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PostPosted: December 6th, 2005, 11:30 am 
Rank 7: Learned Black Mage Rank 7: Learned Black Mage
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This poll has a two week lifespan. If votes are not in after that time, that's your fault. If you have not been here long enough to know who I am, you have no right to vote in this poll. It will not be a private poll, as there is no poll question or answers. You simply post your answer.

I was voted in to power in this manner. I'm giving everyone a chance to reconsider. I have been and will continue to be largely unreliable when it comes to making it to this site to do my job. For reasons as serious as lack of internet itself, or as lame as "busy with something else". The good I have done for this place is not entirely known to most people, as most of it was behind the scenes type stuff. Though I have accomplished much of nothing in recent times.

My future has only one goal: moving out. I will be in my own place, with my own internet, with the ability to do my job as it should be and as I had intended to not too long ago when I had reliable internet access, which obviously has since been pulled. From now until this, I will continue to be working in the same manner I have been.

You can either vote that I remain in the position of power that I have, and after my goal is accomplished, the job as such will be done to the best of my ability. Until then, everything will remain as it is now; the forums will continue to be ran by those in power over the main site as opposed to me, who should be running the forums.

- or -

You can vote that I be replaced. I will no longer have any power over anything that goes on in this site or forum, and will do nothing when I am able to with reliable internet. In turn, I will most likely part ways with RPG Maker Magazine.

Make your choice. Two weeks from now will decide. December 20th, 2005 at 11:59PM.

PostPosted: December 6th, 2005, 11:48 am 
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uh... Reki, is this paranoia?

noone wants you to stop doing this job (bearing in mind, that as it is completely voluntary, any work at all is more than most of us would do)

noone wants you to leave.

noone wants you to think like this.

we dont judge you based on what we believe you should or should not do. We are not you and are NOT ENTITLED TO JUDGE and i will take it up personally with anyone who believes that they can.

stick around.

PostPosted: December 6th, 2005, 12:17 pm 
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Yeah stick around. But if you have something to do then you can go take care of your business. Besides who can replace you? Well I can't think of any body that can. And I'm not saying this to sound like I'm a nut rider or an ass kisser. True this is voluntary work like all else but you should stay.

PostPosted: December 6th, 2005, 12:31 pm 
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it is hard to get around here with no internet and with having to work to get what u want. either way theres not to much happening for u to be around all that much to make sure certain things go there way.

but hey its not like there is someone who can replace u. nor will there be anyone who can do the job anybetter then u can :P


PostPosted: December 6th, 2005, 1:02 pm 
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If I wanted to cite reasons for your removal of power, they would span back to personal beefs/grudges I've had with you ever since I came here IN March 2004. Whether you do or do not remember these incidents, I don't plan to get into it. I will say that I've learned to let go of some of these grudges and whatnot.

However, I will also say this: in some instances where you have been in control, I have felt my purpose here at the mag dwindle and my role/power as a Magonian belittled (particularly in regards to the Van/Taizon spamfest earlier this year). I believe every Magonian has right to speak up one one feels uncomfortable with something, but you merely told me to butt out of the matter, and let the admins handle it. I partially agreed with this option, but I still felt belittled in the process.

Call my reasoning selfish, but I feel a Head of Forums must have a healthy and friendly relationship with its members. You and I have rarely been on the same pager. Our relationship with me is rather...sour, to be put honestly.

I will agree with these people. I don't think there is anyone available that can fill in this position like you can, Lone. I certainly wouldn't be a good choice for heir to this power, and I mean this sincerely. My cousin must have entrusted you this job a few years back for a good reason. He wouldn't have bribed you with cyber talk, sexual favors, or all that jazz. If he feels like you're doing your job, I leave it as it is. But, if I find discomfort in something you're doing power-wise or decision, then I will discuss this matter with you, man to mohawk.

I will put aside my grudge/beef at you and motion that you remain HOF because of your dedication to the site, and your efforts to make it tolerable to the Magonians that reside here.


Last edited by Bonanza on December 6th, 2005, 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: December 6th, 2005, 1:20 pm 
Rank 6: Potent White Mage Rank 6: Potent White Mage
We didn't play twister mister
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I say stick around. Cause I said so. :x

Nintendo ID: SuperOrangeGamer

PostPosted: December 6th, 2005, 3:29 pm 
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Well, I can't wait til you get back to active duty. ;)


PostPosted: December 6th, 2005, 11:36 pm 
Rank 7: Learned Black Mage Rank 7: Learned Black Mage

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Yeah, stay. We don't want you to go if you don't. When you do do, you do good-I haven't been here for a LONG time but I can see how much more sophisticated this forum is over anyone of the numerous OTHERS. So get sh*t straightened out and then return to straightening out our sh*t. And I feel you on the internet thing, I'm on a 56k to a friends labtop in a house I'm only crashing in as I don't even have a rented room to call my own-sucks donkey dick.

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

PostPosted: December 7th, 2005, 12:53 am 
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This site rocks! It's helped my gaming skills immensily in the month that I've been here. And I know this vote probably doesn't count, but Hey from what I can see your doin' a superb job. I'm just lazy myself and probably could never run a site if I tried, so "großartige Arbeit"!!! [ jtr410 ]

Sie sollten mich getötet haben, während Sie die Wahrscheinlichkeit hatten... [ jtr410 ]

PostPosted: December 7th, 2005, 5:17 pm 
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PostPosted: December 8th, 2005, 10:51 am 
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Yeah, OD couldn't handle all us hooligan without you! Beside with the rumors about Ixzion eventually leaving the site to him and all that who knows what the Mag will turn into! roflmao~

either way you know my answer... most in agreeance with Regal's post - you're paranoid, and you worry way too much over things like these.


One of those friendly smacks. ^.^


PostPosted: December 16th, 2005, 3:22 am 
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As far as I know, this had more to do with what everyone thought of my inactivity than my own paranoia, but either way.. the answer was not what I was expecting.

I don't feel like waiting another five days, practically the whole board made its piece anyway.

I'll stay for as long as people want me to stay in this position.

PostPosted: December 19th, 2005, 5:37 pm 
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gothicmorman wrote:
Yeah, OD couldn't handle all us hooligan without you! Beside with the rumors about Ixzion eventually leaving the site to him and all that who knows what the Mag will turn into! roflmao~

either way you know my answer... most in agreeance with Regal's post - you're paranoid, and you worry way too much over things like these.


One of those friendly smacks. ^.^


That hurts. You really cut me deep. :p

And yay, Lone is staying!

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