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PostPosted: September 11th, 2007, 3:46 pm 
Rank 1: Untrained Thief Rank 1: Untrained Thief

  Level 0

Joined: January 29th, 2006, 1:42 pm

Posts: 135
Ok the game is not done yet ,but we are gonna hold a contest when the game is done, so we thought we would set up what the contest is about, and what the prize(s) are.

ok the contest rules are as follows

1. basically 1 entry per person(and we mean once you submit for the contest you can't anymore, all entries will be sent by private message to my screen name. so before sending the info make sure it is correct because you only get one chance.there are a few exceptions and besides us , the site leader of the forums also get final say to a repost or fix. We do this as to prevent cheating.

2. don't ask anyone involved with the game for help on the contest. that does not pertain to help in the game like how do I beat this area, or I am lost in the town and not sure where to go. I doubt you may need help like this,but if it comes up that kinda question is ok.

3. don't post in the message board to fellow members asking for contest help, nor provide other members with help on the contest. mainly because it will hurt your chances of winning, or make it unfair to others. especially if you are trying to be decietful.

4. posting false info to a member during contest time, will result in immediate termination from the contest. and the mag leads hopefully
will help with keeping things in line.

5. last but not least, have fun with the game.

ok now that the rules are out of the way here is what the contest is
about. the contest is spot the reference, and parodies throughout our game. They can be a simply a character name, dialgoue, to even a spoof.
so what you do is keep a peice of paper or something next to you and type or write what you think you saw is fits into the above choices. then next to it the reference from where it came ie. do the truffle shuffle- goonies, hastalavista baby - terminator 2. note some are not exatcly word for word some may have some changed
1 or 2 things changed on them.
ok here is a freebe for you all and won't count on the contest. spazz's testimony to the judge to the tune of hello muddah hello faddah.
The winner is the person who can find the most references,spoofs, and such. be sure to write our games orginal text not all of it,but part of what you think is part of the joke that is a reference or parody so we can verify if it is legit or not.
so once the game is done, we will post when the contest begins and ends.
now besides finding stuff once game is done in the readme file
will have questions to answer they will be worth 2 points each if correct. no points will be taken off for incorrect answers.
in a result of a tie for first place. the winners will be placed in a hat and drawn out of a hat. that is all.

and now for the prizes.
first place prize winner gets their names in the next game, a cameo(a very big cameo not decided what yet,but could be a vilian,or other ideas , and their character in a sprite designed by them or us or whoever they want to design up them. first place winner will also win a 10 dollar ebgames giftcard or a 10 dollar best buy gift card whichever the winner

second place: they get their name in the credits for contest winner, and a small cameo in the game.

third place winners get name in the credits, a very very small cameo ie one or two lines in a game.

3 runners up will get their name in the credits


so everyone we hope you are excited as much as us, that the game is geting very close to being done. we have 1 small dungeon left,, and 1 town left. And then it is to the writing board to write our ending(s) down for the game to be coded.
additional information for all you wip players. the game will be devided into 3 senario cards. each scenario cards will have new sprites so they will be labeled in a folder for what part they are for. I am going down to my friends in october to start writing on the endings so with that being said game hopefully will be done before december provided the
spelling errors and such arnen't plentiful lol.

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