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PostPosted: December 27th, 2007, 6:05 pm 
Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage
At the Scumm Bar

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I know this sounds like a helpless cause but I would love to write strategy guides for the games here. I enjoy writing guides for many games but I really don't have any published.

To be on the safe side, should I ask permission from the game's creator?
I'll create a topic in my studio asking for requests. Please keep in mind that I only have 2 Memory cards but I plan to buy more in the near future. Also, I only have a Dex Drive so I can only take RPG Maker 1 requests, if anyone actually makes a request :P

If no one makes a request than I will write a strategy guide for most recent or popular games.

Oh! And I probably won't write one if the game already has a guide by the creator. Forgot about that...

I'll start taking requests after the Sequelpalooza. I have games to make right now. :)

This is another contribution I hope to make realized here at the mag.

PostPosted: December 27th, 2007, 7:43 pm 
Rank 2: Eager White Mage Rank 2: Eager White Mage
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I think that's a really good idea Duel. I would let you on my demo, but I use 3 so I got nothing for you. Anyway I can't wait to see it when you finish.

PostPosted: December 28th, 2007, 1:44 am 
Rank 6: Potent White Mage Rank 6: Potent White Mage
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I think it is a great idea. It should be fun for both you and the gamemaker. I don't think you are really obligated to ask permission but you might as well. I give you permission to write a guide/review, etc. to ANY game that I ever make.

Modal Realms
"a proper designation of universal existence"

PostPosted: December 31st, 2007, 4:27 pm 
Rank 3: Studying Black Mage Rank 3: Studying Black Mage

  Level 23

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I'm still waiting for someone to play "Raiders Of Lekunder" and say "I found every secret, went everywhere, and did everything." Of course, with a complete Secrets Guide available for it (written by yours truly), I'll never know if someone who says that found everything on his own. But it would still be nice to hear. There are a good number of bonus dungeons and some bonus story scenes that no one's ever seen.

PostPosted: December 31st, 2007, 5:10 pm 
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A few years ago, I had a game idea called 'Soul Harvest' and while I was working on it, I was also writing a guide for the game along side one of my friends. We put a lot of work into it (We would put pics from the game into the guide).

Another thing we did that wasn't really related to the guide, was use large sheets of graph paper to draw out dungeons before we made them in game.

And, I give you permission to write a guide for any of my games. (If one actually comes out.)

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