RPGMM Forums

Funny Thing About Adult Film Stars (PG-13)
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Author:  Bonanza [ July 20th, 2006, 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Funny Thing About Adult Film Stars (PG-13)

Okay, guys, this conversation may be a little too mature for the youngins, so please forgive me for I have something to say that may rock your socks off.

You see, I tend to dabble at porn, but then again, who doesn't? *coughIxzcough* Now, the reason being is that I happened to be watching something I copped from the net featuring this very hot film actress by the name of "Sky Lopez." Image

She's been in the business since 1999, and from what I saw...she was good. Now, back to the interesting part. You know there may always be a time when you're watching your tv set and you see these adult film stars that you may have seen in your personal stash either regretting the decision that they made and/or devoting themselves to the Lord, attempting to "cleanse" themselves from the numeorus adult projects that they made over the years. Sky Lopz just happens to fit that description.

In fact, she has a my space: http://www.myspace.com/skylopez

This site reveals her finding of Jesus, and get this...she wants to be a rapper. Well, Sky...I personally say good luck in your endeavors, but I'm not deleting your...movies. No siree bob. Thank you for listening to my ramble.

Author:  Kittykicker [ July 20th, 2006, 5:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

:lol that girls shirt rocks.

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