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PostPosted: September 8th, 2020, 8:45 pm 
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Initial Impression

Good stuff:

  • Menus are pretty bare bones.
  • Relatively easy to navigate.
  • Graphics are nice: HD and Widescreen.
  • Relatively good variety of map tiles / sprites.
  • Custom character maker (from presets), still good!
  • You have pre-made party/item/enemies to work with.
  • 1st person AND side view battle system.

Bad Stuff:

  • Menus are pretty bare bones...!
  • Can be tedious to navigate.
  • Sprites are small, even for my new 65inch TV.
  • Quick keys are not possible.
  • You cannot begin with a completely blank slate.
  • Meaning, manually deleting any unwanted things.
  • Unable to preview title screen from editor.
  • ALWAYS have to view the title screen for test play!
  • Too easy to exit out of some menus without saving!
  • No custom sprites or title screen.
  • No DLC... yet.


I spent about 5 (or more) hours tinkering with this thing. There a lot of stuff here, but I'm still not sure MV has some of the options I'd like, such as making a character/object blink (appear/disappear rapidly).

Making maps seems to be slow work and I'm not familiar with the different tilesets, but I'm sure I'll get better.

I haven't worked out the weapons/magic/enemies/items and such. MV gives you some presets kind of like RM2, so I deleted a few and left ones that I may want to refer to later.

I successfully made 3 very small maps that are functioning almost like I want them to. Was able to get some fancy screen transitions, sound effects, and events working.

There are some things that seem to have worked better in RM1 and RM2. It'll take some getting used to.

Overall, not a lot of gameplay completed, but I feel I learned a lot about how MV works in a short period of time.

More updates to come...

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

Last edited by shawnforbes on September 9th, 2020, 2:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: September 9th, 2020, 2:39 am 
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  • Parts of the map(?) and icons sometimes disappear while editing.
  • MUST reload area (select anther, then back) to fix.
  • Don't reduce map size if Events end up off screen.
  • Events (seem to be) lost and undo may not fix(?)


  • I forced an Event to blink while moving.
  • While setting a value, press X to type exact #.
  • (Number pad shows on screen, faster than Up/Down.)

(?) = Requires further testing to confirm.

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: September 10th, 2020, 2:41 am 
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  • Glitch Check, as mentioned before: Editing icons remained. (Still might need to keep an eye on it, though.)
  • Copy/paste Map = Press & Hold X: Select Area: Press A to place
  • Press B to Delete 1 square of Map: One layer only, must Delete each layer independently.
  • Was able to make more than one Event move simultaneously, what else is possible?
  • Common Events = Kind of like Call Scripts in RM2 = Use similar script for multiple Events.
  • Can test 1 line of Code from within the Editor to see result, but doesn't always work = It depends on what you're testing.


  • Glitch Check, as mentioned before: Map did seem to disappear once.
  • Confirmed: Events are lost if forced off screen by reducing Map size. (Tried to Undo, but didn't seem to work!)
  • Making a Blinking Event is tedious, there should've just been an option for it... Like RM1 and RM2....!
  • "Snap-To" Events = Search EXACT Event Name: Confirms if it exists + location. Cannot go to / open Event from this menu.
  • No quick Event list.
  • Cannot name Edited/Created Character model.
  • Cannot remove human ears / make true animal ears! (Although, you can cover MALE characters with a Ninja Mask, then add animal ears.)
  • Cannot use ALL options for male and female characters!
  • Some default Character Models cannot be created!
  • Default Animal Characters don't have Side-View Battle images/actions!
  • No Intro Event(?) = Must use Event on Map
  • Constant Clock = Creation time always displayed... Mocking me at how many hours I've taken to make only a few things work.
  • Cursor starts in weird place on Map, not where it was previously. Seems to like to appear on the very top left / lower right of the Map.
  • No Quick Save on Test Play?!?
  • Cannot delete Test Play Game Save Data?!? Even within the Switch System Data Management...!
  • Speech Bubbles are preset graphics only.
  • No fast way to navigate lists. (Like RM1 and RM2.)
  • Special Effect animations have built-in sound effects that cannot be changed. UPDATE (See newer post.)
  • Cannot Copy / Paste Commands between Events.
  • Cannot Copy / Paste multiple Events.
  • No Duplicate Events.
  • No Take Over command(?). (It may be possible to move from one Event Page / Code within an Event, but needs further testing to confirm.)
  • That F*&%ING Title Screen!!!!! Why do I always have to look at you in order to Test Play?!?!? It's one more step I don't need!
  • (In fact, it's THREE steps because I Saved a Test Play, now I have to wait for the Title, Press Up, then Select New Game...!!! AAAAHHHH!!!!!!)

