by defeating Mom Piranha (who's apparently an elemental boss). After that comes a surprising plot twist where it turns out Peach's voice was never stolen. I totally did not see that coming. Next destination is Teehee Valley where if Peach goes off screen, you risk losing her and having to rescue her. Next destination is Fungitown where Mario gets posioned by a mushroom and Luigi must venture off for the cure.

That's all for now.


PostPosted: February 24th, 2017, 11:48 am 
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Time for another progress report. Here's what happened:

So Luigi had to venture someplace near Teehee Valley to look for the cure for Mario. Then the next place we venture off to is Gwarhar Lagoon. It is here where Mario & Luigi get upgrades to their hand abililties, which they will need later on. As far as enemies go Gwarhar Lagoon did have some tough ones to fight, but mercifully the boss at the end Hermie III, had some attacks that were fairly easy to dodge.

Now if you've watched my LP, you've already seen this. So I am aware of how behind I am regarding the timeline of my Let's Play. But I will keep posting progress reports for the sake of those that don't watch my LP's.

That's all for now.


PostPosted: March 3rd, 2017, 2:41 pm 
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Time for another progress report. Here's what happened:

So after finishing Gwarhar Lagoon it was time to go looking for the other Beanstar Pieces. Once they were all found, it was time for another hammer upgrade so we could surf our way to Joke's End. Joke's End is another tricky puzzle through to the top where we corner Jojura and whichever guest you choose from 4 different choices. The battle seemed like it'd go on forever, but it did help that I had a good supply of Ultra Mushrooms.

That's all for now.


PostPosted: March 24th, 2017, 10:44 am 
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Well, I did it. I finally beat the game. Here's what happened:

The final quest was Bowser's Castle. It featured all 7 koopalings. First few were easy until Roy's battle introduced the time bomb mechanic. This mechanic determined how many turns you had before Game Over. After all koopalings were beat came the battle with Fawful. After a few failed attempts at Fawful, I felt I was underlevel (I was at level 42), so I grinded experience points in hopes of having a better chance and it worked. Then came Bowletta which was surpringsly very quick. I wasn't a fan of the fact that they don't give you a break in between Bowletta and the final fight with Cackletta. I thought Cackletta would be hard, but some of her attacks were easy to dodge once I got the hang of it. From Roy's battle to the end I started to finally get use to using Bros. Attacks which worked in my favor. Once Cackletta was done, there came a mechanic that reminded me of Super Metroid: Escaping within 3 minutes. Once out of the castle, came the ending.

Now usually in my next post, I would mention my overall reaction. But if you want to hear my thoughts, the final episode will go up Wednesday.

Now that this playthrough is over, be on the lookout for when I attempt Brave Fencer Musashi coming soon.


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