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Author:  Agentsix [ May 21st, 2006, 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Stressed

May 21 2006

Well I'm just about to finish my first semester. I finished the other classes last week so I'm technically on my break until I take my final test tomorrow which won't be tough. Well this week has been rough, I finally had plans all set for my grandpa’s funeral but then my grandma waited late as usual to tell me that she couldn't drive me down there. If I had known that sooner then my Half brother would've picked me up. It wasn't like I was going there to get food and money from my relatives. It was for something else which would've made my day a little bit better. Oh well not to dwell on the past about that. On Friday it was a high school graduation, it seemed like everyone from my class was there also. It was kind of odd for them to be here all for the graduation since some of them didn't have relatives or friends graduating. Even my friend’s half brother was there, I didn't like him much. He was a sh*t talker. Every time he would say he would beat my ass he would punk out before I could have the pleasure of knocking his face in. Sometime this week I will finally get my driver's license, I could've gotten it while I was in school but I'm an insomniac and I can't get up early to save my life. I'll have to try to sleep some other way when I get that chance. Still haven’t found a job yet but selling DVD’s and music on CD’s are paying off a little. I get some money just not enough, I hate this damn town. All the jobs are either taking by crooks or idiots that have the experience but can’t stay at work all day. Speaking of that my friend is somewhat of an idiot. He tells my grandma I’m a fool for going to school instead of trying to get a job out there at this steel mill called Nucor Yamato. Now this is coming from a High school drop out who could’ve graduated but he has some excuse for it. Its just like the old days, he moved out of my school in the 4th grade because him and his dad said the school was racist. Even though most of the kids were white and it was a school out in the country but still that was a bit too far. Later he flunked the 7th grade, then the second time he got into a fight with some girl and the teacher stepped in and hit him. His dad pressed charges and switched him to a alternative school. He went there for a couple of years and dropped out again. His dad doesn’t really help him with that. He went to job core to get his diploma or GED. Well you guessed it he got himself kicked from it. Either he has a fear of success or he’s just likes to blame someone else for that. Anyway he just sells a little bag of weed here and there, smokes it, gets drunk, do some stupid sh*t, and other dumb sh*t. Above all he decides to stay here for the rest of his life. Pathetic isn’t it but he says I’m the dumb one for trying to get my education. Anyone with sense could see that what he said was stupid. Well right now I’m listen to Bone thugs vs. 3 six mafia, it’s an underground sound track so don’t even think you can find it in stores. Anyway leave your comments and expect more.

Author:  Bonanza [ May 25th, 2006, 3:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hope life treats you better. Keep it up.

Author:  Kittykicker [ June 6th, 2006, 10:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Music - "All, by, my, self.. Don't want to be,
all, by, my, self. Anymore..."

Don't worry things will get better.
((Hug for Hell hunter))

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