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PostPosted: December 21st, 2007, 5:29 pm 
Rank 4: Fighter in Training Rank 4: Fighter in Training
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just keep in mind the type of game i am making. provide all the detail you can so i can better place you. i cant do tons of custom sprites so best make things reasonable.

heres a list of all the parts so far, openings are always available.

Misty - kunoichi <female>, believes in justice and brakes the law to help people. hair green with pony tail and a mask like taki from soul calibur. -custom sprite done, awaiting a spot to put ya.

manji - enemy, ninja or samurai - drops important item which you trade up to a good weapon (like bof series’ iron ball). -side quest developed but not yet added

Draygone – unknown

Red Dragon – a red dragon banker who cant move cause he eats too much. -added to the game

tjoris - gun toting bartender who leads a crime org. drinks with mysty and simple, and once says "you ain't gettin' me, coppers!!!" randomly fires weapon too. crossbow works too.

Dusk Raven - lives away from people, looks down on city folk, selling items to the party, like herbs and gives advice on the local monsters weaknesses.

simple man - caped guy, and a mace called simple. loves animals and has a pet ferret, misty’s sidekick.

Jamos - red eyed suit guy - deeply conflicted due to past. destroyed civilization. he wants to redeem himself, and stops misdeeds. incredibly unstable, does more harm. on/off bad guy.

Tiara the Ice Queen - blue clad blond sorceress who hates all who look at her. not an enemy but a woman who squawks as passerbyes. "If I have to step on everyone just to get to the top, then I will...I just hope my heel doesn't get stuck in some fat guy."

Ivan Rosenguard - minor bad guy whos prone to long preachy rants "holier then thou philisophical tangents that drive party mad.

golly_jollydude - nerdy goblin.

Starba - a kitty, probaly gona be a char when the party is turned into a cat by magic.

Sniper - a holiknight

Mark S99 - rare item collector

Riskbreaker - green ninja, secret char - or a boss. called shadow ninja, with army of the same name.

bahamut zero - a dragon.

Serge - what else can i say, he gets beaten by a horse this time. reoccurrences are a must! -added to the help portion of the game.

Alzar - eric from remote control.

Patryn - invisible npc that the party trips over.

Loki - pirate ship, the s s loki. vallhala home for pirates.

MattMan - inner voice of the heros pants.

zenassem - homeless bum, who begs for change. perhaps a guy in a barrel going over a water fall.

The 69 Law - a monkey.

Angelbio - a pagan who knows about the gods - special place of honor of course.

kireblade - blue headed king, perhaps an obsession with "im blue."

InkBlot - inque style char (bat man) weak to water, easily killed with normal attacks

Cthulhu - cross dresser who tries to seduce the main hero.

FatAssTony - mob boss.

Pinoy - pirate ship captain.

Toster Levins - monster called crunchy - harder then the end boss.

Samewise12 - stud who occurs through the game in bars, weapon shops or inns. hits on a cross dresser, is slapped for one-liners, loosing at strip poker and so on. -i had fun with this one

Roneatek - tsebaoth char.

JeremyG - char 7 with blond hair.

Vivi the great - unknown.

MaRc - bandana pirate with black hair.

Mortanius - samurai.

Iceman - dragon ball z faker.

Lion Franco - kitty like starba, which barks.

Gwommy - graphic 5 townsman, gets irritated easy then casts a spell which backfires and turns the screen purple. (15, 0, 31)

NKnight - red knight - guarding a lady. -added to game already

Dugtrui XIV - Nico for a replacement name. “I too desire watermelon... I mean a partâ€

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Last edited by KarrLordofChaos on February 15th, 2008, 5:19 pm, edited 4 times in total.

PostPosted: December 21st, 2007, 5:52 pm 
Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage
At the Scumm Bar

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I'd like to be a dragon, if that's alright.

