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PostPosted: November 5th, 2006, 7:12 pm 
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I am also new here. I have been scanning both the RPG Maker 1 and 3 boards over on Gamefaqs, and I have RPG Maker 1. I am very interested in creating games. I can't say that I have any programming experience or advanced game designing. I am just trying to get a feel for RPG Maker 1, and hopefully become a better game creator. Maybe someday I'll put some of my works on this site.

Anyway, hello everyone and I hope to get to know you all better.

I have a few questions, and I'm not sure where to go for answers. Which board should I use?

For now I'll post my questions here, and if this isn't the right place or I decide I need a little more info I will post it in another topic. If this isn't the right place for questions, where are questions supposed to go?

Thanks for all help, here are my questions:

1] How can a make a door be "locked" and then you have to find a key or certain item to open it? I have tried so many things (page conditions, adding new pages, turn over events, everything) but I can't figure it out.

NOTE: I have figured it out, but I think there is an easier way. The way I have it is so that if you check the door without the key then it says "It's locked..." then after obtaining the key Switch 001 turn on with changes the door to now say "the key worked!" and then you go into the room. But there must be an easier way. Also, could I make it so that instead of just moving you to the room when you use the key the door will instead "open" by switching to an open graphic and then the player can manually walk in until they reach a certain spot (invisible event) which will send them to the room?

2] How can I make a person/guard be standing in a certain spot and when you walk in that person's line of sight they run over to you and a battle begins? (kind of like Metal Gear Solid)
I almost have it right, but you need to touch the guard to make the event start, and I can't get the guard to run over to you. I can only get the sound effect, exclamation mark, and battle to work.

3] How can I set up a day/night system so that as you play the game it slowly goes from day to night and back in a repeating fashion to give the illusion of actual time? I have heard many people do this, and it really adds a great effect so that you aren't always on day. It makes the game seem more realistic.

4] Would there be a way to set up a gardening system so that you can plant seeds and after a certain time period the seed would turn to a flower? To add more detail, maybe it could include watering the seed in order to start the event? I was thinking of doing a farming simulator so to speak where you grow plants and raise cattle etc. It may seem boring, but it would be endless play because not only are you planting and raising cattle but you there would be tons of mimi games and puzzles packed in. You earn money for things such as selling the cattle and plants and solving the puzzles, etc. Once you finally do run out of stuff to do, there would be a special area of the shop you can access where you can spend your money to buy rare items to unlock secret areas of the game, trophies, etc.

5] Where can I get a Dex Drive? Are there any stores I can get them from?

6] Can you help point me in the right direction as to how to use switches and understand page conditions and adding pages to events? I would need it so that you can plant a seed, then once you plant it you can water it, then once you water it it starts an event where it grows, then after it grows to a flower you have an event where you can pick the flower, and then you can sell it? I think if I could learn to do this then it would help me to understand switches?

7] How do I create shops and blacksmith? I kind of understand how to make an event where you could choose to buy something or not, first it would have a message like "Want to buy a cookie?" then you choose yes or no. If you choose yes then it would get 10 gold from you and add 1 cookie to your inventory, then say something like "Thanks!" If you choose no, then it would say something like "Oh, too bad...". But to make a shop I would want a menu of items and you can buy or sell, etc. How would I do all this?

8] Is RPG Maker 3 any good? I was thinking of getting it...

Thanks in advance! Sorry for all the questions, and sorry the questions might be confusing! Hmm


PostPosted: November 5th, 2006, 7:16 pm 
Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage
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i thought you already new these things ixzion? :?

oh and get rpgmaker 3 if you like graphics better than creation freedom.

PostPosted: November 5th, 2006, 7:35 pm 
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At the Scumm Bar

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Oops. I just made a topic about this and I didn't even notice yours. Thanks so much though!

Is there a way to delete my topic?

PostPosted: November 5th, 2006, 7:43 pm 
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Rainbow Crash
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Ixzion wrote:
1] How can a make a door be "locked" and then you have to find a key or certain item to open it? I have tried so many things (page conditions, adding new pages, turn over events, everything) but I can't figure it out.

