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PostPosted: July 10th, 2023, 8:32 am 
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Quiet week of pure progress this week as I focused on some other projects in the first half followed by a recording blitz in the second half so I could get everything edited over the weekend.

No new games though as my copy of Trails into Reverie has not yet arrived and the current sales will still be on when I get paid later this week.

- Beat and 100%'d Adventures of Mana (Vita, Stream Replay)
- Beat and 100%'d Soul Blazer: Dark Genesis (PC)

With gaming time freed up nicely I can finally dive into Langrisser I & II starting today or tomorrow and I'm looking at Atelier Escha & Logy Plus on Vita for my "on the go."


PostPosted: July 17th, 2023, 8:50 am 
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Ultimately broke even this week as I didn't quite hit my goal of finishing all 8 endings on Langrisser I, but I'm close. Also bought a few wish list titles that I'm not counting against the backlog.

New Titles:
- Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg (PS5)*
- Gal Guardians: Demon Purge (PS5)*
- RWBY: Arrowfell (PS5)*
- The Oregon Trail (SwitchDL)*
- Chocobo GP (SwitchDL)*
- Theathrhythm Final Bar Line (SwitchDL)*
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie (PS5)
- Record of Agarest War (Switch)

- Beat Langrisser I & II - Langrisser I (PS4)

2 endings left for Langrisser I but, rather than jump right into Langrisser II I'll likely focus on Atelier Escha & Logy's first run as, despite playing the Plus version on Vita, I'm very meticulous on time-limited games and will be following a guide closely, so playing it "on-the-go" just won't work. As such, I'll find a Switch game to focus on for a bit for that.

Should be getting my copy of Master Detective Archives: Rain Code today but am unaware of anything else currently on the horizon for new releases this week.


PostPosted: July 24th, 2023, 10:16 am 
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Quiet week that broke even as I only got one new title (which had been delayed anyway) and finished up another.

New Titles:
- Master Detective Archives: Rain Code (Switch)

- 100%'d Langrisser I & II: Langrisser I (PS4)

I'm no longer intimidated by the time limit in Atelier Escha & Logy and have properly gotten into the game with current progress being at just before the halfway point, so I may finish the first run this week. Also started my blind LP of Ys V on SNES and may finish recording that this week too.

No expected new releases for this week but some titles I've been waiting for sales for are actually on sale so I'll grab those when I get paid either at the end of this or the start of next week.


PostPosted: July 31st, 2023, 10:38 am 
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More progress this week as I pretty much entirely focused on one title that requires two runs, but I'm halfway through the second run already courtesy of NG+.

Bought some wish list games that were on sale but, as usual, I'm not counting them against the backlog until I get to playing them.

New Titles:
- Valis: The Phantasm Soldier Collection II (SwitchDL)*
- Cross Tails (PS5)*
- Pretty Girls Tile Match (PS5)*
- Wonder Boy Anniversary Collection (PS5)*
- River City Saga: Three Kingdoms (PS5)*

- Beat Atelier Escha & Logy Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (Vita)

I should be seeing my physical copy of Double Dragon: Rise of the Dragons today, otherwise there are currently no new titles on the horizon. Of course I could well be proven wrong based on the shop updates.

Hoping to finish the Platinum for Atelier Escha & Logy Plus, finish recording Ys V, and maybe start Langrisser II and the first Valis Collection this week.


PostPosted: August 7th, 2023, 8:47 am 
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Good progress this week as I did pick up a couple of new titles but also knocked a few out before jumping into some bigger ones again.

New titles:
- Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons (PS5)*
- White Album: Memories Like Falling Snow (Steam)

- 100%'d Atelier Escha & Logy Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (Vita)
- Beat and 100%'d Pretty Girls Tile Match (PS5)
- Beat and 100%'d all three games in the Valis: The Fantasm Soldier Collection (SwitchDL)

My original goal to finish Ys V on stream over the weekend fell through due to a few circumstances, but I was able to start and make good progress on Langrisser II in the Langrisser I & II collection as well as Atelier Shallie Plus on Vita for "on-the-go." Once I get at least one ending on Langrisser II I'm planning to return to and record more of Ys V throughout the week if possible.

