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Topic review - World Map
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Download the Half-Scale Lufia Map

Rules of Travel
A. A PC may only travel to another continent by entering a port and arranging a boat.

B. A PC must travel through caves, when required, to reach new towns.

<b>Boats from all ports in the world cost 100 Gold.</b>

Continent: Gelfina (Metal Producing)
* 1: Alekia - Human Port
* 2: Chatam - Human Village
* 3: Caves (must to reach Sheran)
* 4: Sheran - Human Village
* 5: Treck - Human City
* 6: East Cave
* 7: North Cave

Continent: Lacourn (Healing Item Producing)
* 8: Lorbenia - Human Port
* 9: Grenoble - Human Castle
* 10: Old Cave (slightly above 9)
* 11: Tower
* 12: Kirof - Tao Boath Village
* 13: Medan - Tao Boath Castle
* 14: Ghost Cave
* 15: Cave Near Medan
* 16: Belgen - Human Port
* 17: Dais - Merperson Village
* 18: Tower
* 19: Suringal - Merperson Village
* 50: Forfeit Island - Game Island

Continent: Meifaria (Accessory Producing)
* 20: Jenoba - Elven City/Port
* 21: Blue Tower
* 22: Green Tower
* 23: Ruan - Elven Outpost
* 24: Red Tower
* 25: Elfrea - Elven Castle

Continent: Qees (Pronounced: Keese) (Assist Item Producing)
* 26: Ranqs - Human settlement
* 27: Ranqs Cave - (must to reach Odel)
* 28: Odel - Human settlement
* 29: Lyden - Merperson City/Port
* 30: West Cave
* 31: Arus - Tao Boath City
* 32: Tower of Grief
* 33: Platina - Elven Village

Continent: Mercada (Magic Producing)
* 34: Bakku - Human Port
* 35: Carbis - Elven Port
* 36: Tower of Light
* 37: Linze - Secret Home of Elves (must go through to reach Gaiyas)
* 38: Gaiyas Cave - Elven Holy Land
* 39: Marse - Tao Boath Village
* 40: Three Island Caves - Merperson Holy Land
* 41: Herat - Human settlement
* 42: Aisen (Pirate Tower)
* 43: Soshette - Ominous place

Continent: T'Cha (Tee-Cah) (Nothing)
* 44: Epro - Tao Boath Holy Land/Port
* 45: Oil Cave
* 46: Arubus - Elven City
* 47: North Cave
* 48: South West Cave - (must go through to reach Glasdar Tower)
* 49: Glasdar Tower
Post Posted: June 13th, 2005, 4:49 pm

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