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PostPosted: January 21st, 2008, 1:16 am 
Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage
At the Scumm Bar

  Level 50

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Alright, I have a very annoying problem regarding switches in RPG Maker 1. If I can't solve this problem than my game is dead.

I have 9 pages of this Rock graphic.

Page 1:

--Move Event 3 spaces left
--Switch 1 on

This repeats for the next 7 pages and it disappears in the 9th page. This whole event uses a total of 8 switches. The problem I'm encountering is that I want the event to reset back to page 1 when I leave the cave, but when I return and interact with it again, it activates the 8th page. Here's a clearer example.

After the Hero pushes the rock to it's 9th page, he decides to leave and returns later on. He attempts to push the rock again only to find out that it disappears after one push. Which means that the event activated at page 8 instead of page 1. Confusing? I hope not. I made sure to turn off switches on a take over event. Yet this problem seems inescapable.

Any advice?

PostPosted: January 21st, 2008, 1:31 am 
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are you using conditions? its a good idea to shut off your condition as you progress to each step. so page one has something that turns on switch 1, and switch 1 is the condition for activating page two. when you activate page two it will activate switch 2 and deactivate switch 1. this progress till your final step with the final page being a switch itself and making the graphic blank/no activation. at the exit points have it shut off all switches used in that dungeon, but make sure the shut off is before the move location or it wont count. you could even put it in the intro event to that dungeon if you feel like it.

if your event lands and stops on another event space so two events now occupy the same square, both events will be unactivatable except through take overs.

other then that you need to supply more information if i am to reproduce what your experiencing. if you want to send me what you have i can take a look at it myself and get back to you. im quite savvy with rpg maker 1.

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PostPosted: January 21st, 2008, 8:17 am 
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I'm unsure of the question. When you leave the cave and come back, do you want the event to start on page 1 or on page 8?

If you want it to start on page one, make the event for leaving the cave, and tell that event to turn off all of those 8 switches.

If you want it to start from page 8, You just need to make sure the switches stay active after leaving.

Also Karr. Doesn't RM1 read pages from highest to lowest? I mean if you had 3 pages, it would read page 3 first, then two, then 1. So deactivating conditions wouldn't really do anything.

Image Image Image Image

1) Statement 2 is true
2) Statement 1 is false

PostPosted: January 21st, 2008, 1:49 pm 
Rank 4: Fighter in Training Rank 4: Fighter in Training
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i fixed the problem last night for him. you have to be really careful when working with many switches that you dont forget to shut one off or forget to add an important one.

@facts: yes it reads from the last page and first but its good for switch conservation to shut off a switch not in use. its unnecessary but i found it especially helpful when checking hard sequences to know what switch should be on and see only that switch rather then 2 dozen switches jumbled in.

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