a bit down is a part of my equipment manifesto from gamefaqs on a weapons discussion for vagrent story. i will also update the weapons and equipment i find. hopefully by compiling a huge list of stuff i can pick some interesting ones to add to my game. this way i can plan without screwing myself by using generic overused names. contribute any interesting stuff you find so i can check it out and add it to my list.
directly below is a list of my cast and their preferred gear choices. this will help narrow down what kinds of stuff i need and help me fit final choices that will match with the characters. if there is mention of the word unique then the person is the only one with access to the equipment piece.
cast and their equipment preferences
haidar - short bladed weapons (daggers), light swords, light armor, light helmet roshan - clubs, robes, light armors, light helmet xiko - unique projectile weapons, heavy armor, heavy helmet lady keli - unique bows/crossbows, light armor, light helmet
jordan - clubs, robes, light armors, light helmet goldwin - clubs, robes, light armors, light helmet alpha dex - unique computer related crap, armor unknown/undecided elgan flagstaff - swords, light swords, light armor, light helmet
omega - not added yet (mirror opposite of alpha maybe) vukilie - ability to equip every single piece of equipment bardon - unique spears, heavy armor, heavy helmets zed - unique axes, armor undecided
ash - not added yet ? - not added yet guest - revolving character, equipment restrictive
weapons listing
Stilleto- This dagger was used in unison with a Rapier.
Kris- Very exotic daggers with a wavy blade. Think Soul Reaver but minimized.
Rapier- A rapier is a fencing sword used for piercing and thrusting. It was very quick and required much skill....but basically was a giant hypodermic needle tee hee.
Khukuri is a version of Kukri, the Gurkhan blade. The widened blade and shallow bend make it perfect for disembowelling, stabbing and, in times of peace, harvesting crops.
Seax (also Hadseax, Sax, Seaxe, Scramaseax,Scramsax and Sachsum-lat) in Old English means knife or cutting tool. In modern archeology, the term seax is used specifically for the typically large knives that were worn by men in the 5th to 11th century, in the region roughly enclosed by Ireland, Scandinavia and Northern Italy. In heraldry, the seax is a charge consisting of a curved sword with a notched blade.
Katzbalger - arming sword with figure 8 guard.
Baselard- a Baselard was a short sword built for speed.
Katana- Sword used by the Japanese. It was about a meter long and curved. The Hilt was long and the sword was extremely sharp from folding the blade and very balanced for extremely quick attacks.
Nodachi- About a foot and a half longer than the katana and had a large, thicker blade. It was the two handed sword version of the katana (the real katana was not actually a two handed sword, though some used it with 2 hands)
Bastard Sword- This sword was simply a long sword with a longer hilt so you could use it with two hands raising the power of your strikes.
Broad Sword- Generally a shorter blade, though it had a thick, wide blade. It was an effective sword to say the least.
Shotel- The Norman sword. It a large dip in the blade that looked like a crescent almost and could be thrown very easily.
Falchion- The blade curves from the very beginning, it looks like the sword Hasan in the old Looney Toons cartoons used (HASAN CHOP!)
Khopesh- The Khopesh sword was what the Egyptians used. It wasn't a very effctive sword, very awkward. But it could be used to hook an opponents weapon....which is what it looked like. The sword went out and then turned into a large hook or scythe.
Wakizashi- This is a short Katana. That is basically what it is.
Claymore- Scottish sword used for slashing. They are very large but rather thin in comparison to other great swords. It is also double edged. This was useful for its maneuverability. It was an improvement from the otherwise conciderably heavier great swords for you only spared a few amount of power for speed and control. You'll find claymores in the movie ''Braveheart.'' William Wallace's sword is a good example. It is my choice favorite long sword.
Shamshir (scimitar)- A Persian blade with and extremely long and curved blade used for slashing. Piercing was virtually impossible. It was more of a pick up and run weapon, where just about anyone can pick it up and use it. It was effective and practical.
Kopis - heavy slashing sword. like a scimitar but different.
Zweihänder- german great sword that is long
walloon - light, flexable basket hilted sword.
Cinquedea - The cinquedea is a civilian short sword (or long dagger). It was developed in northern Italy and enjoyed a period of popularity during the Italian renaissance of the 15th and early 16th centuries.
The Tabar Zin or tabar-i-zin (sometimes translated "saddle-hatchet") is the traditional battle axe of Persia and Iran. It bears one or two crescent-shaped blades. The long form of the tabar was about seven feet long, while a shorter version was about three feet long. What made the Persian axe unique is the very thin handle, which is very light and always metallic.
Sagaris - a type of battle axe.
Hurlbat – An entirely metal throwing axe sharpened on every auxiliary end to a point or blade, practically guaranteeing some form of damage against its target.
Francisca or Frankish axe – a short throwing weapon of the European Migration Period, the name of which may have become attached to the Germanic tribe associated with it: the Franks (see France).
gastraphetes - german crossbow of old.
arbalest - powerful steel crossbow.
