Last issue, we put up the question Will you buy RPG Maker 3 on launch day?
The results of that poll are as follows:
62% of readers (47 votes) said that they were already saving up.
28% of readers (21 votes) said that they would wait for reviews/word-of-mouth.
And finally, 11% of readers (11 votes) said they weren't buying it.
Ad -- ChaosSentinel
Game: Lunavarien
Platform: RPG Maker 3
The adventures of Dion Lanari and his companions in a two-part gaming event!
There are two moons, represented by two deities: Luminera, the white
goddess, and Sardonis, the black god. When a dark warrior appears suddenly, Dion and
his friends must pursue this strange warrior and learn about who he is and learn of
an ancient prophecy that is being fulfilled.
Featuring detailed romance system, big areas and good storyline, you must be here
to experience Part 1 coming out in January 2006!
Who needs a Development Studio?
Any and every developer with the drive and passion to
create a little slice of heaven for themselves, that's who. And
RPG Maker Magazine is here to help!
Find out how RPGMM can set you up with the tools to create a studio
for your masterpieces below.
Have you ever wanted to carve a niche for yourself on the net?
And better yet, for free without giant banner ads or pop-ups?
Somewhere with your own subdomain and ftp access?
If so, I'm pleased to inform you about the new package for
all RPGMM Studio Owners, current AND prospective. It's the
RPGMM Studio Plus program!
This program offers the following:
- Full forum on RPGMM with moderation power
- Subdomain url (
- Ability to add news about your studio to the main site
- FTP Access
- 10MB of server space
all of this can be yours! When you sign up for a studio in
the Requesting Center,
mention that you want Studio Plus and we'll get to setting you up.
Please be advised that RPGMM will not make your site for you. Also, remember
that your site is bound by RPGMM rules and if those rules are broken, we will
first warn, and upon a repeat, then take down your site. That is the absolutely
last thing we want to do, so please use this gift with consideration.
We look forward to seeing you, devs!
Pavilion News Corner
The RPG Maker Pavilion is in the process of getting a facelift.
The graphics will stay the same, but the layout and much information
will change on the site. Good luck with that.
Also, Valkysas, head honcho of the Pavilion, has informed
RPGMM that massive game review drive they have launched is going
to start showing off reviews soon. Keep your eyes on the Pav for
RPGMM Rumor Mill
If you heard it here, it could probably be true. Maybe.
Starting off, the informant Mr. Pigwhistle, Jr. has just dropped an
interesting bit of info regarding the next RPG Maker. According to Pigwhistle,
the next RPG Maker (RPG Maker 4?) will debut on the Xbox 360 console and
use the 360's hard drive to the extreme, allowing all of it to be used
for the creation of your RPG. Then, the files can be downloaded and played
on your own 360 without a disk! Players will be encouraged to sell their
games in the Xbox Marketplace, as well.
In other news, it's been hinted at that RPG Maker Magazine founder
Lord Ixzion will be stepping down as head of the site early
next year. However, when asked, Ixzion said "No comment." Yes, this
does not constitute an answer of "yes", why not come out and
say it? What is this man hiding?
Finally, there are rumors about Ixzion's social life, as well. The
man has been seen with the likes of Elizabeth Hurley, JLo,
Nicole Ari Parker, and more. When asked, Ixzion responded:
"Man, I got [ladies of fine stature] in different area codes."
Are there illegitimate children in his future?