NOTE: I have figured it out, but I think there is an easier way. The way I have it is so that if you check the door without the key then it says "It's locked..." then after obtaining the key Switch 001 turn on with changes the door to now say "the key worked!" and then you go into the room. But there must be an easier way. Also, could I make it so that instead of just moving you to the room when you use the key the door will instead "open" by switching to an open graphic and then the player can manually walk in until they reach a certain spot (invisible event) which will send them to the room?

1. You need to use a switch or an item. If you use an item called "Door Key", then the event needs 2 pages.

On page 1, you can have a message that says "Door locked." On page 2, in the Page Conditions, make it so that the player must have the "Door Key" item in order to start the event on page 2.

It should work then.

For the other part of the question, yes, it's possible to make the door open by just going into the Page Contents and using "Change Event Graphic". However, to keep the change (the door being open), you'd need create another Page and make a switch so that the 3rd page stays on.

It's overly complicated for something like that, which is why most games just let you do a Move Location when a player goes into a door.

2] How can I make a person/guard be standing in a certain spot and when you walk in that person's line of sight they run over to you and a battle begins? (kind of like Metal Gear Solid)
I almost have it right, but you need to touch the guard to make the event start, and I can't get the guard to run over to you. I can only get the sound effect, exclamation mark, and battle to work.

I've done this to a degree in my own game. However, I just concentrated on making a battle when you're in an enemy's sight. It's easier that way, imo.

It is possible to make it close, though. When the character walks on the appropriate event, that event needs a "Take Over" and the guard event would need to be linked to.

However, there's no option in the game to make an event move to the player, so you would need to use each event to judge where the player was and then use a Take Over make the guard move appropriately for each "vision event" for his vision range (so the guard would have as many pages as you have vision events, besides page 1).

It's a little complicated, but possible.

3] How can I set up a day/night system so that as you play the game it slowly goes from day to night and back in a repeating fashion to give the illusion of actual time? I have heard many people do this, and it really adds a great effect so that you aren't always on day. It makes the game seem more realistic.

A Day/Night system is possible, and there's a bunch of ways to do it.

A simple one could be done this way.

Set aside 4 switches. In the Intro Event of each area, make 4 pages (so you'll have a total of 5, if this is the first thing you're doing). Let's call these 4 switches Morning, Noon, Evening, and Night for our reference.

On Page 2 of the Intro Event, make the Morning switch the Page Condition. On Page 3, make Noon the Page Condition and so on.

Now, in Morning Page Contents, set the screen colors to reflect what "morning" looks like to you. After that, turn on the "Noon" switch and turn off the "Morning" switch. Keep doing the same thing for the other pages.

So, when your character goes to another area and the Intro Event is set like this, the screen's colors will change to reflect that it's "Noon".

It's nice.

4] Would there be a way to set up a gardening system so that you can plant seeds and after a certain time period the seed would turn to a flower? To add more detail, maybe it could include watering the seed in order to start the event? I was thinking of doing a farming simulator so to speak where you grow plants and raise cattle etc. It may seem boring, but it would be endless play because not only are you planting and raising cattle but you there would be tons of mimi games and puzzles packed in. You earn money for things such as selling the cattle and plants and solving the puzzles, etc. Once you finally do run out of stuff to do, there would be a special area of the shop you can access where you can spend your money to buy rare items to unlock secret areas of the game, trophies, etc.

Have you seen my game, Acre-age?

It's a Farm Sim mixed with a traditional RPG. I'm pretty sure the game isn't password-locked, so you can look in it, if you want.

5] Where can I get a Dex Drive? Are there any stores I can get them from?

Your best bet is to try:

Any type of used game store

6] Can you help point me in the right direction as to how to use switches and understand page conditions and adding pages to events? I would need it so that you can plant a seed, then once you plant it you can water it, then once you water it it starts an event where it grows, then after it grows to a flower you have an event where you can pick the flower, and then you can sell it? I think if I could learn to do this then it would help me to understand switches?

I have this in Acre-age, too.

