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PostPosted: October 22nd, 2013, 3:12 am 
Site Admin Site Admin
"The worst pokemon."
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If you can't seem to find where something is, please review this. It explains in detail how exactly we consolidated the forums to be easier to navigate and less likely to get lost or not know where to post.

Firstly, note that there are two themes: Heastrong Fighter and Sexy Black Mage. By default you are on Heastrong Fighter, the light theme. Sexy Black Mage is the dark one. Feel free to try them out in your board preferences. Also, a new ranked system is in place:

0 (posts) - Magonian Apprentice
100 - Untrained Thief
300 - Eager White Mage
600 - Studying Black Mage
1000 - Fighter in Training
1500 - Nimble Thief
2100 - Potent White Mage
2800 - Learned Black Mage
3600 - Adapt Fighter
4500 - Mischievous Thief
5400 - Cute Lil White Mage
6400 - Sexy Black Mage
7500 - Headstrong Fighter

Now on to the forum changes:

> = Moved to
X = sent to dumpster (PM if you need access, nothing has been deleted)
"" = Rename

Forum News "Town Hall"
Development Studios "The Factory"
Community "The Tavern"
Archives "The Legends"

Front Page X
Development Studio Discussion > RPG Maker Series Dev. and Help (RMDH)
Contributor Castle > RPG Maker Series Dev. and Help (RMDH)
RPG Maker Series Dev. and Help (RMDH) > "The Factory"
Gaming Conventions > Video Games
Mag Online > Video Games
Let's Plays X
Creativity +++ > General Discussion
Magonian Topics of Lore > "The Legends"

The re-names of the sections were just to fit the more RPG style theming that we wanted from the site. It's nothing more than to add character.

Front page news will be handled all on the actual site now, not the forums. The changes with V6 heavily weigh on frequenting the site. So information will go there instead of in the forums.

Development Studio Discussion and Contributor Castle were both moved into RPG Maker Series Dev. and Help (RMDH). Neither of these forums were hardly ever used and would fit in RMDH. Also, RMDH as moved to the factory since it has everything to do with RPG Maker.

Gaming Conventions are, once again, hardly ever used and are video game related, so they were moved into Video Games. Mag online was also moved to Video games. We were having problems with there being a topic in each of these forums and got a little confusing. From here on, Video Games will host both discussion of video games as well as meeting up for playing them.

Like Front Page, Let's Plays are now being handled through the site and not the forums. Nothing from V5 is deleted, all the Let's Play forums are safe and sound. If you need access to them, we can give it to you. In place of the Let's Play forum, there will be a special thread for you to promote your let's plays that you have on Youtube or on RPG Maker Magazine's Let's Play Archive.

Like a lot of forums in V5, Creativity +++ was getting little to no use. So we've decided to move them all to General Discussion. This is where all future creativity type threads will go in the future.

And finally, Magonian Topics of Lore were moved to The Legends. Like Recycling Bin, it's a locked forum, so The Legends will feature all locked forums that we have or will have.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2013, 4:53 am 
Rank 11: Sexy Black Mage Rank 11: Sexy Black Mage
Spotted Skunk/Dragon
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I was just popping in to admire my new avatar and apparently the entire Mag changed with it. Wait, what?

I notice you haven't mentioned this at the Pav, yet. Gonna be funny when those people who were all "the Mag hasn't been updated in years" hear about this. I'm actually tempted to make a post about it right now, but considering how long and hard you've been working on this, I'll let you have the honor if you want it.

Edit. Also, you still have Jester's Hunt listed as a demo. =P

Image Image
"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2013, 6:50 am 
Rank 6: Potent White Mage Rank 6: Potent White Mage
Protector of Angels!
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  Level 18

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Winnar! This is awesome!

*SK feels like he just stepped through the closet the leads to Narnia*

I shall be doing much exploration when I get back home today.

... Always humbly at the service of Faerie Queen Naeya,
Sarah's Knight

PostPosted: October 25th, 2013, 5:27 pm 
Rank 3: Studying Black Mage Rank 3: Studying Black Mage

  Level 23

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Hmph! I was using Creativity +++. I actually have quite a bit of content invested there. :P :cry

But that's cool. I can cope. :shades

PostPosted: October 25th, 2013, 6:17 pm 
Site Admin Site Admin
"The worst pokemon."
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  Level 97

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As stated earlier, nothing's been deleted. Your threads are in general discussion.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: October 25th, 2013, 6:33 pm 
Rank 3: Studying Black Mage Rank 3: Studying Black Mage

  Level 23

Joined: July 10th, 2006, 8:24 pm

Posts: 914
Yeah, I know that. It's cool.

Personally I think it was better to have everyone's creative stuff in one easy-to-access place, rather than having to sift through some heavy general discussion to find something creative. But that's just my opinion.

As noted, I can cope.

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