just updating everyone on my progress so far.
admittedly since i received my deus ex human revolution game from amazon i havnt touched rpg maker. its been a few days since i beat the game and now im looking to get back into it.
ive been thinking this whole time of where this chapter is going to go and i think ive developed a framework for the card.
what ive decided is that these 3 soldiers will be the catalysts for the rest of the story. the decisions you make on this card will have major ramifications on the rest of the game! a great deal of your time on this card will be about choice, choosing the path that you want to take with these characters.
if you dont want to participate in the attack against black lotus then you dont have to. you will still experience the key elements of the attack as its integral to the plot but you will not participate in it the attack and instead experience the fall of humanity itself.
at the end of this card the 3 soldiers will be split up and be sent into various time periods. depending on what your choices were, the characters will form the heads of key organizations that you will encounter for the rest of the game.
this card will also be heavily story dependant and thus will be filled with auxiliary ways to learn about the time period, both present and past. as such the card almost certainly will be split into two scenarios, especially with the massive decisions that will change how things are now and later. if i made any battles in this it will be few and the experience will go towards characters that you have not received yet so its not wasted.
the hardest choice i have to make right now is the feel i want for this card. after playing games like deus ex ive now come to realize that deus hammers some of the very principles i want to foster in my game. yet at the same time i do not want this to be a deus like game, i want it to be very different.
i have to make sure my game stays true to my vision and to the medium. much of the game is set in medieval so i do not want the futuristic stuff to overpower everything else by a large margin.
these are the features of my future:
-society is on the edge of technological advances in cybernetics and nanotechnology.
-full scale human cyborgs never make it to the market, making xiko close to unique.
-machine technologies like the replicator are still expensive and out of reach of most families.
-machine vs humanity isnt as big an issue as humanity vs itself
-technology is powerful, but it cant create miracles. no massive changes in ideology like electric cars, nor solutions to problems like density, pollution, poor, ect.
-there is a unified world government but their is still countries that largely govern their own people and cities.
-corporations have all the power, they buy influence to change policies and warp morality for their own ends.
-the internet is an integral part of society, connecting every aspect of life.
-ritualistic habits cant be replaced by machines. augmented but not fully machine or even close to it.
-humanity likes to build and show off its creations. the island of black lotus is one such technological marvel.
-shops still exist, though the online markets make up much of the market share.
some of the other noteworthy things is the cities poor which make up the largest segment of society. though in every other city they are out in the open and readily apparent (besides in the districts of the rich), in lotus they are hidden from view in the bowls of the island. the island is a pure corporate structure and they want to project a nice image so poorness is simply swept away out of notice.
there is just so much that needs to be present in this card that its almost overwhelming. i want this to be a very good representation of a futuristic city but believable and also within the confines of rpg maker.
lastly here is a new sprite i made a few weeks ago. i really liked the green pallet i made for it but im not sure if it goes with the look i want. i completely redrew the head and helmet and had to tinker with the body as well. i used the alien/space man sprite as my starting point.