RPG Maker Magazine

Game of the Issue 2.2: Hero's Quest!
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Game of the Issue :: Hero's Quest
Creator :: Josh S.
Released :: December 2003
Download :: Hero's Quest (Full)

In the land of Harmonia, there exists a village called Little Town. In it lived a girl named Hero. Hero has always dreamt about becoming a knight, doing battle and seeing the world. One day, the King sends a notice looking for a brave man or woman to go on quests. Hero immediately goes out and heads to the castle. Upon arrival, she is immediately sent out on a small quest to prove her mettle and valor. From this moment on, Hero will be in the middle of a battle to save everything she holds dear. And she's ready to fight.

One of the best things about this game is the amount of mini-quests you can do while progressing through the game. There's at least 3 you can do in the first area alone, and it keeps a steady stream throughout the game. Another thing that this game does right is no random battles. Random battles has gone the way of the dinosaur. Other things to mention are the use of musical effects (which really liven up the game) and hidden goodies. Everything blends together to bring you a solid RPG-flavored outing for RPG Maker.

Don't pass this game up.


Hero's Quest title
Hero's quest is just beginning.

Hero fantasy
Hero's fantasizing.