Nothing on the horizon for new releases this week, but several wish list titles are on sale for when I get paid.


PostPosted: August 14th, 2023, 8:16 am 
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A fairly quiet week with good progress mostly due to the fact that I've not yet bought the wish list titles on sale that I planned to get after getting paid, so I'll likely pick those up after work today.

- Beat Langrisser II (PS4)
- Beat Atelier Shallie Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea (Vita)

Working on the final four endings of Langrisser II and the NG+ run of Atelier Shallie on Shallotte's route for her endings and the true ending. Hoping to finish both of those and Ys V before deciding what to focus on next.

Other than the aforementioned wish list titles, I can't really say what to expect this week.


PostPosted: August 21st, 2023, 8:21 am 
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  Level 166

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Good week this week as I completed some hefty gaming projects that I wanted to get through before starting recording my next main Let's Play at the end of September. While I did pick up some wish list titles on sale, I'm currently not counting them against the backlog while I focus on some other projects for a bit.

New Titles:
- Harvest Yuuka (SwitchDL)*
- Castle of Shikigami 2 (SwitchDL)
- Piczle Lines 2: Into the Puzzlesverse (SwitchDL)*
- Love on Leave (SwitchDL)*
- Ys IX: Monstrum Nox (PS5)*
- Dokapon Kingdom Connect (Switch)*
- Vampire Survivors (SwitchDL)*

- 100%'d Langrisser II (PS4)
- 100%'d Atelier Shallie Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea (Vita)
- Beat and 100%'d Cave Story+ (Switch)

This will likely be a quiet week as I'm not expecting any new releases and I'm still working on those other projects. I do hope to at least get back to and finish recording Ys V so that can wrap up before the end of the month.


PostPosted: August 28th, 2023, 8:48 am 
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Well, this is pretty rare as I actually did pretty much zero gaming other than a couple of rando seeds with friends or on stream, nor did I purchase any new titles. However, I think it was a needed break as I made enormous progress in another project upon reaching a part that I'd been planning for months.

I'll likely fire up something new in the next day or two as I'm eagerly awaiting Rhapsody: The Marl Chronicles on Switch and have been itching to replay The Legend of Dragoon. Still trying to get on stream and record Ys V, and conditions should be much more favorable this weekend than they were last weekend.


PostPosted: September 4th, 2023, 9:33 am 
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To paraphrase Jurassic Park, "Once again, life gets in the way." I was able to start up a couple of games but not get close to beating them as it's been another full week of trying to complete other projects while picking up some expected and wish list games.

New Games:
- Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles (PS5)
- Chrome Wolf (PS5)*
- Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (PS5)*
- Sea of Stars (PS5)
- Matches Puzzle: Classic Logic Arcade (SwitchDL)*
- Drainus (SwitchDL)*
- Brave Bow Archer: Princess Rescue Simulator! (SwitchDL)*
- Rune Factory 3 Special (Switch)*

Currently focused on replaying the first Rhapsody game on Switch while starting Rhapsody II on PS5 and still trying to find a good time to record Ys V. Otherwise, the many expected September releases are going to continue arriving within the next week or two so I've got to finish that other project sooner rather than later to free up more gaming time ASAP.


PostPosted: September 11th, 2023, 3:14 pm 
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Another fairly quiet week with only one new title (that's not counted against the backlog since it's a double-dip), but I did find some time to clean up some shorter games during downtime.

New Titles:
- Monochrome Mobius: Rights and Wrongs Forgotten (PS5)*

- Beat and 100%'d Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 3 - Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure (Switch)
- Beat and 100%'d Matches Puzzle: Classic Logic Arcade (SwitchDL)

I've got a two week vacation coming up at the end of this week and I'm hoping to get some serious gaming time in, including *finally* recording the rest of Ys V, but will mostly be playing personal games since I won't have to do a lot of recording otherwise.

Looking forward to ANONYMOUS;Code, the PSN version of Touhou: Lost World, and a few other wish list titles once I get paid this week.


