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PostPosted: March 7th, 2008, 12:11 am 
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I don't remember the last time I've fealt this sense of accomplishment. I just finished the very last story event in my game and it turned out way better then I ever could have imagined. I play tested the end and everything game together so well. The only thing missing from the main story is the end credits. I've been working on it for four hours straight and I still have the urge to keep going because I like the way things turned out.

I still have a long ways to go and a few large decisions to make.

More updates to come.


PostPosted: March 7th, 2008, 12:17 am 
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Nice. Whenever I playtest my work, I always find it never goes the way I want it to. Looks like the game is nearly complete! Didn't expect that from a new guy on the block.

I'm 1ce (previously Gitaroo). Nice to meet you.


My studio is Quixotic Productions! Check it!

PostPosted: March 7th, 2008, 12:19 am 
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Yeah, I'm still shocked I've come as far as I have. I still have a big decision to make and I think I'm going to ask the peope here and at the pav what they think. I could still be looking at a few months of work, but the hard part is done.

Thanks for the support 1ce


PostPosted: March 7th, 2008, 2:17 pm 
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I've been up since 9am working on my game. I have beed deleting events between the two slots the game takes up. I have finally found a pretty good spot for the switch. It's in the middle of a dungeon, right before a pretty big plot twist of an event.

@ Obright, this event is also where I used your ceiling trick.

After everything both slots are at about 73% each. 146% space on the story. 56% overall and 23% on each slot.

I'm going to playest the slot trick here and then make place holder monsters/items/ and NPC's to see where I am at. This will help me with a big decision I need to make about getting rid of or keeping RE's


PostPosted: March 9th, 2008, 10:09 pm 
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The last two day's I have put a lot of time in. I just finished a complete play through with the slot switch. There was a good amount of debugging along the way, but it's completly playable now. At least storywise. There is nothing out of place between the switch. I have a good page of notes of other things I need to fix, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. Progress is coming much faster then expected.

I made roughly 10 classes for each slot, nearly 50 items, and 16 NPC's for both slots. The items are basically placeholders for now. I haven't set the weapons strengths or who equips them yet, but that is to come. Same thing with the classes. I haven't balanced, but it;s nice not worrying about what space it will take up. I have been playing out what the NPC's will say, and where the variables will be added to make them change what they say.

The biggest issue is still what I'll be doing with the monsters. I have 78.2% on slot 1 and 72.8% on slot 2. This makes me want to use RE's, but it still sounds like a strech considering both slots would need the same monsters. Right now I'm leaning toward having a few places with RE's, but most will have nothing other then event based battles and puzzles.

Boring I know, but it's a good way for me to do some thinking and track my own progress. That being said, there's more to come soon.


PostPosted: March 15th, 2008, 11:49 pm 
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I got a good amount of work done since the last update. The thing I'm realizing is, the more I get done the more there is to do. Still I'm chipping away at it. Slot 1 is at 85.7 and slot 2 is at 78.6 percent.

I made all the monsters, and figured out how I'm going to lay them all out. The 3 main fields that you spend most of your time in won't have any RE's. The other two and most dungeons will. In every party there is a good chance they will drop an "Enemy Barrier" which drops the encounter rate only once, but you can get them often so it's kind of up to you if you want to fight or not.

I made a crap load of skills for people. 4 of the main characters have all 16. I layed out about 20 pieces of Cryolite. Which are stones that teach you skills. I'm sure I will make more.

I made another puzzle that is optinal. It askes 3 questions in a row and if you answer them all correctly you get a weapon, but if you fail twice you cannot get it.

I just started balancing stats. Things are going very well with that luckly.

This will be my last update for about a week. I'm going to Arkansas tomorrow night for spring break, so I won't be able to work on it which really sucks. I'm going to try and cram in as much work as I can before I go though.


PostPosted: March 25th, 2008, 10:42 pm 
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Well it's been a couple weeks since the last update. I just finished all the balancing on the first slot. I knew it was going to be a long process, but I didn't know what I was getting myself into.

Over the next couple days I plan on going through all the mosters and adding a few more skills. Once that's done I have to copy ever monster and class onto either a piece of paper or on the computer, because the same monsters appear on both slots. That includes stats skills drops, it's going to be a *****! I think I might make it into a beastiary as I go. Then submit it with the game. That's the worst part by far, having to copy stuff from slot to slot.

Once that's done then I'll start balancing the second slot. That should go faster. Aslo, for a few of the bosses I've done a new approch. I've given them little attack power for all their skills and stuff, and little HP, but made their speed through the roof. They get a few hits in before you get a turn. That makes each of your actions more crutial to weather you survive or not.

I'm figuring once all the balancing is done I'll have about 12% on each slot for whatever. I plan on using up each little bit of it. I guess I like these update more of a progress log for myself. Thanks for the interest even if it is really boring.


