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PostPosted: November 15th, 2005, 3:13 pm 
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I am looking to get into this hobby. I call it hobby becasue of the amount of time that it is going to be taking up. I have been looking at different reviews and such between rpgm 2 and rpgm 3. Number 2 looks to have more options, and number 3 has the easier use.

My question is has anyone done a comparison of the two? What are the advantages of 3 over 2 other then ease of use?

Does 2 have more features that would almost make it a better buy then 3?

PostPosted: November 15th, 2005, 4:41 pm 
Rank 12: Headstrong Fighter Rank 12: Headstrong Fighter
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Ok I have both versions, rpg maker 2 is more complex and difficult to learn but Its powerful. Rpgmaker 3 on the other hand its kinda like the original rpg maker its easy, has a good user friendly interface, and its very limited. Rpg maker 2 on the other can create more than just traditional rpg's. This game can create games like tetris, final fantasy battle systems(I created a limit break script for the default battle system), Action rpg, tatical rpgs and there are more things it could create but Thats a long list. If you want a easier rpg maker go with rpg maker 3 but if you want a harder rpgmaker without alot of limits I recommend rpgmaker2. But be warned rpgmaker 2, depending on the learning curve, can be long and frustating.

PostPosted: November 15th, 2005, 4:57 pm 
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I see a lot of "scripting" talk. Do you actuall "code" the the happenings in the game? or are you selecting "options"? Sorry if I sound so green, it would be because I am.

Do you think it would be fair to say, that if I went with "3" first. I would be able to have a headstart on 2?

Also, how active is everyone on "sharing" games, and such. Are there plenty of folks that will actually "play" your game and give you feedback?

PostPosted: November 15th, 2005, 5:17 pm 
Rank 12: Headstrong Fighter Rank 12: Headstrong Fighter
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A little bit of both, really you do just select options but also there are variables this is really complicated. You can use variables to do alot of things, this is used to lets say you ran out of flags to use well you can use variables which does save some space. But more importantly variables can be used for just about anything. If you plan on using variables make sure you play around with them and try learn more about the script branch conditions. There are plenty of people that will play your games. Rpg maker 2 and rpg maker 3 have a big difference. Rpg maker 2 has a little more options and control than rpg maker 3. Now rpg maker 3 this easier and a little better for some people. I say there are alot of people putting up thier games for download. It sort of matters if you want on or the other.

PostPosted: November 15th, 2005, 5:31 pm 
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Thank you for the info! I realize they are very vauge questiions. :o

This may be a more simple one...

Is there a "final save" that you do that builds the game, or are you always able to go back into it and modify it, add, edit your game.

Thanks in advance! :D

PostPosted: November 15th, 2005, 5:39 pm 
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You can go back to modify, add, or edit your game. I'm glad I could help.

PostPosted: November 15th, 2005, 8:40 pm 
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Also, it would be possible for people to go into your work and see how you did it with both Makers. There's a password system for RPGM2 that lets you keep others from seeing your work, though I wouldn't recommend using that feature until you release your game, or else you may forget or lose the password before you're able to finish.

There shouldn't be much of an issue if people look into your game, though. The worst that can happen is someone will edit some stats to make them super-powerful or something like that, but that's no big deal. It's highly unlikely that anybody would try stealing your work, so no worries there.

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PostPosted: November 15th, 2005, 9:30 pm 
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I am not worried about people seeing my work, if anyone would even look I would consider it an honor. I am going to grab one of these, or maybe both. I do like the way that 3 looks more so, but 2 does look to have more detail. 3 would probably be a better "introduction" for me. Thanks for the info, and I look forward to being a part of the community you all got going on. I will be sharing after the holidays.. Thanks!

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