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PostPosted: November 10th, 2012, 11:48 am 
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"The worst pokemon."
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So last night Ix, Insultobot, and I were playing in some BL2 and we got talking about the 360 controller. There's a certain someone else who lives in my home who has a bad habit of using their thumb nail to move the analog stick instead of the flat of her thumb. This has resulted in analog pads that are scratched to hell and back. I've already changed out four of them.

Insult mentioned that there are these adapters that I could get instead of replacing the sticks (which I couldn't really as I am kind of out of them now). See: ... -SNIPR.asp

I got to thinking though, Sony has the best controller of like... all time. The analog sticks are convex, the d-pad is actually a d-pad and not some unusable disc. So I found one of my busted PS3 controllers and took it apart. Lo and behold, it attached to the board the exact same way a 360 controller does! So I hastily ripped apart my frankentroller and got the sticks in. I threw the controller back together and booted up some BL2... and unfortunately, it didn't feel very good. It felt like the stick wasn't quite able to lean all the way and it didn't have that little click sound when you slam it to the side quickly... because it wasn't hitting the neck of the stick. It was stopping on the underside of the pad. So this was not going to work.

UNTIL... I pulled up on the stick. It slid to the top of the shaft and it actually worked wonderfully. But I couldn't press RS or LS because they would sink back to their unusable positions. But then I had an idea. I grabbed a pair of screws from the PS3 controller I took apart. And then I tried to screw it down into the actual shaft the analog stick sits on:


And once I screwed it down and got the analog sticks back on them, it was perfect! I messed around in BL2 some more and everything felt natural. Even more so now that I had a convex analog pad.


So now frankentroller, aside from having an actual d-pad, has PS3 analog sticks. I'm fairly sure you could do this to your 360 controllers with PS2 analog sticks as well. And if you can, I'd highly recommend it. It's free, and it makes a huge difference.

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PostPosted: November 10th, 2012, 5:14 pm 
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That's awesome!

I'm probably going to do this. But some games require clicking down on them. Is this still a function of the controller?


PostPosted: November 10th, 2012, 5:36 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Absolutely. I've been in Blazblue for the past hour playing with this. Out of all the games I own, this is probably the one where controller reaction has to be spot on. Clicking down on RS and LS work perfectly. I also jumped in BL2 for a bit as well.

Though in my testing, I did notice something. The right stick caught on the casing for the RB button. I had to pull it back out and drimmel it down a bit, but now I've got full rotation on both sticks and RS and LS work just as perfectly as the 360 sticks.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

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