PostPosted: September 18th, 2023, 9:32 am 
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Several new titles this week courtesy of a bunch of new releases, wish list sales, and my birthday on Saturday. Combine that with fairly minimal progress and I'm in the negative this week. But I've finished that big project and am on vacation, so I have a ton more gaming time to make up for it.

New Titles:
- Anonymous;Code (PS4)
- Eternights (PS5)
- Touhou: New World (PS5)
- This Way Madness Lies (PS5)
- TMNT: Shredder's Revenge: Dimension Shellshock (PS4)*
- RiME (PS4)*
- Super Bomberman R 2 (PS5)
- Triangle Strategy (Switch)*
- Digimon Survive (PS4)*
- Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster (SwitchDL)*

- Beat and 100%'d Brave Bow Archer: Princess Rescue Simulator! (SwitchDL)

Still a few releases to expect this month, with Legend of Nahyuta: Boundless Trails being the big one. I'll likely not pick up any more not already pre-ordered this week and just play what I want to when I'm not streaming.


PostPosted: September 25th, 2023, 10:08 am 
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Positive progress this week despite spending a good chunk of it editing videos and just enjoying my time off.

New Titles:
- The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails (PS4)

- Beat and 100%'d Rhapsody II: Ballad of the Little Princess (PS5)

Expecting the new Harvest Moon and, IIRC, Fate/Samurai Remnant this week. Will otherwise be enjoying the second half of my vacation however I feel like.


PostPosted: October 2nd, 2023, 9:26 am 
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Positive progress this week courtesy of two new titles being wish list sale items and thus not counting against the backlog.

New Titles:
- Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos (PS5)
- Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes: Definitive Edition (PS4)*
- Isekai Rondo (PS5)*

- Beat and 100%'d Ys V: Kefin, Lost Kingdom of Sand (SNES)

Was hoping to at least beat Rhapsody III this week but didn't quite get there, so I'm looking forward to finishing that and the Platinum for the Marl Kingdom Chronicles compilation before deciding what to focus on next for console while progress is stalled on Bravely Default II for the moment due to other commitments during the usual handheld time. Ideally I'll beat it before Super Mario Bros. Wonder releases, but I'm starting to doubt it.

Fate/Samurai Remnant will arrive likely today, but there's currently nothing else on the radar for this week.


PostPosted: October 9th, 2023, 10:39 am 
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Another quiet week with positive progress as I've been doing prep work my next recording projects.

New Titles:
- Fate/Samurai Remnant (PS5)

- Beat and 100%'d Rhapsody III: Memories of Marl Kingdom (PS5)

Taking a break from casual gaming unless I find something short I can beat in a few hours this week due to being just plain busy around the house when not working. But I'm also preparing to start a fresh playthrough of Wild Arms 2 for my next main Let's Play as well as another run of Ar tonelico II to record Cloche's route events and ending for a secondary project. If I can get videos recorded for both this week, that will be good progress.

No major releases on the horizon for this week that I can recall, but I did order a copy of Disney Illusion Island to arrive at some point and the Alphadia I&II collection should be releasing this week too, so we'll see how that goes.


PostPosted: October 16th, 2023, 8:14 am 
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Picked up some wish list titles and others not currently counting against the backlog. Otherwise I've been more focused on recording and other projects than casual gaming this past week.

New Titles:
- Disney Illusion Island (Switch)
- Long Gone Days (PS5)*
- Alphadia I & II (PS5)*
- Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm (PS5)*
- Ankora: Lost Days (PS4)*
- Easy Japanesey 1, 2 and 3 (SwitchDL)*

Going to be mainly focusing on all of the behind-the-scenes work and replay of Ar tonelico II to record and showcase Cloche route events for an upcoming secondary project, but I'll also likely spend some away time on the Switch enjoying either Illusion Island or Super Mario Bros. Wonder once it releases and arrives this week.

Also going to try and pace myself when it comes to playing and recording Wild Arms 2 for that project.


PostPosted: October 23rd, 2023, 9:02 am 
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A very quiet week this week due to only one new title, but I haven't been slacking on gaming either as recording two JRPGs for the channel is a slow and steady progress.

