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PostPosted: December 28th, 2008, 11:56 pm 
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Let's just skip to the chase. We all have theories why few of us are bothering with other RPGM games. Here we settle this once and for all. Why aren't you playing those other games? Or, alternatively, why are you playing them but not leaving any comment whatsoever? I mean, at the very least, acknowledgement that you played that person's game would be nice. (Again I point to Karr's game, a clear case of people not saying anything.)

My reason (and maybe the most common reason) is I'm working on my own game. I've only got three PS1 memory cards, all three taken up by my game, and it's a bit of a mess trying to back them up and swap them out for other games.

However, that's not a good excuse, as it leaves out RPGM2, RPGM3, RMXP and RMVX games. I've got the space for an RPGM2 or RPGM3 file, and no need to worry about backing them up. The only real hassle would be the 15-minute wait that would be enforced by my Max Drive, and I could always find something to do while I wait. And as for RMXP and RMVX games, I just need to download their RTPs and I'm set. This 250Gig hard drive has plenty of space. And no matter what, I do have the free time to play these games. So why am I not playing them?

Well, I guess part of it is almost none of the games I p/reviewed here were good. I still feel like I'll be needing to get it set up in p/review format, even though I can just say what springs to mind freestyle. And I still want to do a video p/review someday, which I can't because I've currently got no way to really do that. ...Actually that's not entirely true. I've still got a VCR. Low-quality as it might be, I could always record what I want on tape and then play it to my computer at a later date.

So that settles it. I have no good excuse to not play somebody's game. Besides, I don't have to restrict myself to certain games like I did as a p/reviewer. I can pick the best-sounding of the bunch. And maybe whatever I play will provide some nice inspriation towards my own game.

So there's my non-excuses. What about the rest of you? :P

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 12:02 am 
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PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 12:17 am 
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1- Lack of interest. I mean, when Insultobot gave me a dexdrive, it really motivated me to finish (or should I say actually start?) my own game. And I did play a few demos and games, but then I just stopped. I don't remember why, but I did. I even lend my friend my PS2, and that was MY excuse for a while.

2- Lack of time. When interest came back, I just didn't have the time. For maybe a month, I barely played non RPG Maker games.

My current excuse? I don't have one. I just didn't think about it until a few days ago. That's why I decided I'll start playing RM games after finishing my first scenario card of my game.

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PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 12:29 am 
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My main excuse has been school. A monster of a mess there. However, even I have managed to play other people's games some.

But I figure that people have come to expect this from me. If the leader of one of the sites isn't playing games, then who should, am I right?

Then you add in that I have to do site maintenance, add new site features and actually add compelling content (issues and digests don't make themselves!), and I'm significantly busier than most of you in the community, at least when it comes to the community.

Not that it's a bad thing. If I didn't enjoy, I wouldn't do.

But think about that when you're too lazy to give someone some input. :p


PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 12:50 am 
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Well, I’m pretty swamped already. I have a few different games in production and I’m in a groove. Never distract yourself from a solid groove! And I’m working on a contest entry. I’ve pretty much played most RPGM3 games that interested me. For the most part I left some comments. Some more then others. I am guilty of leaving more comments on the games I enjoyed and sometimes none on the ones I didn’t.

Times not really a factor. Recently I haven’t played too many games. I have played a few RPGM 1 games. For the most part I’ve played games made by people that aren’t around anymore. Such as Nano-Bot. I started The Alorian Saga, but never finished. Started Cursed Desires and really enjoyed it. Up until the game breaking glitch. I have no excuse other then laziness not to tell Von. I didn’t want to start over. Once my groove slows down I’ll get to playing a few. My biggest problem is I start a game with the intent of finding inspiration. Then I find it and start working on my game and don’t go back. It’s something I need to work on.


PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 1:02 am 
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RPGMXP-I don't know how to find it/use it/install it, etc. and I use my girlfriends computer so it wouldn't be convenient to play plus it interests me the least. I would play XP games to support community members but with respect to the RPGM software itself, it doesn't interest me at all like the console software does.

