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PostPosted: April 7th, 2007, 5:03 pm 
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While I was working on the storyline of my game, I went through several possible ending scenes. However, some of the endings that I didn't select are still decent. Most of them start at the same time. I was thinking about making something available after you beat the game that allows you to select an ending from a list to view.

Still, there are questions I have:
1: Should it be available to everyone who finishes, no matter how they play?
2: Should I include commentary, and if so where?
3: Should the final battle be skipped, if the ending starts before it?
4: How interested would you be in seeing these alternate scenes?
5: Would you rather have a random one of these scenes played in the main game? (ie: the game picks one at random to play when you arrive)

Please comment at my RPG Design & Theory blog.

PostPosted: April 7th, 2007, 5:12 pm 
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1. My game will contain multiple endings, and I believe how you play the game should affect what ending you get.

2. Why would you need commentary? I don't really understand.

3. Well, if you follow what I say for question 1, the game could end before the final boss as many Castlevania games do for the bad endings.

4. I would be pretty interested.

5. I don't think that sounds like a good idea, I would rather have something where you have to think of how you play.

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1) Statement 2 is true
2) Statement 1 is false

PostPosted: April 7th, 2007, 5:16 pm 
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Hmm, not sure I've ever seen a game that lets you choose an ending when you beat it. Not sure how well that would work, but it'd be interesting nonetheless.

1) By 'it' do you mean the option for choosing endings? If the player finished the game, I don't see why you wouldn't allow them to use the option. I mean, that's how you get the option in the first place, isn't it?

2) Commentary of the ending, or commentary of the whole game? How would you pull off a commentary?

3) I wouldn't really call it the ending if you haven't fought the final boss, yet.

4) Interested.

5) Random would seem less... what's the word? As opposed to stopping the game to have the player choose which ending would occur. Unless the choice was based on a character's decision near the start of the ending, or shortly before the final battle.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: April 7th, 2007, 5:34 pm 
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facts in the chatroom wrote:
Okay, tell me what would happen when you get to the end of the game?

As an example, let's say this is Dragon Warrior 1. You play the game and finish the game as normal. Afterwards, you select different endings. Each of them would start with you entering the throne room. In one ending, you might step up to challenge the Dragonlord and lose, but then the spirit of Edrick revives you for battle. A different ending might have Gwaelin show up to fight with you. The Dragonlord could be defeated as normal, but survive the fight and have a change of heart. Each of them starts at essentially the same point (the throneroom), and each of them could fit in the game.

Draygone wrote:
2) Commentary of the ending, or commentary of the whole game? How would you pull off a commentary?

Commentary on the different endings, why I thought of them or why I didn't pick them. Just some text stuff, probably after it was played.

Please comment at my RPG Design & Theory blog.

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