RPG Maker Magazine

Articles 2.2: RPG Maker 3! Winners of the Craziest RPG contest!
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Issue 2.2 Poll:
Will you buy RPG Maker 3 on launch day?
I'm already saving up.
I'll wait for reviews/word-of-mouth.
RPG Maker 3
 RPG Maker 3 screenshots! (Japanese)
RPG Maker 3! It's announced, and it's coming in four months! We're as excited about it as you guys are!
Screens :: 1 2 3 Site

Amazon.com/Agetec, Internet -- Amazon.com has prematurely let off the bomb that was building up over at Agetec, developers of the RPG Maker line of games. Apparently, Amazon.com started allowing pre-orders for RPG Maker 3 without from consent from Agetec and let the cat out of the bag early!

While it would be completely understandable for Agetec to be upset at Amazon's actions, it's a great announcement for the RPG Maker community. From the words of Mark Johnson, an Agetec employee, RPG Maker 3 sounds like it will fix the problems of RPG Maker 2:

"I will say this though – I think RPG Maker 3 is awesome and it’s honestly going to be much better title for many, many people – myself included."

Also from the horse's mouth, RPG Maker 3 will be releasing within 4 months! That will put the release smack-dab in the middle of summer (July), which would give many in the RM community time to master the controls when committments and responsibilities have slackened off.

Oh, and get this: there seems to be a contest ahead, as well! The prize? A copy of RPG Maker 3 for three lucky people! Check out the RPG Maker Pavilion for more information on that one.

This is a wonderful time to be an RPG Maker fan! Be sure to spend the coming months writing scripts for your gaming masterpieces!

Reporting by: Lord Ixzion
The RPG Maker Pavilion, Internet -- The RPG Maker Pavilion has undergone a recent change. A big change. A total facelift and site organization, not to mention site/forum integration. All of this is great for a site to have, however, RPGMM's Lord Ixzion managed to have a chat session with Pavilion bigwig Valkysas and ask the question: What will this mean to you, the site patron?

Valk: It essentially means that they can continue ignoring the main site like they have traditionally done the last 5 years. With the site running off the forum software, they can access everything from the forum itself without ever having to go to the site-designated areas.

RPGMM's Rumor Mill
If you heard it here, it could probably be true. Maybe.

  • According to a source, calling himself Mr. Pigwhistle, has dropped a potential bomb on the RPGM community. According to Pigwhistle, Valkysas, current head of the RPG Maker Pavilion, will be abdicating that mantle in May. RPGMM has tried contacting Valkysas, informally known as Valk, about this matter, but we were unable to reach him for comment in time for publication.

  • RPGMM has word from a source close to Agetec that another RPG Maker will be coming to follow up the recently-revealed RPG Maker 3. It's going to be fully 2D, fully-compatable with Magic Pengal: The Quest for Color, and will sold exclusively in GameStop stores. We'll keep you updated as it develops.

  • RPG Maker 3 is said to be able to do almost anything you could possibly dream of in a Maker series game. But what if what you wanted was...a little risquè? Well, according to Mr. Pigwhistle, RPG Maker 3 will allow users to make sex animations for their characters. This has currently not been confirmed nor denied by Agetec, but we'll keep our eyes open for more details.

  • RPGMM Contest Winners Announced!

    The winner of the Craziest RPG contest is...

    Sushi Samurai GO!! With a total score of 161 points, it grabs the crown of the Craziest RPG Contest! With it's funny jokes, sarcasm, and downright bizarre antics, this game nets its the game of their choice and a prize pack!

    Following closely behind was Ice Scream: Cherry-Dipped Doom (153 points), Something Stupid 9 (147 points), and Smitpok (133 points). They will receive a game selected from our collections and a small surprise.

    Thank you to all who entered the contest, and sorry about all of the delays. If we have another contest, you have our word that we will try our very best to get everything done on time and prevent this from happening again.

    Winners! Please send an email to lord_ixzion@rpgmmag.com (Subject line: RMag Contest Prize) with your mailing address and the game you want (2nd-3rd prize winners; tell me the genre of game you like and list the games you have in that genre so you won't get a repeat) and your prizes will be in the mail by April 28th, 2005.
