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Editorial 1.2: What are you thankful for?   

 Lord Ixzion
Webmaster, Chief Reviewer and Editor
Likes: Earthbound, TEH MAG!!11
Dislikes: Hard work, but gets by anyway.

Our Topic: What are you thankful for?

What am I thankful for? "Hold on a second," Oblivion Dragon remarks, "this is December, not November!" (see OD's panel) He's right, you know. At first RPGMM was supposed to put out an issue every month, however, we're officially changing that to one issue every two months (bi-monthly). I know, I know. We're murderous back-stabbing good-for-nothings. :p

Back to the topic at hand....I am thankful for a lot of things. So many things, in fact, that I've decided to make a list! It's very cool. Before that, however, I'd like to thank one person who I feel has not gotten the credit he deserves in helping the Mag.


Without furthur ado, here is my list!

What Lord Ixzion is thankful for...

  • My family
  • Being able to create RPGMM and have people visit it
  • Clowns
  • Presenting Issue 1.2 for you guys for Christmas 2003
  • The fact that I passed all 5 of my classes this semester
  • Over 30000 hits site-side and 10000 posts forum-side
  • Ice Cream
  • Pizza
  • Setting personal goals
  • Coming out of my shell and finally talking directly to girls (if but a little bit)
  • Playboy (though I've never had or read one)
  • Thongs
  • Video cassettes
  • DVDs
  • Onion Rings
  • My NES, SNES, N64, GC, Genesis, PS1, PS2, GB, GBA and my 50 or so games collectively.
  • My lacking, but steadily-growing art skills
  • My active staff *stares*
  • Anime
  • Japan
  • Fuc...*ahem* Freeservers for terminating my account and forcing me to search for a better option. Way to go, assholes. :D
  • Finally....Agetec, Enterbrain and RPG Maker for giving me the inspiration to make this site.
So, to all a Merry New Year and Smeary Christmas and to all a good night. Hmm...I think there was a liquor reference in there somewhere... Oh well. See ya next year!


 Oblivion Dragon
Head Reviewer
Likes: Band, falling cows.
Dislikes: None...for now...

You are a little late you know... Thanksgiving is over...err umm... that is, of course, Im thankful for..well...MUSIC! Some of you may know that it is pretty much my life. Ah...where would I be without my Night on Bald Mountain and Peer Gynt Suite?

The Mag- I have to say....this is probably THE best online community that I have ever had the privilage of being a part of. There may not be thousands of active posters like you may see at other boards, but everyone gets along and everyone has their say. This goes back to the friends thing....sure, I don't know ANY of you personally, but some people here I can sit down and talk to like we have been the best of friends forever....Ixzion...Good Job!

Head Webworker
Likes: Cheese.
Dislikes: Doing work. Period. :p

The Google "I'm Feeling Lucky" search for "miserable failure".

Head Previewer
Likes: Ixzy, videogames.
Dislikes: Idiots.

Ah, to be thankful. I could post exactly whom I am thankful for this year. But I fear prejudice on your guy's part...I mean, hell, 5 months ago I would be prejudice against it too. But I have found my significant other. Love... yes, dear followers (of which there is none ), Goten a.k.a. Ash has found love. In the most befuddling place--not the internet, like I would have thought to find my only loves. But it's in real life. I can hold this person... and this person can hold's incredible just being near this person, it makes me overjoyed. I don't care if it's wrong or right--I feel great about this--and I love this person dearly... and it turns out they have the same feelings for me. And dear God, I am thankful for it.

Head of Forums
Likes: Green.
Dislikes: Everything else.

Cleavers, stain removers, ditches... Illegal drugs, illegal immigrants, video game violence, TV violence, dumb people to make me look smarter, smart people to put me in my place, smart people to make me look like less of an ass when putting other people in their place, Amish people, less Amish people, Amish people to make me look less Amish, illegal drugs again, the Internet, Al Gore, the... uh... Mag?


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