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Duelpro has a new sig!!! (made possible by Duelprotex)
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Author:  Duel [ June 4th, 2006, 1:30 am ]
Post subject:  Duelpro has a new sig!!! (made possible by Duelprotex)

Read it and be informed cuz knowledge is power(well, unless u have the power of knowledge that manifestes itself into a 8-foot monster killing every living thing that has the IQ of 50 or less cuz the monsters IQ is pretty high so it has a reason to kill you or me...........maybe it would only kill lawyers or G.B. or that one guy that sings a lot, wat was his name? Numa Numa, yea thats rite! man i wish that guy could stop singing, am i rambling??)

anywho my sig rocks of truth and ramen.

Tell the truth ixzion!!! this site is all a part of your master plan!!

*brought to you by duelprotex*

Author:  Agentsix [ June 4th, 2006, 1:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Ok........have you been drinking again? That last time you got drunk you were raped by a donkey down in mexico. Well not really raped more like gave it up. lol I'm just messing with you Duelpro.

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