PostPosted: December 23rd, 2007, 4:24 pm 
Rank 4: Fighter in Training Rank 4: Fighter in Training
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which color would you like to be? red is taken for red dragons sprite. i think the choices are green, blue, and some other color (black?).

i got a lot of spaces left to stick people. ive already added half in and the game has a good ways till completion. ive been working on this every day and feels like a mario party with all the fun events i have rather then mindless trecking and battling. i really smoothed down the seriousness and focused on making the game more fun and enjoyable.

Artistry made by JPS
Card Three is released! Download it here!

PostPosted: December 23rd, 2007, 7:09 pm 
Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage Rank 10: Cute Lil White Mage
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Blue will work. :)

PostPosted: December 26th, 2007, 2:45 am 
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Kyle-Manslayer with a very large, heavy 2-handed sword. Is generally nice but has an evil split-personality.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


My studio is Quixotic Productions! Check it!

PostPosted: January 1st, 2008, 1:46 pm 
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1ce wrote:
Kyle-Manslayer with a very large, heavy 2-handed sword. Is generally nice but has an evil split-personality.

whos that char? are you a npc or a monster? remember i am working with rpg maker 1.

come on people, i want to get more magonians in my game. i have space out the wang to put you people in and i enjoy it immensely to have to stick your quirks into a not so serous game. i always enjoyed playing a game and finding myself characterized in it with horrendous spelling or some other quirk i have. i do my research, i know my history, and when im finished you wont be disappointed.

get in my game now damnit!

Artistry made by JPS
Card Three is released! Download it here!

PostPosted: January 3rd, 2008, 10:45 pm 
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shadow:clever guy, but a goofball. he is too easily tricked into a trap, and he gets his fair share of buttkicking, and humiliations. makes stuff out of things he finds around him to get out of the situation he got himself into. he always carries a pocket knife, ruber band and duct tape(combination of macgyver, and marty mcfly). quoteS"I do something nice for you, you do something nice for me - like not kill me.

"Better death through chemistry: that's what I always say"
"when you get stuffed into lockers enough, you learn how
to get out of small confined places."

i think that is about it.

PostPosted: January 3rd, 2008, 11:44 pm 
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Just an NPC. I believe it's character 7, color 3.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


My studio is Quixotic Productions! Check it!

PostPosted: February 7th, 2008, 3:20 pm 
Rank 4: Fighter in Training Rank 4: Fighter in Training
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added a bunch of names to the list. lets get some more magonians on here!

Artistry made by JPS
Card Three is released! Download it here!

PostPosted: April 4th, 2008, 4:19 pm 
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"The worst pokemon."
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I'd be willing to go with it... I'm not terribly picky about what I look like, nor my roll... so you can just kind of squeeze me in anywhere you may need.

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: April 4th, 2008, 4:26 pm 
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Heh, this sounds fun... if there's still a chance, I'd like to be in. Any sprite is fine.
I'm usually the kind of guy who doesn't know what's happening until it's too late and gets hurt, but whatever role is fine by me.

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PostPosted: April 4th, 2008, 6:56 pm 
Rank 4: Fighter in Training Rank 4: Fighter in Training
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there will be room for people up until the final act of releasing the full game - lord knows when that will happen!

Artistry made by JPS
Card Three is released! Download it here!

PostPosted: April 4th, 2008, 7:57 pm 
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Then hey throw me in there if you can find a place for a robot that breathes insults. If not it aint no thang.


PostPosted: April 4th, 2008, 8:07 pm 
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RM1 does, in fact, have a robot that probably would work well for your cause. ^_^

"Belief extremely stately towards great accomplishment."

PostPosted: June 27th, 2008, 2:07 pm 
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I had forgotten about this. In fact, I still forget about this. I can't remember asking to be in it at all. Must've been after I created that sprite of myself. Anyway, if this is still happening, and you aren't able to make use of my dracoon sprite, I suppose the green/yellow outfit of the third character sprite will do (the fighter with the pony tail).

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

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