Current Impression:

Seems this is going to take A LOT of getting used to. I'm not liking the amount of negatives - things I can't do - that I keep finding. The coolest thing I've done is make a door open (animated). It may not sound like much, but it took 2 different Events animating simultaneously to look right.

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

Last edited by shawnforbes on September 12th, 2020, 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: September 11th, 2020, 3:52 pm 
Rank 3: Studying Black Mage Rank 3: Studying Black Mage
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  • There seems to be daily rewards for entering the User Created Games section: Day 1 - ME Sound Effect, Day 2 - Sound Effect, Day 3 - Horse Picture?, Day 4 - Battle Background, Day 5 - Battle Background, Day 6 - Title Picture, Day 7 - Title Picture, Day 8 - Cat Picture?, Day 9 - Panda Picture?, Day 10 - Background Sound.
  • I've made some progress with Map creation.
  • I like that you can choose if a Tile is non-passable, walkable, or appears over the character (as if they're walking behind it).


  • Tilesets feel too limiting, why can't I just have access to ALL the assets and pick and choose the ones I like. I'm literally using one titleset just for a particular tree and nothing else. I'll probably just not use that type of tree to allow more variety of tiles. Plus, many of the titlesets look way too similar. I'm really missing the flexibility of RM1 and especially RM2.


It's too early to say for certain, but the project I had in mind many not work out. If not, I'll start one that works within the limitations of MV.


I haven't experimented with Battles, but I'm hoping I can restrict them to certain areas, like RM1.

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: September 12th, 2020, 10:35 pm 
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  • CAN change Animation/Special Effect Color, Duration and Sound Effect. Similar to RM1, yet animations be used anywhere - in or out of battles and on character/event!
  • I made a Random Battle System that bypasses Game Over, but it's using Common Events and Region.


  • No Sample Game??
  • No option to view Tutorial again?!?
  • Cutting/Pasting Events removes their name and reverts it to a Default.
  • Cannot mass Cut/Paste or Delete Map/Events.
  • No Warning message when overwriting Game Save Data.
  • GLITCH: Battle Commands disappeared during Test Play.
  • GLITCH: Button/Movement didn't always register!
  • (For Glitches, had to close MV and start again from Switch Menu.)


I asked them about DLC for the Nintendo Switch version and the Starter Pack for PS4.

They said they were not planning any DLC!!!!

(But keep checking their Twitter for updates...)


Anyone know how to force the actual Default Random Battles to NOT go to Game Over when the Party is Defeated? I tried several Conditions in the Troop Menu and nothing worked.

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: September 14th, 2020, 10:12 am 
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shawnforbes wrote:

Anyone know how to force the actual Default Random Battles to NOT go to Game Over when the Party is Defeated? I tried several Conditions in the Troop Menu and nothing worked.

I'm sure there's a way to do this, but in a test I just ran, it's kind of a pain in the ass to do with default random battles. I would say you're better served creating evented random enemies that you can put on the map (like the Tales of series or Mario RPG). At the very least you'd have more control over things in this regard. I would consider looking at other forums and asking how you could do this for the default system. I haven't touched RPG Maker in a long time, as most of us here have not as well. Sorry I can't be of more help.


PostPosted: September 16th, 2020, 8:41 pm 
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  • During Editing: Press R3 place/paste Title "as is" without affecting other tiles.
  • Can make Character/Event Ghost (partial transparency).
  • Can move Event to specific spot (x/y coordinates) = It immediately moves to that spot.