Crossbows- The only 2 I reconize is Light Cross bow, it was small enough to be able to be pulled by one person, and an Arbalest. The Arbalest was a very large crossbow that required the use of a tool called a ''CRANEQUIN'' to help reload it. Cranequin is a tool, not an actual bow.
composite bow - is a bow made from disparate materials laminated together, usually applied under tension. Different materials are used in order to take advantage of the properties of each material. harder to obtain materials.
flatbow - is a bow with non-recurved, flat, relatively wide limbs that are approximately rectangular in cross-section.
yumi - an exceptionally tall, standing over two meters, and surpassing the height of the archer (ite, 射手). They are traditionally made by laminating bamboo, wood and leather, using techniques which have not changed for centuries, although some archers (particularly beginners) may use a synthetic yumi. The construction used may be a Japanese development of the laminated bows widely used for centuries across Northern Eurasia and in Jōmon times in Japan.
Bec de Corbin- This was a very large weapon, about 12 or so ft. long. It had a large hammer on one side and a pick or beak on the other. You would break through armor with that side and beat someone down with the hammer.
Glaive- This was simple a single edged blade mounted on an 8 to 10 foot pole. The blade usualy looked like an axe or cleaver.
Awl Pike- This is a long spear ending in a spike point with a tapered spear head. The pole was usually 12 to 20 ft. long. It was used mostly in ''side-by-side'' formations.
Fauchard- This was merely a very, very long Scythe that also had a point on it for thrusting and slashing.
Voulge- This was merely a very long cleaver or axe. It was also called the Lochaber Axe
Bardiche- This was a very long Battle Axe
Pilum - tossing javelin with a small poky bit.
Saunion - a heavy javelin
Sarissa - long pike used in ancient Greece
flanged mace - just as it sounds
ball mace - just a metal ball to bash people
war hammer - big hammer of owyness
maul - a big ass mallet of owyness
Footman's Mace- This was a very long mace used by foot soldiers. It was used for breaking bones and crushing and worked against all types of mail armor.
Crosier - stylized staff of religous office.
doublet - snug fitting armor worn under armor
Cuirass - breast covering armor from Hellenistic period.
Banded Mail- Made of overlapping strips of metal sewn into leather and chain mail. Usually only covered vulnerable areas and didn't cover joints so movement wasn't restricted. Weight is even all over the body because of good use of straps and buckles.
Brigandine- This is made of small metal plates sewn into canvas or leather with an outer layer of thick cloth. It is stiff and again doesn't cover joints.
Ring Mail - This is a less effective form of chain mail made by sewing metal rings directly to a leather backing instead of being interlocked. Some people argue wether this even existed.
Chain Mail - Made of interlocking metal rings, and it is always worn with a layer of fabric padding to prevent chafin and lowering the impact of blows. It was very effective but most of the weight is on the shoulders making it difficult to wear for very long.
Scale Armor- Actually Scale Mail, it was a coat and leggings of leather with overlapping pieces of metal that looked like scales on it.
Plate Mail - This is a combination of chain or brigandine with metal plates covering vital areas (curiass, epaulettes, elbow guards, gauntlets, tasets, and greaves). The weight is even over the whole body. This is very common and effective armor.
Splint Mail- Again, some people don't believe it existed but this is just like banded mail except the strips are vertical instead of horizontal making movement difficult.
Close Helm- Were one of the most recognized helms of the medieval times. You'd know if you saw it. It was usually made of steel and was completely closed as the name suggests. It had holes for vision yet it was somewhat limited. Great head protection but all you gotta do is bash the guy's head in with a mace and it's all over. The helmets that the Soldiers were seen in are Close Helms.
Barbut- Also of classic style. It is one of those bullet head shapes usually with a ''T'' opening in the front. Magneto style.
Sallet- Half enclosed from the top down, exposing the mouth. Think Robocop.
Cabasset- It was more like a metal hat rather than a helm.
Basinet- Usually eliptical and covered the whole head.
Spangelhelm- Segmented conical crown, connected by vertical straps.
Thracian - Among Carthaginian citizen troops, the Thracian helmet was the preeminent style. Heavy infantry were especially attracted to the Thracian, being a large, heavy helmet with good protection for the head, neck, and face but affording a considerable field of vision to the wearer.
Cruisse- Simply a metal thigh piece worn along with full bodied armor.
Greave- Same as above but for the shins.
Targa Shield- Round Scottish shield. Very small and light concidering that it was just a construction of leather over wood. Weight distribution was important when concidering that Scottsmen used it in combination to the rather heavy Claymores.
Scutum - Originally of Italian design, Celtic and Spanish mercenaries used a large body shield known as a scutum. A large oval shield with a large spindle-shaped boss, the scuta used by mercenaries under Carthaginian control were flat, unlike their Roman counterparts. Made of an early form of plywood (layers of wood glued together) covered with leather, the scutum was able to protect a man from his shoulder’s to his shins. In addition to being used to block blows, the scutum’s large boss was often used to punch at opponents.
vambrace - forearm covering
Rondache/Roundel - is a shield carried by medieval foot soldiers. cheap and easy
buckler - small round shield
Pelta - crescent shaped wicker shield.
Kite Shield - teardrop shaped shield commonly associated with the Normans.
interesting stumblings
Tumbaga - is a type of gold, silver, copper mix used in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica Orichalcum - the alloy talked about in Plato's Atlantis, might be Tumbaga.
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