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PostPosted: January 27th, 2010, 1:46 pm 
Rank 2: Eager White Mage Rank 2: Eager White Mage
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While working on the Character creator, an idea occurred to me. Now most RPG's offer Spells, skills and other impossible things that can't be done in our plane. Now what if an RPG reflected off of real life? Like say you make a Medieval type game, you wouldn't be able to just shoot fireballs or whatnot, you would need resources to make a fireball, IE hay and fire on a stick possibly. Also one thing I couldn't and still can't stand is when you see this average guy holding a huge sword bigger than himself and swinging it around like as if it where a feather. What if you would need the proper muscle mass to even pick it up? And also what if you where to go into battle with say like knights, and you have little to no armor on, their weapons should and could mortally wound you, because you have no protection against their weapons. All this yammering goes to something I promise =P. Pretty much I just explained my next actual project, I still have no story whatsoever for it, but I could make it like RPGM2's tech demo they offer "Fu-Ma" I think it was called to give you guys the basic idea of it. Now you all may know that I am very eager to show you guys my work, but for this project im not gonna release any screenshots,videos, live feed of any kind (Except to possibly Ixzion :P). Cause im not entirely sure if all my ideas are gonna work, but I will definitely keep you guys updated as I go along. Im gonna start working on this once the character creation tool has been finished and released. So expect production to begin about Mid February.

PostPosted: January 29th, 2010, 8:07 pm 
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Well, depending on if you can show it in video form, then it would be good for MagCon. But how about finishing the FF kit first? :p


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