  • No Warning to SAVE, when changes have been made, if you select "[Return to] Main Menu".
  • Cannot move (WALKING) Character/Event to specific spot (x/y coordinates). Meaning, you must move Character/Event 1 space at a time.
  • Limit to how many spaces you can move a Character/Event within one Movement Command List. Meaning, if the amount of moves exceeds the limit, you must create more than one Moment Command List.
  • GLITCH: Deleted 1 Code within Editor resulted in multiple Codes being Deleted. (Eventually it stopped - Loaded another Map, then returned - However, I'm not sure if that was what made it stop.)

NISAmerica@NISAmerica (via Twitter):

"Update on RPG Maker MV: The patch for the Nintendo Switch version has been fixed and is available now. If you have already downloaded the DLC, please erase the DLC and install the patch first. You may then re-download the DLC."


If you visit Nintendo's Online Store ( ... mv-switch/), you'll see the RPG Maker Starter Set as "Individual DLC". HOWEVER, you cannot download it from the website, Nintendo Switch, or within MV itself.

I've sent them another message via Twitter and we'll see what they say about that, if anything.

It seems questionable that I asked them about this DLC and they denied there way anything coming, but then they announce it days later.


"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: September 18th, 2020, 5:20 pm 
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I contacted Nintendo directly and informed them about the RPG Maker MV DLC download issue. Conincidence or not, the DLC became available within a few hours.


Visit the Nintendo E-Shop from the Switch Menu or from within RPG Maker MV itself:

Individual DLC
RPG Maker MV Starter Set
Free download

Contains special materials necessary to raise your game to the next level! It even includes items to help enrich map design and story.

・Tile sets for map creation x 10
・Face graphics x 16
・SV battle characters x 8
・Character sprites x 16
・Character sprites (3 faces) x 48
・Character bust-ups x 8
・Character bust-ups with expression x 8
・Title images x 16
・Distant-view image x 14
・Near-view image x 11

・BGM x 14
・BGS x 19
・ME x 9
・SE x 20

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: September 24th, 2020, 10:09 pm 
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  • More daily rewards for logging into the Maker Forum (game download section): I got through 1 page of rewards (about 12?) and there was another page. These rewards include graphics and music which become unlocked to be used within a game. Unsure how many pages of rewards there are.
  • I've successfully created 2 complete Maps. During which I'm adding Events.
  • Making use of Common Events to save memory. (Actually, I have no idea what MV's memory limit is.)


  • No Gold amount as Event Page Condition. However, it can be used as a Event Command Condition.

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: October 2nd, 2020, 11:45 pm 
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  • I continue to become more efficient at navigating the system, menus and Event Codes.

  • While editing a Map, I found that it was not in the list order I wanted, so copied and deleted it, then pasted it back in the correct position. As an example, I deleted it from the 4th position on the list and placed it in the 3rd position.

    What was good about this is that I didn't have to change any Events that moved the Player from one place to this specific Map. Basically, MV knew where the Map had been moved to.

    In RM1 and RM2, this would have resulted in editing any "Move to Map" commands to reflect the Map's new position on the list.


  • GLITCH: MV's main title screen glitched out and was filled with random tiles. Unsure if this would affect the game because I closed MV and returned to the Switch menu.


I thought it might be interesting to document my creation progress, along with some commentary and upload it to YouTube.

Since very few people outside of the RPG Maker community would view these videos, I figured it wouldn't spoil things too much. Even though I wanted to keep my project a surprise, I'm guessing most people here would have some idea of what I'm up to.

Any thoughts, community members?

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: October 6th, 2020, 6:59 pm 
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RPG Maker MV keeps crashing!!! It has done this at least 15 times in a row. I have no idea exactly what causes it, but it seems to happen when: Entering Test Play, Editing Events and Copying/Pasting Events. This is vary serious and I've sent a Tweet to NISA. However, when I said there were problems (glitches) before, they said to go to their "Discord Server". If anyone knows what they're talking about, please report this issue.

My suggestion is to Save often!!! But don't pick "Save and Test Play" just in case. Save, then select Test Play after it's done.