PostPosted: April 4th, 2008, 3:46 pm 
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Lmao, but that's just it. A release date doesn't rush you. Remember 1ce's thread about competed works in '07? Release dates a made to be delayed. ^_^

Anyway, I see you are really hard at work. Keep at it.

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PostPosted: April 6th, 2008, 5:49 pm 
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All balancing is finally complete!!! I'm so glad it's done. I also finished the end storyteller. The first slot is at 86.7 and the second slot is at 80.8 That gives me a lot of space for additional stuff. I'm going to start adding stuff today.


PostPosted: April 7th, 2008, 5:47 pm 
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Sounds good. You are not the only only one who uses their dev studio as a progress log. I'm one of them.

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PostPosted: April 9th, 2008, 5:28 pm 
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Well I've done a crap load of stuff since the last update.

I've made like 30 new items, I also gave each item new and old a discription. Place a crap load of chests. Most of the first slot is good as far as chests go. A bunch of little interactive events.

I made 5 new optional dungeons. None are very long. They are just filled with puzzles and rare/powerful items.

Probalbly 10 or so puzzles. They are a big memory eater, but it's all good. They do really add to the game. I just wish I added more to the main story since most are optional. I also like making them high risk. No guessing stuff. Generally you only have a couple trys to get it right or the item is gone.

A side mission that leads you to an optional dungeon. Most of the Dungeons I had to make in both slots. One the second slot you generally get to go to new areas with new puzzles and chests.

I've laid out and made sure all of the Cryolite are working. Theres like 30 or so of these.

Overall progress is really good, but it might slow now that I got that copy of RPGM 2 from valk. Slot 1 is at 89.7 and Slot 2 is at 87.3


PostPosted: April 26th, 2008, 12:16 pm 
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It's been a long time since I updated this thread, and that's because I haven't worked on it very much since I started Evil Fantasy. I have got some spell checking done, and a good amount of playtesting. The biggest reason I haven't been working on it is because I'm working on decrotives, chests, and that sort. The problem is, whatever I do on one slot I have to do on the other, so it takes double the time. It frusterates the hell out of me.

I'm considering not making the decrotives exactly the same, that way I have more modivation to actually do it. It might look wierd though. Going back through a dungeon that was in slot 1 and "hey, what happened to that box that was here?" type thing. On the other hand it is kinda realilistic for things to change and it could keep things fresh. What do you guys think about this?

Slot 1= 94.1 Slot 2= 91.2


PostPosted: April 26th, 2008, 10:00 pm 
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What are you talking about two slots? Why are you doing that?

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PostPosted: April 26th, 2008, 10:11 pm 
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The story is to big to fit on one slot so I had to brake it into to different slots. The thing is I allow for back tracking on the second slot so they need to be exactly the same. If I add a decrotive piece on slot 1 I have to add it in slot 2 also. Otherwise you'd come back late in the game you'd be missing something like a statue.


PostPosted: April 26th, 2008, 10:22 pm 
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Lausen wrote:
The story is to big to fit on one slot so I had to brake it into to different slots. The thing is I allow for back tracking on the second slot so they need to be exactly the same. If I add a decrotive piece on slot 1 I have to add it in slot 2 also. Otherwise you'd come back late in the game you'd be missing something like a statue.

Maybe it is too late for this now, but why don't you complete everything about all the layouts on the first slot and then save it to the second slot and after that modify the second slot to do whatever events you want?

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PostPosted: April 26th, 2008, 10:51 pm 
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Thats what I did, but I overestimated the amount of space it would take. Now I'm left with nearly 10% on each slot. All of the important stuff I did on the same slot then copied it just like you said. With all of this extra space I'm going through the game again and adding even more chests, and decrotives.

It's funny I'm having neary the exact same conversation with Perversion at the pav about this. :lol


PostPosted: April 27th, 2008, 12:16 am 
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I don't get it. Are you trying to force the game to take up 100 % on each card? Why not just go with what you have?

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PostPosted: April 27th, 2008, 12:23 am 
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I guess you could say that. I wouldn't feel right with myself knowing there is more I could do to add to the game. Even the smallest thing can add to a game. Games like Raiders of Lukunder inspired me to make things detailed and not settle with just average. That games dungeons were some of the best I thought just because there was decorations in it.


PostPosted: April 27th, 2008, 1:47 am 
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Well how can you call it a game unless it is 3 slots long? NO 10 slots!?

The smallest thing can take away from a game too.

It doesn't take much skill to fill a game. It takes skill to balance it without forcing it to be any set amount.

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PostPosted: April 27th, 2008, 2:01 am 
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I'll just let the finished product speak for itself.


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