What is a Development Studio?
A Development Studio is a forum given to developers who desire one. Anyone is allowed to have one. In addition to having a forum, Studio Owners are allowed to post news about their studios to the Development Studio News section, which can ONLY be used for promoting their studios.
Be warned that the Development Studio News forum is heavily moderated. Disregard for the rules will result in an immediate and permanent ban from posting news and deletion of your Development Studio.
Features of a Development Studio
<li>Full forum on RPGMM with moderation power
<li>Ability to add news about your studio to the main site
Requesting a Development Studio DO NOT POST IN THIS TOPIC
Request one in this forum with the following information:
Forum Name:
Forum Description:
Developers (mods of the forum):
After that, we'll set you up with the titles and access to the Development Studio News forum.
What is a Development Studio PLUS?
A Development Studio PLUS is a forum given to developers who desire one. This is more selective than the normal Development Studios. Because of the extra features of the PLUS line, you must be a Magonian-level citizen to be eligible. We can refuse to accept anyone we wish.
Please note, we will not help you create a site. Don't bother asking, or we will deny your petition immediately.
In addition to having a forum, Studio Owners are allowed to post news about their studios to the Development Studio News section, which can ONLY be used for promoting their studios.
Be warned that the Development Studio News forum is heavily moderated. Disregard for the rules will result in an immediate and permanent ban from posting news and deletion of your Development Studio and FTP account. There is no second chance.
Features of a Development Studio PLUS
<li>Full forum on RPGMM with moderation power
<li>Subdomain url (yoursite.rpgmmag.com)
<li>Ability to add news about your studio to the main site
<li>FTP Access
<li>10MB of server space
Requesting a Development Studio PLUS DO NOT POST IN THIS TOPIC
Request one in this forum with the following information:
Forum Name:
Forum Description:
Developers (mods of the forum):
Subdomain (namehere.rpgmmag.com):
After that, we'll set you up with the titles and access to the Development Studio News forum. You will be PM'd your FTP account information and password. Please don't send a reply to it. Don't share your account info with ANYONE (we don't need it).
![Image](http://www.rpgmmag.com/imagine/imagez/wiimag_1680007992.png) ![Image](http://www.rpgmmag.com/imagine/imagez/360mag_2021276700.png) ![Image](http://www.rpgmmag.com/imagine/imagez/ps3mag_333879032.png)
Last edited by Ixzion on December 20th, 2005, 12:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.