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Topic review - Tion
Author Message
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Sern Reali: Welcome. I've been told you want to take our offer of guard duty. Unfortunately we don't have any other volunteers yet. There is still plenty of time until the foreign dignitary visits. Perhaps you could find a couple more volunteers yourself? Make sure they are hardy though... We need experienced adventurers, nothing less will do.
Post Posted: August 8th, 2005, 2:36 pm
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name: Tion
gender: male
class:blue mage
level 1

Hit points = 10/10(10)
Magic points = 5/5(5)
Skill points = 3/3(3)
Accuracy = 2(2)
Attack = 2(2)
Defense = 2(2)
Intelligence = 3(3)
Magic Defense = 3(3)
Agility = 3(3)

Character Points = 1
Experience = 0
Spell Points = 0

Weapon: W-staff
Armor: none
Accessory: None

when tion was a child he wasen't relly noticed he was like that guy that sits next to you in class you would see him evryday but only talk to him if you where asking to borow a pencel or something. he lived with his mother for his father had disapered long before he was born thay lived in the contry it was a boring life he whent to school by day and slept at night Tion had always dreemed of a life better then the one he lived now but he knew that he could never have it for his mother could hardly aford to keep him in school never mind travel. plus tion was all his mother had left if he was ever to go off on his own she would shuely be hartbrokein so he dreemed and dreemed of a chanch for adventure that would never come.... or so he thought one day as he was walking he found a strange cave that he had not noticed before so he desied to check it out inside was a glowing stone the light was bright blue the most butiful thing he had ever seen if i sell this it could be worth a ton of gold i could pay for travel and go on an adventure he thoght. and so he tryed to take the stone but as soon as he toched it the wole cave lit up tions head begin to spin and the thoghts of a thousend people rushed thrghoe mind and soon he pased out he awoke in a hospitle feeling strange. as the years progresed Tion started to develop strange powers when ever he toched a person or thing he seemed to be able to see like them hear like them and think like them. this scared him but he knew that it was a result of that day one year before. he started to stay home from school. for hours sometimes months on end he stayed locked away in his room his mother and his best freinds began to worry. intill one day he came out of his room feed up with being scared of him self he walked to the center of the town far away and showed the people what he could do for he had been practing as the months that he had stayed locked up in his room progesed. as he showed them his otherworldly powers thay staired astonshed at the poer he held. in the days that folowed people talked of the boy some said his gift was one of the gods and that he had come to protect them... others however thoght of him as a monster come to destory them. Tion however knew that one thing was for certien he had to leave his home his famly and his freinds. he had to go and find the reson he held these powers and he had to learn what happened to his father so meny years before.
Post Posted: July 29th, 2005, 11:54 am

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