I forgot to put this here.
Seeing as this was the first MagCon that I didn't have to plan, I thought it went great. Our host insultobot handled accommodations, food and transportation throughout our stay. It was more than I could ask for and I feel like I owe him something still for the amazing hospitality.
The surprise video with everyone thanking me really touched my heart. I'm not an overly emotional person in general, but that video that you guys made for me is probably my favorite video of all time. On the flight back home, I was playing Earthbound and the final fight along with thinking about the video brought me to tears. For the first time in my life, happy tears. It is something I truly treasure. I am truly blessed that my hard work has touched your lives in some way, too.
I was happy to meet everyone besides Lantis for the first time this year. It's always a good thing to put faces to all the names that hang around this site I created. I missed Duelpro, but maybe he'll head out to meet us next year. One thing that I love about this community is that we don't treat each other like dicks (meanly lol), so I'm never concerned about meeting the people who shell out their bucks to meet up.
We played a crapton of Rock Band 2, Cloudberry Kingdom, Smash Bros and BLOPS b*tches! The Decathlon this time was a whole lot of fun because it was so different from the ones we've had before. MagCon West truly had its own identity, yet the fun and the structure of what we've come to know as MagCon was still there. The first time I've seen Big Trouble in Little China was a blast, too. Props to insultobot for mentioning it.
Doing the skits was a blast, too. Sunny D was amazing and I'm glad someone came up with it....dammit Steve. Half the fun of MagCon is putting on a show for the people at home, too. How did everyone enjoy the skits this time?
I was talking with insultobot and he mentioned to me that he offered up his home for MagCon West as a way to introduce the concept of potentially using homes instead of hotels to host these conventions. While MCW did quite well for us (making noise wasn't an issue, lots of food, no hotel fees), I think that at least for MagCon Prime, we'll still need to use hotels since none of us are in TN. However, if someone else has a potential location for us to try out, give a shout out here.
What did you guys like about the Con? Didn't like? Suggestions?
Huge thanks to bot!
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