Q1. Who are you and please tell us a little about yourself.
Spice Dog: Well, my name is Matt, and I'm 18 years old. I thoroughly
enjoy video games and its always been a small dream of me to create one.
Now, I have a chance at it, and its pretty much a dream come true for me.
That's pretty much all there is to it... I'm not a complicated person :-)
Q2. How did you get into RPG Maker? Have any current projects you're
working on or have finished?
Spice Dog: I got into RPG Maker basically by seeing all the excellent
things that could be accomplished by taking advantage of the software.
I desperately wanted to be a part of the game designing field in some
way, and I saw it as my first chance to do so. I guess you could call
me a rookie at RPG Maker, as it is my first dive into it. Well, myself
and my team of designers.
Q3. Your team of designers? Are you ribbing me? :p
Spice Dog: haha... alright, well, a small team... I can't do this all
on my own... A small group of trusted friends, if you will.
Q4. Tell us about the game idea you're working on right now.
Spice Dog: Where to begin? Its a tranditional fantasy RPG called The Awakener, for starters.
I felt like that would be the right choice for my first game. It involves
a young man's quest to find his "parents" murderers and, consequently,
the ones who destroyed his hometown.
Q5. What kinds of twists and features do you plan to include to make
this game your own and set it apart from the other games out there?
Spice Dog: I would say that this game will focus a lot on story.
It'll be a major factor. I decided I would have to go this route because
this would really be the only pheasible way I could keep an audience.
Let's just say the story will contain most of the twists and subtleties
that will definitely make the game stand out. Also, be prepared for lots
of interesting boss fights!
Q6. Could you give us a small description of the major personalities
that players will encounter in the game?
Spice Dog: There are a few main characters. The lead is the young
man, previously mentioned, Rayne. He is kind of different than most leads
because he is a shy, timid fellow who also happens to be a magician/wizard
instead of the usual soldier type. His friend, the only other survivor of
the sacking of his hometown, is Amare. He is your typical stand-out,
hulking, massive brute soldier, but with a pure heart and loyalty to his
childhood friend. He isn't the lead because he lacks the will of the mind,
so to speak. We are also playing around right now with the idea of a
female main character... a love interest for somebody...
Q7. That sounds interesting, to be sure. What have you found to be the
hardest thing about transferring what you see in your mind into RPG
Maker's tools?
Spice Dog: The hardest part has defintely been all the typing!
Seriously though, the hardest part is definitely setting up all the
events and actually getting them to work correctly... also, the tedious
renaming of items and spells and the like is taxing on the mind...
Q8. What would you tell a person new to RPGM if they were having
a problem?
Spice Dog: I would try my best to explain, or tell that person to visit
your excellent site (which i just recovered in my favorite places!)! Also,
I would say not to get overwhelmed or frustrated by this seemingly
intimidating tool. It takes some time to get used to, but the payoffs
and satisfaction are well worth the early bumpy roads.
Q9. Last question. What do you like about RPG Maker Magazine's issues?
Spice Dog: Haha... this will sound cliched... but they're informative
yet still entertaining and not at all boring to read.
Thanks for your time, Spice Dog!