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: October 17th, 2020, 3:34 pm 
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(Nintendo Switch)

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PostPosted: October 18th, 2020, 10:24 pm 
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Now that I've announced what I'm working on, I'm interested in getting some feedback or suggestions on how to improve the gaming experience.

For those who didn't watch the video, it's an updated and improved version of Defenders Of Light.

Originally, I thought of making (more) changes to the PlayStation version, but MV will make things more in line with what I envisioned.

    Here are some of the ideas I'm entertaining:

    1) Improved bosses.

    2) Battle system - Side-view default. (If I can make a more active battle system, with on-screen enemies, I might do that.) As before, battles could be turned off during game play.

    3) Better indication of where to use Abilities.

    4) Ability Dude will offer optional instructions on where/how to use Abilities.

    5) Inventory reference to track collected items.

    6) Allowing player ability to Warp To... any previously visited area with Magic, making it possible to Warp at any time.

    7) Reintroducing multiple endings depending on how may Lights you've collected.

    8) Story Mode: Added character dialogue.

    9) In-game Hints: I'll be including instructions, as I did before. However, this option would add pop-up messages explaining items/objects when you interact with them for the first time.

    10) Ultra secret ending bonus... TBA...!

Are there features you'd like to see?

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: October 28th, 2020, 1:43 am 
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  • Made a lot of progress, I'm now filling levels with collectables.
  • Adding lots of fancy special effects and new features.
  • Continue to conserve memory by using the least amount of steps possible.
  • Actually, the memory seems unaffected by what I'm doing. Maybe it's based on how much storage space I have on my Switch?


  • GLITCH: MV continues to crash constantly! While working on one event, MV crashed every time I made a slight change and test played, which was around 10 times! Fortunately I continue to save on the regular.

    The game designers should be ashamed of themselves for releasing such a broken product!! I'm going to try and catch it happening on video and post it to my YouTube channel. I really hope this is something that they can AND WILL patch/fix soon!!!!

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: November 11th, 2020, 1:11 am 
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  • I completed all the maps some time ago and just finished populating them with collectables today.
  • Ability use locations are also completed, but visual / special effects need to be finalized.
  • Game instructions and beginning cut scenes done.

I'm legitimately surprised on my learning curve with MV, it took a little over 2 months to get to the point I'm at.

Most of Defenders has been recreated, with some improvements.

I've already pushed MV to its limits with some of the things I've done.

I am by no means an expert, however my experience with RM1 and RM2 no doubt accelerated this process.

Now, would I recommend MV?

No. At least, not the Switch version.

It's too buggy and limited, I imagine the PC version is more stable and versatile.

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: December 21st, 2020, 1:48 am 
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I've been taking a month long break from RPG Making mainly because I was literally dreaming about RM "coding". I figured I needed a break, so I'll most likely pick it up again in the new year.

Meanwhile, I completed Origami King. It was rather easy and relatively short, all things considered. Maybe I'll try to finish Color Splash, which I gave up on long ago.

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: January 28th, 2021, 8:41 pm 
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No updates, I haven't done anything.
Maybe I've lost interest in this RM...
Probably because it crashes unexpectedly all the time!
...Sigh... I'll return to it, I suppose, sometime soon.

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: March 28th, 2021, 6:39 pm 
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So... I still haven't worked on anything.
I might get back into it... some day.
However, I just picked up Dreams (PS4)!
I intend to buy a PS5 and start working on a Defenders game.
The idea is that it would be more like RM2 Defenders.

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: April 22nd, 2021, 9:45 pm 
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Started up MV again:


  • All Character designs finalized
  • All Character Select Menus
  • All level collectables placed
  • All Ability use locations created
  • First boss


  • Finalizing Abilities - how they look and special effects
  • Second boss
  • Character Select Spot locations to Character Select Menu
  • Character Save and Cut-scene dialogue
  • Help / Hint text for various situations

MV on Switch still crashes way too much and I doubt it'll be fixed!

"It is better to have an open ear than an open mouth."

PostPosted: June 18th, 2021, 12:04 am 
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I'm going to make a video of the intro soon.


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