i've really got to set up some internet in the house. It means that i won't have to sit in these very slightly overheated, souless university computer rooms every time i want to post something here. I'm just stopping by on my way back to the house.
I was at a mates house, reason being him and another guy i know came down for the weekend and met me randomly in town. Random meetings have been happening a lot to me recently, but thats a story for another time. Or for never. But yeah, we watched Shaun of the Dead. Its a decent film, though i've seen it a couple of times before *glares at mate who made us watch about an hour of extended extra cr*p afterwards*. So i eventually had to leave. It was, of course, raining by then. The buses were, of course, off (it being Sunday night and all). So i started walking, with a mind to trying one of the computer rooms to see if it was open. And i started to think, too (walking in the rain always sets me to thinking).
There is nothing quite like a university campus on a night during the holiday. I suspected i was the only person outside for a half mile around me (though a moment later a car passed me just to prove me wrong. I laughed merrily). I wondered why i'd been so stupid as to immerse my left shoe in a stream earlier (another long story). and i thought about how stupid it was of me to think that the lights of the town around me were beautiful, in their own 'we're destroying nature, but aren't we shiny!!!' way. And i walked for a while. Most of all, though, i thought about where i was going.
The thought of some two weeks or so in an empty house is not so scary, at least not to me. But you should try doing it. Its like pieces of your mind are falling away, leaving you sat there doing nothing. It gets you down. And oddly enough, Shaun of the Dead brought that home to me in a startling way. It reminded me that i'd be wandering back to an empty house that night. Its a peculiar melancholy, one that doesn't deserve sympathy and doesn't listen to advice.
Being me is odd. For instance, i've got a bag with me. It contains *rummages* a copy of The Big Issue, a copy of Shaun of the Dead we didn't need, a bottle of... something purple :s and... 4 lemons. Sliced lemons being good for removing paint smells (im allergic to them :s). What does this bag tell the world about me? Who cares?
Ain't that keen on going back to the house right now. But hell, what else am i going to do at 1 in the morning?
At least i've got my health. Assuming these damn lemons actually work.
*signs off*