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Review - Crazy Skating (Razor)

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Razor's Review

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RPGMM Overall
Final: 9.5

RPGMM Gold Award

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Crazy Skating
Developer: Jerbils
Genre: Skating
Release: June 2003
Rating: Everyone
Crazy Skating is an innovative and fun game for RPG Maker. This game proves that with the right amount of imagination, a game maker can create any type of game. Of course, with the limitations of RPG Maker (especially in graphics) this game is nowhere in the league of the legendary Skate Boarding games that have blessed the Playstation and Playstation 2 consoles. In fact, the custom sprites are mediocre but they do look like what they're supposed to be for the most part. Still, you don't play an RPG Maker game for graphics so let's get down to the gameplay.

This game is fun; let me emphasize that for all you game creators that think it's enjoyable to make game after game that involve the generic story of rescuing damsels in distress, fighting monsters and solving mundane puzzles. Fun! Make the game fun! And Jerbils has certainly done that with this one. The controls are simple and the tricks are funny to watch. Especially when you get to knock people in holes, toss boulders on top of mugger's heads and start raging infernos.

But, this game is not perfect. So, without further ado, let me get into the scoring for this delightful chapter in RPG Maker history.

+ The opening sequence is clever and amusing. My favorite line was: "By Jove! What heathen beast hath been summoned before us?" Immediately, you know that this game is going to be different with a bit of "tongue-in-cheek" humor to it. It's easy to get around the levels in this game and you get some helpful hints from a few characters. You even get to meet the game maker himself in the game! There is no story for this game nor does there need to be. Visually the game is mediocre; the level designs are okay but nothing too grand. Sound is good in this game, nothing spectacular but decent all the same.

- I didn't care for the custom sprites. The block-headed skater looks a little ridiculous when put in perspective with the roundish, pre-made sprites. Still, at least the creator made the effort to draw up some sprites so I won't detract too many points for this.
[Final]: 24/25%

+ This game is one big feature. The fact that you are playing a skateboarding game on the RPG Maker medium is incredible enough. There are also a number of tricks to pick up and money to gather to keep you playing through the whole game.

- However, I do have a few gripes. I found it irritating that you had to constantly go back into the "menu" room to remove and add different tricks then hope that you picked the right one when you get stuck trying to achieve certain level goals. There also needs to be an in-game score keeper. Something that lets you know which goals you have completed in which areas. I had to write these down on a separate piece of paper but I feel that shouldn't be necessary for a game like this. I would recommend that the game maker add on a room where you can view your score for each area. It would be easy to add and wouldn't take up too much space on the memory cards.
[Final]: 23/25%

+ I didn't notice any spelling errors and the tricks worked fine. Jerbils did a great job of test playing for the most part.
- But, I did notice that when you jump on rails going vertically you can see the rail passing through the skater sprite. There are also times when you jump through windows and watch them pass through your character as if he were a ghost. Still, this is a minor gripe and doesn't detract that much from the overall fun.
[Final]: 24/25%

+ I said it before and I'll say it again; this game is FUN! Pure and simple. The game creator has struck on the very root of the word, fun. I had a great time playing this game and you will too unless you hate skateboarding games, then you probably won't enjoy this game. But, if you hate skateboarding games then why would you take the time to download this one?
- My only gripe was the going back and forth trying to figure out which trick to use. Don't get me wrong; there are level goals where the creator gives you excellent hints as to what trick to use and where. It just seemed that, in order to make the game more challenging, he purposely skimped on the hints and I don't think that's much fun.
[Final]: 24/25%

[Overall]: 95/100%
I enjoyed Crazy Skating. It makes me sad that I have to get critical and analyze this fun game but I wouldn't be a very good reviewer if I didn't. I highly recommend this joyful romp to any gamer. I plan to play through it a couple more times and just enjoy it instead of analyzing it. So, go download this game and have fun. It only takes up two memory cards so that should come as a relief to those of you who don't have a plethora of cards to spare.
Review by: Razor Man

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