Death Collector by Ultimate Shadow
RPG Maker Magazine Issue 2.1 » Page 5c: Interview with Ultimate Shadow  
Q1. How has RPG Maker 2 been treating you since it's release last year?
Ultimate Shadow: Not so very good... All it did was cause my headaches and the tension of falling asleep. Mainly because it's load is somewhat slow when your trying to switch between things all the time. Because of this, I quit for a while and now came back determined to make a game. However, I still is giving me headaches and all sorts of bad affects. In the end though, it will be worth it.

Q2. What about this game made you decide to come back?
US: For the first part, it costed me $50. I don't want to waste the money. Besides the value, it's my future career. If I was to give up now, I might as well pick a new career. I want to make a game that the people will remember me by. I want them to know I have a creative mind and so forth. I am mainly doing this for the enjoyment of the people who want cool games. In five words, I want to be known.

Q3. So, what is this new game that you're working on?
US: It's called Death Collector. It's about a female assassin who is getting revenge on a group people who destroyed her town, Aerion, and nearly killed them all off. This game will take place in a darker universe. Because of this, the female, Crystal, snipes the group, silent kills them, and about any job an assassin would do. She's just out for revenge and finish her releuctant journey. She uses snipers, katars, knives, and many lethal weapons to get the job done. It's all about revenge. Expect a bloody game of darkness!

Q4. That sounds exciting. What kind of gameplay elements will you include into this game?
US: If I can figure it out, I'll have an Action Battle System for the use of katars as her main weapons. It will have lengthy combos and moves if I can pull this off right. When I master stealth, this game will take a major role on it due to the fact she is a silent killer. She'll be able to hide anywhere you see, shadows, any rooms with doors, hallway ceilings, corner of ceilings in big rooms, and much more. It'll also include some sort of shooting system for sniping. You can then zoom into places and shoot like mad. However, in this game, you must never be caught once. It's all about the silent killing. I may also add in the use of a button pressing battle system for one on one duels.

Q5. I hope you're be able to pull that off. How long have you been working on this game and how long do you think it'll take players to finish?
US: Well, maybe I been working on it for a month. Not much at all compared to the length you play it for. I barely worked on the game with the RPG Maker 2, but I have been working hard pulling off a good story. For this type of genre of game... I would have to say about 8 hours of gameplay for it is an action game. Just enough to have a full length game of fun and feel the characters.

Q6. Speaking about the story, what kind of experience do you want to leave those who play your game?
US: This is a tough question. I want to them to see how dark a game can get than just freaky animations. I want the players to see the way someone could take action and deliver pain to your actions. I will try to deliver a painful experience from watching painful scences of the game. Most of all though, fun and the feeling of the characters.

Q7. Do you have any idea of when a demo may appear? How about the full version?
US: Let's see... At my rate of working on the game and the story itself, it may have a demo at the end of summer. For the full game though, maybe October-December if I actually work on it non-stop.

Q8. What have you found hardest so far about bringing what you see in your mind unto the canvas that is RPG Maker 2?
US: The Action Battle System of course. Pulling off combos is a headache thinking about it. Having the enemy actually attack was something I could never work out. Having health set up than the Default Battle System is a little difficult. But either way, it will be done weather I like doing it or not.

Q9. Last question. What do you think of RPG Maker Magazine? :p
US: I really think it's been the coolest thing for RPG Maker since I first seen it. Nothing can beat the idea of having actual games and interviews by the people. Nothing beats the RPG Maker Magazine in my opinion. To me, it will always be remembered in my heart. If I can fulfill my career of making a game company, I will have the RPG Maker Magazine to be credited.

Thanks for your time, Ultimate Shadow!