RPGM1-I would love to play RPGM1 but I don't have a Dexdrive and since the library is so big, I wouldn't know where to start.

RPGM2-I can't get my freakin disc to work anymore.

RPGM3-I actually played (or at least sampled a decent number) of games and demos a few months ago. I focused mostly on games by those active in the forums. My goal is to try every single Mag game on RPGM3 at some point. Lately unfortunately, real world priorities preclude me from seriously attempting to chip at the list. Also, I have been strongly motivated to continue making my own games. I expect, however, to commence playing community RPGM3 games within the next few weeks.

EDIT: Let me say one other thing about RPGM3 games. I kind of don't want to play other peoples games to see that they are doing something that I thought of to lose motivation UNLESS I can play everyone's game to know what is out there first (and therefore what I don't need to bother contributing as new). But I don't have the time now, so I don't really want to chip away little by little (and then work on something that might not really be novel). I'd rather find a chunk of time to play most of the library and THEN see what is still worth making and work with that focus.

Modal Realms
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PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 11:53 am 
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Anonymous (Bo) wrote:
RPGM1-I would love to play RPGM1 but I don't have a Dexdrive and since the library is so big, I wouldn't know where to start.

1, Dexdrives are still easily obtainable from places like, and 2, that's what recommendations are for.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 12:00 pm 
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Draygone wrote:
Anonymous (Bo) wrote:
RPGM1-I would love to play RPGM1 but I don't have a Dexdrive and since the library is so big, I wouldn't know where to start.

1, Dexdrives are still easily obtainable from places like, and 2, that's what recommendations are for.

That's good to know about the Dexdrive. When I have some time/money I'll look into it but I hate buying things online especially if they are used.

Also, I'd accept recommendations but I'd be weary of favoritism especially if I am being recommended a game simply because someone really liked it when it is the only game he played. In other words, if someone played most of the games and could compare them to each other, then I might be up for a recommendation as to what I myself would like.

Modal Realms
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PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 1:10 pm 
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You guys are getting pretty aggressive lately with all these new topics about motivation to make games, play others' games, and give feedback. What's the occasion?

I guess I'll finally get brave and place all my cards on the table. It's not a straight flush. More like a pair of twos, a three, a jack, and a seven. :lol This is probably going to sound really bad and further alienate me from the community, but... whatever. I'm going to separate this into two sections.

Others Playing My Game

1. I don't care anymore. I've given up.

Playing Others' Games

1. Disappointment. I have a habit of believing that others are better than me, smarter than me, more talented, and dog-gonnit, more gifted. I'm almost invariably disappointed when the opposite turns out to be true. I hear folks talking about their games and stuff, and I think, "Wow! This is gonna totally blow away anything that I'm doing! It's gonna be totally awesome!" Then I download it, load it up, and... "Umm... What happened to this totally awesome thing he was talking about? This is it?" My expectations were a bit too high because of the hype and because I went in believing that it would effortlessly trump my own stuff. I know, this sounds really bad and egotistical. But I don't want to be the best. It's lonely at the top. There's nothing to see, nowhere to go. I want to see someone do something that's gonna blow me away. Until recently, my experiences with others' games have mostly been disasters because the author built it up in my mind to a point where I was expecting something much better than what I got. It's "Star Wars Episode 1 Syndrome". I've been working on this, lowering my expectations when I download a new game.

2. RPGs are so similar to each other. One reason why I was so enamored with "Who Did This!?" is because it's so different from anything I would do. It's fresh talent that I was very happy to see, and there really is no comparison. It's a different style of talent that I appreciate. It's not an RPG. We need more of this.

3. Egomania. I think that some people are so full of themselves that they don't really need any help from me. Not naming any names. Just sayin'. I don't feel like it's really necessary that I play it and hand out glowing praise. The author already thinks he's the shiznit. Why bother? It would just be redundant. Also, some "shiznit" projects have been built up so much in my mind that I'm probably bound to be disappointed when I eventually do give it a try.