But here's a switching FAQ. ... erbils.txt

7] How do I create shops and blacksmith? I kind of understand how to make an event where you could choose to buy something or not, first it would have a message like "Want to buy a cookie?" then you choose yes or no. If you choose yes then it would get 10 gold from you and add 1 cookie to your inventory, then say something like "Thanks!" If you choose no, then it would say something like "Oh, too bad...". But to make a shop I would want a menu of items and you can buy or sell, etc. How would I do all this?

There's a Shop Option in the event area where you can add up to 8 items in a list for a merchant to sell.

Or, if you wanted it to explicitly say "Want to buy a cookie", then you need a 2-Way Choice.

So, the event would have just 1 page.

Message: Would you like a cookie?
2-Way Choice: YES/NO
Message: Thanks!
Add Inventory: Cookie
Remove Gold: 10
Choice 2
Message: Oh, too bad.

You can't have both the custom messages and the list.

8] Is RPG Maker 3 any good? I was thinking of getting it...

Yes, it's good. Different from RM1, though.


PostPosted: November 5th, 2006, 9:00 pm 
Rank 0: Magonian Apprentice
Rainbow Crash

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1. Thanks! I think I get it now! :)

2. I think I get it...maybe just a little more detail...

3. I understand, but wouldn't that make it so that if the character enters a new area the daylight changes? That means if you go right through a few areas quickly then it could change between morning/noon/evening/night in a matter of a minute but if you stay in the same area then the time would never change. Right? Or am I way off?

4. You made Acre-Age? I was looking at that and I was stunned to see that someone else thought of using the RPG Maker to make a Harvest Moon style farm sim! Wow.

I just went and read the Read-Me file you typed for it and...

Holy crap. That game rocks!!! All those features! People say different things different days! Different traders show up at different times! Differente quality meat, 480 combinations of foods....holy crap!

*thinks of all the switches and page conditions it took to do that*


Wow. Just wow. How do I download it? Do I need a DexDrive?

5. Thanks!

6. Again...Thanks!

7. Thank you again!

8. Alrighty, I think I'll look into it then.

BTW, where did you get the sprite for the crops and the main character? Custom, or could I find them at a website? (And don't worry, I'm not to interested in posting my games on the internet, the only way I would do that is if it was really good, and only if it was my own idea completely. So since I would use your sprites and stuff then it would be for my/family/friends use only)

PostPosted: November 5th, 2006, 10:21 pm 
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I'm confused. Why is there a topic with TheGame's questions locked, and this topic that has TheGame's questions, except made by Ixzion?

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: November 6th, 2006, 2:28 pm 
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Draygone wrote:
I'm confused. Why is there a topic with TheGame's questions locked, and this topic that has TheGame's questions, except made by Ixzion?

It was because I already made the reply topic so I'd have somewhere to post the reply to. In the correct forum. Because he had posted all the questions in the newbie thread.

So, while I was replying, he posted his thread. So I closed the other one and left mine open.


PostPosted: November 6th, 2006, 4:48 pm 
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TheGame_HHH wrote:

2. I think I get it...maybe just a little more detail...

3. I understand, but wouldn't that make it so that if the character enters a new area the daylight changes? That means if you go right through a few areas quickly then it could change between morning/noon/evening/night in a matter of a minute but if you stay in the same area then the time would never change. Right? Or am I way off?

4. You made Acre-Age? I was looking at that and I was stunned to see that someone else thought of using the RPG Maker to make a Harvest Moon style farm sim! Wow.

I just went and read the Read-Me file you typed for it and...

Holy crap. That game rocks!!! All those features! People say different things different days! Different traders show up at different times! Differente quality meat, 480 combinations of foods....holy crap!

*thinks of all the switches and page conditions it took to do that*


Wow. Just wow. How do I download it? Do I need a DexDrive?

BTW, where did you get the sprite for the crops and the main character? Custom, or could I find them at a website? (And don't worry, I'm not to interested in posting my games on the internet, the only way I would do that is if it was really good, and only if it was my own idea completely. So since I would use your sprites and stuff then it would be for my/family/friends use only)

I have one more question: (and could someone help with the ones above?)

Is there a way to make it rain or snow?

PostPosted: November 6th, 2006, 5:24 pm 
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Rainbow Crash
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TheGame_HHH wrote:

2. I think I get it...maybe just a little more detail...

I'll do a small diagram.

