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PostPosted: November 1st, 2009, 8:41 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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Being the fourth quarter of the year, all the highly anticipated games are finally coming out. Because of this, I really don't want to start a RPG LP due to how long they take. So instead, I'm going to do a really short one for both EWJ and EWJ2. Unfortunately, the EWJ series is yet more proof that some games weren't ment to go 3D. And when it's forced, it ruins the series permanently. At least EWJ acknowledged this and bowed out with what dignity they had left... unlike SOMEONE. *Glares at Team Sonic*

But anyway, the first two games are platforming bliss. The level design and slap-stick humor are top notch and is something you'd expect from Tim Schafer. I've played both these games many times and think I managed through them fairly well. Finising the last level in EWJ2 was a little sticky, but I made it never the less. If you have never played these games, then at least do yourself the favor of watching these. EWJ 1 and 2 are truely classic games.

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    "Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

    PostPosted: November 2nd, 2009, 6:40 pm 
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    Rainbow Crash
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    I saw Earthworm Jim 1 with Deeper the other night. Fun stuff. I'll take the other one soon.


    PostPosted: November 3rd, 2009, 9:45 am 
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    I'm going to have to watch these later tonight (if I can pull my head out of Dragon Age: Origins)

    I remember my brother and I absolutely loved EWJ 1 and I don't recall playing 2 (I'm almost sure we would have at one point)

    Either way, I look forward to it.. I'm just sad we haven't had many LP's lately.

    PostPosted: November 3rd, 2009, 10:18 am 
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    "The worst pokemon."
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    Yeah, LPing is going to slow up around this time a year as all the developers usually release all their highly anticipated games around this time. Uncharted 2, Brutal Legend, Borderlands, and soon Left 4 Dead 2, Perfect Dark XBLA... you get the point.

    "Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

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