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PostPosted: December 20th, 2010, 11:04 am 
Rank 11: Sexy Black Mage Rank 11: Sexy Black Mage
Spotted Skunk/Dragon
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"Hi, who are you?" You know me, and that's all you need to know. :P
Got a bit of sticky-updating to work on, that's for sure. But I'll worry about that later.

Anyway, I am now working on Slayers' Reign. And please note once and for all that the apostrophe comes after "Slayers". There's more than one slayer, don't you know. Now, what is there to report? Eh, not much. Mainly so far I've been looking at two issues I've had since the 2007 demo's release. First, there's the list of grocery list items:

Good Fruit
Super Fruit
Max Fruit

While I didn't like it for a while, I must admit the idea has grown on me again. No matter what, it's a lot more interesting than Potions and Herbs. But there's still a tad bit of lameness in the names. Namely with "good", "super", and "max". I'm thinking more along the lines of "sweet", "juicy", and "nectar". The Miracle Fruit, which is a healing item... first off, if you're unconcious, you're not gonna be eating no fruit. So I'm using Smelling Salt instead... which was originally gonna be the name of the wake-up item. But I figure Coffee would work better. Okay, so you can't drink coffee when you're asleep, either, but you know, Foldger's has that effect on people sometimes. Milk seems like an odd item to have, considering you'd think it'd be spoiled by the time you finished trekking through that dungeon. So I'm considering my options with it. Veggie, I have no idea what to replace it with. But considering the icon for it in the custom menu looks like a veggie, it probably will remain a veggie.

Next up, the priority system. Neat an idea it is, I've recently become more partial to the idea of having each character having their own attributes, rather than have every character be completely customizeable. At first I was just gonna drop the feature altogether, but then I figured that maybe instead I can simply restrict each character to a small selection of priority choices. And as a bonus, have each priority also use one of RPGM1's special abilities (such as counter-attack, 1/2 MP Cost, etc.).

The problem is, I've discovered, the abilities are hugely inbalanced. Counter-attack rarely hits, auto-regen works every turn while HP-drain only works sometimes (and only for a small percentage of the damage you deal), Reflect Attack pretty much makes you immune to physical attacks, double spell damage only works for MP-consuming spells (a drawback for a game that relies on HP-consuming spells), and so forth. So I'm skipping the abilities idea (although having them all quietly set to counter-attack is nice). On the flipside, I decided to also include an AI option. 'Cause I think RPGM1's AI system is really neat.

So that's about it. Not a lot of work, really. And the game's a long ways from getting finished. I don't promise it'll get completed any time soon, but I can promise that it will not be forgotten.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

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