E = Enemy
Ev = Event (vision range event)
P = Player

Here, the enemy has a range of 3.


So, the character walked into the vision range. Have the event the player just walked on be Touch-activated, and use a Take Over to send it to the appropriate page on the enemy's event.

Let's say you've made page 2 on the enemy event to:
Move Event 1 Down
Message: I fight you now.
Event Battle

Once the player steps on that event, you know that there's a one space gap between the enemy and the player, so you can have the gap filled.

3. I understand, but wouldn't that make it so that if the character enters a new area the daylight changes? That means if you go right through a few areas quickly then it could change between morning/noon/evening/night in a matter of a minute but if you stay in the same area then the time would never change. Right? Or am I way off?

Yes, that's true. But then again, it's a simple day/night system, like I said. A little experimentation could help you tweak it right.

But yes, if you stay in the same area, time doesn't change. You can't do real-time change in RM1.

4. You made Acre-Age? I was looking at that and I was stunned to see that someone else thought of using the RPG Maker to make a Harvest Moon style farm sim! Wow.

I just went and read the Read-Me file you typed for it and...

Holy crap. That game rocks!!! All those features! People say different things different days! Different traders show up at different times! Differente quality meat, 480 combinations of foods....holy crap!

*thinks of all the switches and page conditions it took to do that*


Wow. Just wow. How do I download it? Do I need a DexDrive?

Heh. Thanks.

As I can see, if you've read the readme, then you've already downloaded it.

To play it on a Playstation, you do need a dexdrive. However, using the FAQ below, you can play RPG Maker games on the computer! All you need is the RPG Maker disc and a CD drive: ... torial.txt

BTW, where did you get the sprite for the crops and the main character? Custom, or could I find them at a website? (And don't worry, I'm not to interested in posting my games on the internet, the only way I would do that is if it was really good, and only if it was my own idea completely. So since I would use your sprites and stuff then it would be for my/family/friends use only)

A guy by the name of Sir Sniffy made them for me. That was in 2003, though.

But you can use the acre-age sprites if you want. Just as long as you don't profit from it or try to pass it off as your own and stuff.

I have one more question: (and could someone help with the ones above?)

Is there a way to make it rain or snow?

There's no real-time atmospheric effects in RM1. In RM2-3, there are.


PostPosted: November 6th, 2006, 7:41 pm 
Rank 0: Magonian Apprentice
Rainbow Crash

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1) Thanks! I get it now!

2) Damn. Oh well, maybe I can figure something out.

3) Again, Acre-age is kick ass.

4) Thanks! And don't worry. If I ever did make a game of my own using your sprites then I would give you credit. I wouldn't make a profit off it anyway. And I would never just pass your game off as mine.

5) :(

One more thing about Dex Drives. I went to Gamestop today, and the employee there said he had never heard of a Dex Drive. He asked me what it is used for, so I told him. He still denied ever hearing of one. WTF?

PostPosted: November 6th, 2006, 11:47 pm 
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They've been out of production for years. Only places you can get them are on eBay and certain online stores like

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: November 10th, 2006, 12:17 pm 
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Ixzion wrote:
TheGame_HHH wrote:
3. I understand, but wouldn't that make it so that if the character enters a new area the daylight changes? That means if you go right through a few areas quickly then it could change between morning/noon/evening/night in a matter of a minute but if you stay in the same area then the time would never change. Right? Or am I way off?

Yes, that's true. But then again, it's a simple day/night system, like I said. A little experimentation could help you tweak it right.

But yes, if you stay in the same area, time doesn't change. You can't do real-time change in RM1.

I was actually working with an idea for a same map time changing.

It's a little rigged but here's the basic idea:

I'd have a town that has a multitude of shops. All of which are split on either side of the town.

All you would do is make an event right in the middle of the town and then duplicate it all the way through the middle.

From here it's just a matter of switches and pages. You can make it automatically turn dark after walking over the event enough (which you should do if you shop around enough. Or you could have it darken (or lighten) a bit each time you step on it...

As for just standing still and getting the same effect... sorry. No can do.

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