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Topic review - About the chat room
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I recommend Trillian. It runs IRC, AIM, ICQ, MSN, and Yahoo. You'll have to sign up for those accounts, but you won't have to download their chat services.
Post Posted: August 1st, 2006, 10:57 am
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Reki wrote:

I understand your humor, but please read on to see my position on this.
Out of all the damn messenger programs out there, this is the only one that drops another icon in your start menu, desktop and the top of your start menu whether you ask for it or not. And yes before you ask or say anything, I did uncheck the boxes to NOT add the icons to those areas.

Also, shortly after loading this little messenger program, I noticed that after unblocking AIM so it could be used, the program allowed 3 separate popups to come through a semi decent firewall. It's a cocky little program too. It assumed that I wanted it to be my default chat client. I did not ask it to be. Yet I had to go back in and change it back to Yahoo.

Reki wrote:
(omfg they're like a few bytes - geez.)

I will be the first to tell you that I do not care about the file size, or how much room it takes up on my computer. If you read the thread, "How much HD space do you have?" You'd understand why I am not concerned about how much room I've got left.

There is nothing wrong with me for not wanting to deal with this nuisance program. I choose what I want on my computer, and I really don't care what other people think.

I've successfully run three different messenger programs on the same computer all at the same time without a problem (GMail, Yahoo and MSN), but the minute I load AIM onboard, all my settings get changed and I get popups that I've never had before on this system. All IP tracks lead to a server for AOL. I've already written a letter to their company complaining about this, and have received nothing more than a simple reply of "We're looking into it."

Honestly, when you get a bunch of foriegn people at a call center who write back to you, and they even sound foriegn through their e-mail, you know that you're not going to expect an answer for a while and the only thing to do is just sit back and uninstall the program.[/b]
Post Posted: July 31st, 2006, 10:39 pm
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(omfg they're like a few bytes - geez.)
Post Posted: July 31st, 2006, 4:34 pm
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or msn? =\
Post Posted: July 26th, 2006, 1:02 am
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Ixzion wrote:
i use this

Haha, you're quite the funny guy, It's still AIM. LOL! I hate AIM, I haven't used it in over 4 years due to my utter hatred of the software. I won't even load AOL on my compter. I'll build my own damn ISP before I resign with AOL. Anyway, I broke down and loaded it on my laptop, and it's a pretty generic load... no triton, no e-mail, just plain ol AIM.

Post Posted: July 25th, 2006, 11:00 pm
     Reply with quote ... ach&id=192

i use this
Post Posted: July 25th, 2006, 10:08 pm
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Well can you tell me what to do about "not" getting cookies and crashes from the downloads?

My husband is very upset at the idea of using the AIM. So he wishes if maybe being you like the program if you can link it to the sight please? It gives us way too many problems.

We wish not to have cookies bogging down our hard drives on both computers.
Post Posted: July 25th, 2006, 10:00 pm
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There's no need when we can all just hand each other our AIM names and chat that way.
Post Posted: July 25th, 2006, 9:15 pm
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Forgive me for the double post.
Im just woundering if anyone is going to get back to me?
Post Posted: July 25th, 2006, 8:17 pm
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Do you think maybe you can link this to
the chat room you have on the mag?

Its just an idea.
Post Posted: July 22nd, 2006, 6:35 pm

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