4. I have RPG Maker 3 and 2. RM2 is... umm... my dog ate it! No, it's still shrinkwrapped. Lack of interest in RM2 for the moment (I've seen so much bad press on it). I don't have RM1. There's a disproportionate amount of RM1 activity here at the Mag, and that leaves me out of a majority of what goes on here.

5. There is no number 5.

6. I don't like regular RPGs. If this were "tactical game maker", I'd be all over it. I'd love to see a homemade "Shining Force" or "X-Com: UFO Defense". Almost anything tactical, I'm on it. My enthusiasm for more conventional gameplay is considerably less.

7. I've decided that I don't much like RPG Maker 3. It's very uncreative. Every game looks alike, featuring the same dopey special effects during battles, same cast of townspeople inhabiting towns with the same buildings, dungeon interiors with floors and walls that all look alike, same background music, and same inventory of items and objects that can be visibly displayed. The only opportunity for designing something that's going to be truly unique is the field editor. That aside, the only thing that's going to set one game apart from another is the layouts of the environments, unique features that the author invented, and liberal use of deco to make the environments look interesting. A standard, run-of-the-mill RPG ain't gonna cut it. The standardized formula has to go (fields, towns, dungeons, experience, level-grinding). We need stuff that's outside the box. That's what makes "Who Did This!?" stand out. No fields, inventive use of the town motif for locations that aren't towns, inventive use of deco, dungeons are mostly used to augment the premade interiors of houses and buildings (or in some cases, replace them). Nice custom battle system. No level grinding. It doesn't fit the standard mold, and that's what makes it so good.

Yes, I know, my stuff tends to fit the standard mold for the most part. While there isn't any experience or level grinding, it's just more of the same drivel we've already seen. Eventually, I'd like to follow in Bo's footsteps and do some stuff that's outside the box. It's gonna be a while before I head in that direction, though. I wanted to get the "more of the same" crap out of my system first and then go outside the box. Maybe not the best of ideas.

In closing, my expectations for talent have been too high, some authors don't appear to need my help, and the standard mold has to go.

But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

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PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 1:46 pm 
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ive played and commented on a ton of games, but i only play rpg maker 1 games and then i do it in spurts.

i should make more of a concerted effort to comment on what i have played. i have several games waiting to be played that i dled last month but havent found time to get through them.

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PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 1:51 pm 
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Let's see...

One thing is I haven't the memory cards, and this affects why I haven't played Karr's game yet. I have 4 memory cards. One is reserved for other games and one for my upcoming project, which leaves 2 for anything else, and Karr' game takes three memory cards. Bit of a drag.

Another reason is my computer is in my closet for space reasons, and it's the only way to get dexdrive saves. I have to pull it out, plug everything in, start it up, get the info I need, and put it all back away.

But that doesn't affect the real reason I don't play other people's games. I think a big one is quality. I've played some games that I absolutely love (Mencara Revelle, A Work in Progress), some that are more middle ground, and some horrible titles (Way of Peace comes to mind...ugh...what a mess).

Although I said quality has a big part in it, I don't know why I don't play other's games.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 2:01 pm 
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you only need one card to play any game. you just have to run between your computer and the console. if you dont feel so inclined then just copy every sprite over to the sys card and leave out some sprites (leave out the van and xiko and they will fit on two cards).

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PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 2:48 pm 
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You guys are getting pretty aggressive lately with all these new topics about motivation to make games, play others' games, and give feedback. What's the occasion?

The site seemed like it was dying. Sure, we've got the regular discussion forums, but it's pretty clear that this place is meant to be an RPG Maker place, first and foremost.

3. Egomania. I think that some people are so full of themselves that they don't really need any help from me. Not naming any names. Just sayin'. I don't feel like it's really necessary that I play it and hand out glowing praise. The author already thinks he's the shiznit. Why bother? It would just be redundant. Also, some "shiznit" projects have been built up so much in my mind that I'm probably bound to be disappointed when I eventually do give it a try.

In which case, they could use their egos knocked down a peg or two. Especially me. Do you have any idea what it's like having works that do not have any bad reviews at all? 'Tis why I requested Jester's Hunt get feedback from somebody who's not likely to like it. In any case, simple acknowledgement that you played the game would still be nice.

