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PostPosted: November 29th, 2005, 8:40 am 
Rank 5: Nimble Thief Rank 5: Nimble Thief
The Thread Necromancer
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Location: Out there. In that place. You know, with the "thing"
First, let me say this: I now know what it must be like to be a woman, for during the opening sequence I experianced multiple orgasims. Drool dripped slowly from the corner of my dumb and awestruck mouth. It was so beautiful I almost cried. A constant stream of "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!" ran broken record style through my head.

And then the game actualy started. I immedialty pounced on the options, because I like to have the Throw key combos on the shoulder buttons. (it's easier to press one button, than 3 to perform a throw, plus, it makes quick combos a snap) I rooted around the game and found the Story mode. There realy is no "true" arcade mode (at least not one that I have found...yet) Instead there is the "Quick Play" which is basicaly the Story mode with all the cut scenes removed.

The story mode is where its at though. The game allows you to chose your own adventure, by giving you a choice at the end of each match. You still ultimatly end up at the same place, but to see everything you must play through the story mode TWICE with each character.

I know what you want to know about though
Character Creation. It does indeed have this feature, and it is AMAZINGLY simple to bang out a character. Basicaly you chose a sex, a class, and what your character is going to look like, then once he or she is saved, you can chose which style the character will borrow from/ emulate.

I'll bod more later. I'm about ready to pass out from tired.


All Of The Above Statements Have Been Given The Staffmaster Seal of Approval. Have A Nice Day!!

PostPosted: November 29th, 2005, 8:43 am 
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yea. i got the game. the only parts i like about the game is the character creation and the Chronicles of the sword. man having wars is sweet....


PostPosted: November 30th, 2005, 7:07 pm 
Rank 6: Potent White Mage Rank 6: Potent White Mage
We didn't play twister mister
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Yeah yeah. Played it at my anime all-nighter.

It's quite an excellent game, but it goes on my Christmas list.;]

That and Makai Kingdom are the only two PS2 games I even desire at the moment.

I think I might get both though since the only other things on my list were the Mario Kart bundle and Animal Crossing DS with the wireless thingy. I might just use Christmas money to get those two games, if possible.:p

Nintendo ID: SuperOrangeGamer

PostPosted: December 1st, 2005, 7:02 pm 
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im actually not all that impressed with the mechanics of battling on SC3 (its out here now!!!)

On SC2, i used to absolutely thrash everyone with Nightmare and Kilik, due entirely to the way you could effectively step around attacks.
But not any more. The third dimension is useless, because absolutely any attack is going to land you on your ass. Even vertical ones.
So now i've had to switch characters. Seung Mina is actually fantastically improved on SC3, and i do love her. Cervantes rocks, and i've developed a taste for Zasalamel.
The new modes are welcome, as is Rock. Its a great game, but i felt a little let down, as far as im concerned the 'step around' was the one thing separating the experts from button bashers.

At least i can block well. *sigh*

PostPosted: December 2nd, 2005, 12:11 am 
Rank 5: Nimble Thief Rank 5: Nimble Thief
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Location: Out there. In that place. You know, with the "thing"
Actualy, I'm still a bit miffed that that they keep leaving out the one thing that made me love SoulBLADE for the PSX. If you wailed on blocking characters enough they lost their weapons, and had to fight with out them. They would take damage even durring blocks, so the computer realy had to think about it before it just blocked everything you threw at it. It realy made the battles INTERESTING. Insted of just a race to get the health bars to 0, it added a bit of stratagey.
But yeah. Rock. ABOUT TIME! I didnt have a DC, was he in SoulCalibur 1? I know he was in SoulBlade...
I'm still a fan of Cassandra/Sopitia. They have some nice combos, but toward the end I have to complain; The game has a very steep learning curve. I tend to think this game is for the returning Soul Calibur player. Not a novice. there are some battles where all I do is get mauled by the computer. Heh. Actualy, Soul Blade was kind of like that. :p
I still like Voldo, and he still had my favorite fighting game move. ^_^ You know that throw where he impales you on his spinning Katars, and then tosses you up in the air while he does a back flip? OHHHH YEAH...8) I actualy chose him first, and beat Abyss WITH 2 MOVES. (I got a ring out, I was lucky though.) Ring out's are still my prefered meathod of victory. Now even MORE. @_@ (game =HARD)


All Of The Above Statements Have Been Given The Staffmaster Seal of Approval. Have A Nice Day!!

PostPosted: December 5th, 2005, 7:36 pm 
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*remembers the rage of being ringed out by a battered character*

the best on SC2 was Link, he could auto ringout with a throw. It was the simplest win ever.


PostPosted: December 10th, 2005, 11:06 pm 
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I can't wait to get the game! I have Soul Calibur II for Gamecube and beat it completely. My best is Nightmare! Souls! Need more souls!! :P

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PostPosted: December 11th, 2005, 2:35 pm 
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you mean:

'oh god hes on about the bloody souls again'.

and i really wnated the announcer to be a playable character, just so i could STAB him.

PostPosted: December 11th, 2005, 4:39 pm 
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Hahaha. That would be hilarious.

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PostPosted: December 11th, 2005, 7:30 pm 
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'a hero desires a sword, and a swor-



what are you doing, no...


*blood splatters*

PostPosted: December 12th, 2005, 6:43 pm 
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Haha. They killed you. They need to...they need to....Ahh! I am transforming again! Ruahah! Souls! Need more souls!! Feed me all of your bloody souls so I can rule the planet!!
*Wow, that's a good deal for us...*

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PostPosted: December 13th, 2005, 7:37 pm 
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*sheer tide of chattering drags me down*

nightmare does rock.

especially when you run towards them and use the vertical attack.


PostPosted: December 14th, 2005, 6:46 pm 
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Ya. That is the move I keep using over and over again on my oppenent until they say: "Dang! Let me freakin' move!!" Since their character can't move when they are on the ground being beat continuously by a sword.

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PostPosted: December 15th, 2005, 2:34 pm 
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rolling backwards works most often, but not often enough...

also cervantes.

its just using that 'teleport land on your face' thing...

ohhh yeah.

PostPosted: December 16th, 2005, 9:48 pm 
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Ya. I also like to do his grab...he sticks his sword into their stomach and then takes them out.....amazing the character being attacked ia alive.....very unlife-like..... :P

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