Arrant love consumed her ardent heart.
She burned with an amour and her soul knew no clamour, as portrayed by her manner: so placent with ease.
Yes, her life she had pledged to him, so her heart did not cringe from him-in spite the strange edge in him as he so fixedly stared. Indeed his eyes held some cold new air, and a countenance that was consumately bare, as if the light had left his, once fair.
Strong hands clasped now shaking limbs, as his grim words begot silence, and tears shattered her with a cunning violence. Pride forgotten long since as her screams mirrored her thoughts and these sure frought with the idea of a love lost and sorrow sought.
His decree was war, and in this he and blade should partake-leaving her senseless in his wake. Prompt return after 7 full turns he'd promised with a passion that burned, then a kiss none to subtle that stilled her rebuttle.
And so his sure shuttle bore him and Tore her...
Then with faith of his proper sending, she shut out all in hopes of mending, hoping and dreaming but Never seeming for that horrid sentiment of Blood and cleaving. So she was alone, "in a world of moan", naught to comfort but tears for miserable years of twisted searing fears.
Till one fatefull morn, remembered with scorn, rough steps blessed her door and she turned to find a weary, way-worn wanderer with bleak message bore.
He spun a tale of death in far dale, and of promises from man direly assailed-promises that to our young lady paled. Her love and this world had fast severed ties and his last words were of his seraph bride-even as his soul did die. And to this she let loose a stricken cry, to this she felt the faith crawl up inside. To this she felt that star fall, the one to which she had given ALL her confides-the one that surely bred lies in their tiresome tyrsts from seditious night skies.
He did not stay long, but at the end of horrid song he did present with fateful lament the parting gift from a man now spent. Her soul did rend, her heart did die-now unwilling to vie without love to stifle her cries...
_________________ Not All Who Wander Are Lost