4. I have RPG Maker 3 and 2. RM2 is... umm... my dog ate it! No, it's still shrinkwrapped. Lack of interest in RM2 for the moment (I've seen so much bad press on it). I don't have RM1. There's a disproportionate amount of RM1 activity here at the Mag, and that leaves me out of a majority of what goes on here.

Better than the current amount of RPGM2 activity, at least. Sorry, just talking to myself on this one. Personally, I think RPGM2 is better than people make it out to be, and I'm gonna enjoy making Jester's Hunt 2 on it. It just happens to be really difficult to learn.

Another reason is my computer is in my closet for space reasons, and it's the only way to get dexdrive saves. I have to pull it out, plug everything in, start it up, get the info I need, and put it all back away.

Lemme guess. You made this post at the library.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 3:25 pm 
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I made it at my home, actually. What does that have to do with anything anyway?

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 3:28 pm 
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Wait, so you'll get your computer out to chat here but not to use the DexDrive? :P

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 3:36 pm 
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Ah, I see where you're going with this. My apologizes

My windows 98 (the one in the closet right now) is used mainly for backup purposes and old old games. I use a laptop Mac to browse the internet and everything else, and to come here.

So if I pull out my old Win98, I'm only using it to backup my files or upload information, where it then goes back to the closet. I would have it hooked up all the time, but my entertainment setup doesn't have three extra plugs to hook everything up. I have to remove plugs from other devices to make room for the computer, and then plug them all back in. They aren't easy to get to, either. Combine that with what I said earlier about actually hooking everything up.....

In short, it's a hassle. A hassle I would like to experience as little as possible.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


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PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 4:07 pm 
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@ The Xix

Sense you feel that way you should give Evil Fantasy a try. It's similer to "Who Did This" in style. I'm just really curious as to what you would think.

@ Draygone

I just downloaded Jester's Hunt. I'll tell you what I think and I'll be a bit more critical then normal. You have to take into acount people generally aren't going to rip apart someones games unless you ask them to.


PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 7:33 pm 
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@The Xix
Thanks for the compliments but I strongly disagree in one area. Star Wars Episode 1 was a fantastic movie. I've never understood the disappointment that I've heard from others about it.

About RPGM egos and disappointment: As far as I'm concerned with ego, all you can do is let people have them. Now if their game is good, I see no reason why you nor anyone in the community still shouldn't compliment them. This is a community and while it is not yours nor anyone else's responsibility to curb their ego and the way they talk to others based on their ego, it is our responsibility (if there is such a thing as having a responsibility just by being in a community) of treating them as we would anyone else regardless of whether we like them or not and regardless of whether they will get an even bigger head or not. One is being true to themselves by complementing others when their work warrants compliments regardless of external matters (like the ego of the person creating said work).

That having been said, I don't really know how egotistical people are being (at least not hear at the Mag). I've heard many people seem to claim that they have the greatest game ever or that they've pushed the limits, but I haven't heard anyone say that someone else's game was awful or insult another developer about their work. This to me is the really negative ego. So I invite all of you to simply not believe what other's claim about their own games and just see for yourself. They may genuinely see their game the way they do and others may genuinely see the games differently but we are all in this together. The only thing that we should expect from each other is support and celebration but not necessarily to be astounded and maybe that is why some of us don't play other's games, because their expectation for what they should be getting out of them is the same as what they expect to get from a professional game which is in my opinion a doomed approach.

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PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 8:32 pm 
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maybe that is why some of us don't play other's games, because their expectation for what they should be getting out of them is the same as what they expect to get from a professional game which is in my opinion a doomed approach.

Actually this is a big reason for me.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: December 29th, 2008, 10:45 pm 
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Draygone wrote:
maybe that is why some of us don't play other's games, because their expectation for what they should be getting out of them is the same as what they expect to get from a professional game which is in my opinion a doomed approach.

Actually this is a big reason for me.

Yeah, but don't you want to play community games simply because they are from fellow RPGMers?

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