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Topic review - Plans for RPG Maker 3
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Good luck. I know how RM3 can be!
Post Posted: July 7th, 2014, 7:05 pm
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I'm still around. Been trying to get back into gaming for months let alone RPGM3. Was good to look at the Mag again. Hope it inspires me. I'll be back.
Post Posted: July 7th, 2014, 5:35 pm
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Going to spend New Year's Day working on RPGM3.
Post Posted: December 26th, 2013, 8:03 pm
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Only have internet at the library right now. Looked at RPGM1 yesterday. Can't really get into it. Been playing some RPGs getting me thinking about getting back into RPGM3.
Post Posted: September 30th, 2013, 7:51 pm
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Same as my last post. I tried some games I had been working on, got more excited about some possibilities and realized the games would have to be too big. I'm a little more optimistic though that I will do something about it soon.
Post Posted: June 16th, 2013, 11:55 pm
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Today I played RPGM3 for a few hours for the first time in a long time. I was actually interested in reviewing what I had worked on for a particular game but turns out the memory card sitting in the PS2 had two different games instead so I looked at those. I love RPGM3. I actually have more time now and like my ideas but all of them just keep calling for a larger game. I want to make small games but none of my ideas lend to that. But at least I am back in the swing. I'll keep you posted.
Post Posted: March 31st, 2013, 11:54 pm
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I'm at the start of two consecutive 4-day weekends and plan not only to work on RPGM3 but to post about it as well. Stay tuned...
Post Posted: December 22nd, 2012, 9:42 am
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OK, back in the swing of things. It kills me when I use the Field editor for RPGM3. It is SO good. Underrated in my opinion. If you are good at it, then along with the environmental effects, you can really make some awesome maps. Unfortunately there is a high learning curve and it takes a TON of time to make a really, really good map. I know all the limitations on the event contents (scripts) and battling system make RPGM3 not worth it for a lot of designers, but I tell you again, if you are making an adventure game instead of an RPG, then you have to make it on RPGM3 over either RPGM1 or RPGM2. Most of my remaining ideas are in that direction.
Post Posted: July 2nd, 2012, 10:34 pm
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RPGM3 still on my mind a lot lately. Problem is that I don't want to be brainstorming on the details of ideas anymore until I have the confidence that I will have the know how and the time to really balance everything like the battle/leveling systems per se. What I really truly need is a free Saturday or Sunday afternoon and I'm hoping for one this weekend.
Post Posted: May 8th, 2012, 10:42 pm
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Hey thanks!

Yeah today I was trying out some stuff and it got me really excited so hopefully I'll do more this weekend. I'll keep you posted. :)
Post Posted: March 30th, 2012, 12:10 am
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Good to hear it. Looking forward to hearing more about these ideas.:)
Post Posted: March 29th, 2012, 12:06 am
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I've been going through my notebook and throwing out ideas I am not longer interested in. I have significantly narrowed down both the list of games I want to make and the events I want to put in them. I feel that I have gotten a lot out of planning to make games without actually having to make them. I am however still eager to present a final few and will be starting work on them today. Unfortunately though they all seem pretty big. Only one will be a clear RPG. All the rest will be adventure games with lite if any RPG elements.
Post Posted: March 28th, 2012, 1:35 pm
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Anonymous (Bo) wrote:
It is as I am sure it is to many RPGM developers that I already satisfied myself coming up with the idea and going through the effort to actually make the game is just all work.

That's too true. I like to come up with ways to do things but hate how tedious it is to implement in RM.
Post Posted: January 31st, 2012, 12:17 pm
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That's very true (much time and effort to make a game being work). So the question is, what kind of stuff is fun to work on? That's a question I've been asking myself in relation to potential game ideas. Is it gonna be fun to make, and then is it going to be fun to play? I'll opt for the projects that can answer "yes" to both questions. Those that end up answering "no" to at least one of them, I'll post in the RMDH forum and let the ideas just be what they are in print form. Personally, I've found that helps me to "acknowledge and move on".
Post Posted: January 30th, 2012, 7:48 pm
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Well it is true that I have a life so if I had more time I'm sure I'd pick it up as I still enjoy navigating it. But I do have some spare time and that is one game I never seem to go for these days because I think in the long run my interest in it has always been to show something that I haven't seen out there either gameplay wise or philosophy/story wise and I just don't seem to care about it anymore. It is as I am sure it is to many RPGM developers that I already satisfied myself coming up with the idea and going through the effort to actually make the game is just all work.
Post Posted: January 30th, 2012, 1:08 am
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I haven't worked on mine since... what, June or July of 2011? Something like that. Been doing other things and going where the winds of interest take me. Doesn't have to be a bad thing. Just means you have a life.

As for RPG Maker stuff... it'll happen when it happens, no sooner or later.
Post Posted: January 29th, 2012, 8:21 pm
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Just chiming in because I haven't in a long while. Not really anything to tell. I look at my RPGM3 case sitting in the closet with my other games and I just can't reach for it.
Post Posted: January 29th, 2012, 3:07 am
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OK, I think I need to add another game to the list of games officially planned. It will be an adventure game but I haven't decided if it is going to have any battles or not. I love the idea for this but I don't know where it is on the list. Let's just say I have 10 planned now. Jeesh!
Post Posted: May 12th, 2011, 1:59 pm
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Came up with a few more things I would like to implement in Action 1. I said this before that one of the shortcomings about that game is that I insist on it being a relatively short game but I keep coming up with stuff that makes it seem like it should be much longer. Ugh. That is also the problem with Action 2 but trust me they wouldn't be good to combine with each other. Looks like both might just be a small sketch of the ideas and if I like them enough maybe down the road I'll try to expand on the general concepts.
Post Posted: March 25th, 2011, 1:05 am
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Did a little bit of work today figuring out how exactly I wanted to implement both built in and custom statuses in my game Action 2. I tested briefly to make sure it would work and it looks good. This game is still second in line to Action 1 but I think this gives me a lot more room to think about specifically how I want to control the event contents and layout.

I also figured out a direction that I would want to take Action 1. As I said in my other topic one of the potential cons is that the game seems to be larger in scope naturally then I will let myself make it and this just further reminds me of how frustrating it may be. Having said that I hope by keeping it simple on both myself and the player it will kind of get across basics of the idea that might be enjoyable without being overbearing.

So I am in really good shape now to continue planning both these games in my head but I don't really have the time to sit there and make it on the PS2 right now. The one good thing for Action 1 is that most of the difficult parts of the game will be controlling certain events and I think if I devote maybe two full days I can get them done. The rest would be just details. Action 2 will not be as difficult to track script wise in its main events but will require creating a lot more maps, items, etc. and that will take a while.
Post Posted: March 15th, 2011, 11:42 pm

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