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Topic review - Zerk
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FINALLY satisfied with his location, Zerk heads out of Chatam and looks for monsters.
Post Posted: October 14th, 2005, 6:05 pm
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Not knowing how powerful the monsters around sheran are, Zerk decides to head back through the cave to Chatam...
Post Posted: October 5th, 2005, 5:21 pm
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Zerk travels through the caves towards Sheran.
Post Posted: August 12th, 2005, 12:52 pm
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Upon reaching Chatam, Zerk heads to the caves.
Post Posted: August 11th, 2005, 1:35 pm
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In need of money, Zerk decides to head further inland and goes to Chatam.
Post Posted: August 10th, 2005, 5:49 pm
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Mayor: Yes, I see. An ork could definitely have done that. Good work defeating it, I'm not sure many so young as you could have done the same. Still, it makes me wonder how an ork made it all the way to Alekia cave. There may be something more behind this, but you've completed your job. Here is your remaining gold. You've done Alekia and Shedan a great service.
Post Posted: August 10th, 2005, 4:51 pm
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When Zerk awakes in the morning he goes to the Mayor's house and shows him the Ork's axe.
Zerk: "An Ork was eating the monsters, causing them to flee the cave. I defeated the Ork, so you shouldn't have any more monster problems."
Post Posted: August 10th, 2005, 11:45 am
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With the battle over you shift back to the task at hand. You decide to take the Orks axe as proof. It's damaged, but it is obvious what it was. With that and your other findings, it should be enough to complete the job. You can return to the mayor with your findings at your leisure.

Zerk returns to Alekia and goes to the Inn. He pays the Innkeeper 4 gold to completely recover and sleeps the rest of the night.
Post Posted: August 9th, 2005, 10:07 pm
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The left path seems to be far more traveled than the right path was. A short while after you begin your trek down the left path you come across another fork. However, looking down the left path you see an exit, which you figure to be the way to Shedan. You continue on and begin to hear a familiar grunting sound. Every once in a while a pile of bones seems to be discarded on the ground. You figure something must be eating the monsters in here, and the influx of monsters is just them escaping from the cave. Then you enter a clearing. Down below you see a dark figure chewing on some bones. You try to get a closer look, but you knock some rocks loose, alerting whatever was below. In a single leap, he is on you, and ready to attack. You, however, were still ready. Please report to the battle topic.
Post Posted: August 9th, 2005, 4:29 pm
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Zerk: "Well, that was a waste of time. I'll take the left path now, obviously."
Post Posted: August 9th, 2005, 12:36 pm
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Walking down the right path of the cave, something seems to be missing. The path is winding and deep. Hours pass as you walk through the cave, but find nothing. Where are all of the monsters? You haven't heard the grunting noise you heard earlier in a while. Actually, you haven't heard anything for a while. You start to think you've headed down the wrong path. Then you finally reach a dead end. It appears to have housed dozens of monsters, but now all that remains are a handful of corpses. You have a hunch now, but it still must be confirmed. Another trip back through the cave takes you to the fork. Maybe tomorrow you will have more luck.
Post Posted: August 8th, 2005, 11:39 pm
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After defeating the bat and taking a second to re-gather your sense of direction, you notice a fork in the path of the cave. You hear some strange grunting noises, but you don't recognize them, nor can you tell which direction they are coming from. It's obvious that there are things other than bats in this cave, however.

Zerk: "Hmm... left or right?"
Zerk takes a gold coin from his pocket and flips it. It lands tails side up, so he goes right, pausing to pick up the coin.
Post Posted: August 8th, 2005, 11:16 pm
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Not but 20 feet into the cave, you were attacked. Please report to your battle topic.
Post Posted: August 7th, 2005, 7:03 pm
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Zerk decides that he should complete the job as soon as possible and heads for the Alekian cave(assuming it's next to Alekia).
Post Posted: August 7th, 2005, 6:52 pm
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<b>Job 0001: The Alekian Cave</b>
Post Author: Alekian Mayor Roseforth
Continent: Gelfina
Location: Alekia

<u>Job Statistics</u>
Status: Incomplete
Travel Expenses: 100 (paid)
Compensation: 20 (half now, half later)

<img src="">

<b>Message: Hello, Zerk. I'm glad you took on my request. It really sets my mind at ease to know someone's on the case. I really don't know how we can live without that cave to get back and forth.

What I need you to do is go into the cave and investigate what is going on in that blasted cave. Be sure to come back to the town's inn if you need to rest.

Here's 10 Gold. When you bring back proof that you've solved the case, I'll pay you the rest. Good luck.</b>
Post Posted: August 7th, 2005, 6:19 pm
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Name: Zerk
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Black Mage
Alignment: Neutral

Level 2

Hit points = 12/12(12)
Magic points = 9/9(9)
Skill points = 4/4(4)
Accuracy = 3(3)
Attack = 3(3)
Defense = 6(3)
Intelligence = 5(5)
Magic Defense = 14(4)
Agility = 5(5)

Character Points = 2
Spell Points = 1
Experience = 10

Weapon: None
Armor: Jacket
Accessory: None

Aquaburst (1-point water spell)
Spell Power: 4
Status Effects: none
Extras: none
Restrictions: none
Magic Point Cost: 1

Microflare (1-point fire spell)
Spell Power: 4
Status Effects: none
Extras: can hit multiple targets
Restrictions: can only be used 3 times a day
Magic point cost: 1

Zerk was born to a family of blacksmiths in Alekia. As none of his relatives were adept in the ways of magic, it was a complete surprise that he was a skillful mage before his third birthday. The prodigy left town at age seven to work as a mercenary. Eleven years later, he recieved a vision that told him to return to his hometown...
Post Posted: July 27th, 2005, 6:06 pm

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