New Titles:
- Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Switch)

Still working on the replay of Ar tonelico II to record Cloche route events for my channel and I have nearly all week to focus on it. Once I'm done with that, I can fire up and focus on a new casual console game while I'm also aiming to keep the recording schedule for Wild Arms 2 fairly consistent as I chip away at that.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is my current "on-the-go" for when I can game during doggo time or when my computer is occupied with video rendering.

No new releases on the horizon for this week, but I might grab a wish list title or two on sale, unless those sales run beyond next pay day.

Update: As soon as I posted that, I got an email informing me my copy of Crymachina on PS5 is out for delivery. That had slipped my mind.


PostPosted: October 30th, 2023, 8:44 am 
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Another only-slightly negative week as I picked up some wish list titles on sale that I don't count against the backlog, but have also still made good progress on what I've been playing.

New Titles:
- Anno: Mutationem (SwitchDL)*
- Dreams of a Geisha (SwitchDL)*
- Sakura Alien (SwitchDL)*
- Marble It Up! Ultra (PS5)*
- My Big Sister (PSN)*
- Ashina: The Red Witch (PS5)*

Been playing Super Mario Bros. Wonder for "on-the-go" and expect to finish it in the next day or two while my replay of Ar tonelico II is at end-game to finish recording the other main route events. Once that's done, I can get back to some serious casual gaming while trying to pace myself in recording Wild Arms 2.

Nothing on the horizon for releases this week, though I could just be blindsiding myself again since I said that last week about 5 minutes before getting the delivery notification email for CRYMACHINA.


PostPosted: November 6th, 2023, 10:03 am 
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Pure progress this week as I finished up a few I was working on and enjoyed a few more enough to play through twice for their separate versions/trophy stacks.

- Finished the replay of Ar tonelico II on Cloche's route for recording it. (PS2)
- Beat and 100%'d Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Switch)
- Beat and 100%'d My Big Sister (Vita and PS4)
- Beat and 100%'d Red Bow (Vita)
- Beat and 100%'d Ashina: The Red Witch (PS5 and PS4)

Red Bow, My Big Sister, and Ashina: The Red Witch are all part of the same universe and comprise an interesting little trilogy of horror adventure games that was perfect for Halloween this year. I can recommended all three as a whole, especially when played in release order.

Currently at the end of Disc 1 for Wild Arms 2 in recording that and may fire up another console game for casual play as well as deciding on a handheld focus. In terms of new releases, I'm hoping to receive my copy of Star Ocean: The Second Story R this week, but there's nothing else for now.


PostPosted: November 13th, 2023, 9:50 am 
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More pure progress this week courtesy of the only new title not counting against the backlog due to having already beaten previous versions.

New Titles:
- Star Ocean: The Second Story R (PS5)*

- Beat and 100%'d New Super Mario U Deluxe: New Super Luigi U (Switch)
- Beat and 100%'d Wild Arms 2 (PS1C)
- Beat and 100%'d Kuroi Tsubasa (PS5)

With recording Wild Arms 2 done, I have plenty of time to get back to some longer titles on consoles for casual gaming, so I'm debating between Neptunia: Sisters vs. Sisters or Monochrome Mobius.

For handheld, I started up Disney Illusion Island and will be chilling with that as time permits.

May grab a few wish list games alongside Persona 5 Tactica this week.


PostPosted: November 20th, 2023, 11:17 am 
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Effectively broke even this week as I did pick up some wish list titles and received one game as a gift, but only a couple are counting against the backlog right now.

New Titles:
- Yohane the Parhelion: Blaze in the Deepblue (PS5)
- Alice Escaped! (PS5)*
- Neko Journey (PS5)*
- Silent Hope (Switch)
- Persona 5 Tactica (PS5)

- Beat and 100%'d Disney Illusion Island (Switch)

About halfway through Neptunia: Sisters vs. Sisters for casual console play and expect to finish it up this week since I have plenty of time. My original plan for handheld fell through as, while it's possible to still buy the Vita version of Romancing SaGa 3, it's effectively impossible to download it thanks to both Square-Enix and Sony (long story). So I'll likely start The House in Fata Morgana.

Nothing new on the horizon for this week off the top of my head, but anything could happen thanks to Black Friday sales.


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