So I went to the store today to pick up some more juice as I was running out, apparently not knowing it's not normal to just buy juice without the intention to use it in a mixed drink, Hunch Punch, as the check out attendant so eloquently put it. Also her first guess at my age after I told her I don't like drinking alcohol, was 16. So I corrected her, "No, I'm 23.". I find it funny how unusual it is to find someone who is of legal drinking age (or not apparently) who doesn't like drinking. I would think it would be more unusual to find someone who likes the taste of liquid fermented wheat. Guess it's just me.
So yeah, who knew just going to the grocery store to pick up juice could involve so much. And I'm sure I'll like this people thinking I'm around 7 years younger than I am later in life, but for now it's just really wierd, and sucks I get carded for everything. Luckily I don't like drinking or smoking or that would be more of a hassle. Of course if I am going to drink something it's going to be shots, cause alcohol has a horrendous flavor, so if I'm going to drink it I want it over quick.
So inspired by this tale I'm curious if anyone else has had similar interesting or funny run ins with store clerks at the checkout line.
_________________ はじめまして。真(しん)の冷静(れいせい)です。どうぞよろしく。 hajimemashite. shinno reisei desu. douzoyoroshiku. Are you prepared? Do you believe in the Coolness? Well either way check it out.