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What kinds of food do you eat?
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Author:  Ixzion [ April 26th, 2006, 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  What kinds of food do you eat?

I'd like to know what kinds of foods you guys eat. It might give me some ideas on what I'd like to eat next.

Author:  Agentsix [ April 26th, 2006, 9:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Pizza, chicken, Cheese burgers, BBQ, Chinese, Japenese, Thai, lasagna, cheese cake, koolaide pie(its like a cheese cake) Ramen, and etc. I eat anything that taste good and thats not with beans. Basically I'll eat anything I can cook.

Author:  N.L.Y. [ April 26th, 2006, 10:42 pm ]
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What squeals the loudest when you kill it.

French Silk Pie is silent, but an exception to this otherwise fool-proof rule.

Author:  Ixzion [ April 26th, 2006, 11:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

French Silk Pie? That sounds pretty decadent.
Koolaide Pie is something I've never heard of. That's fascinating.

Author:  Agentsix [ April 26th, 2006, 11:11 pm ]
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I tasted it in the 12th grade and in my town. I think there is a recipe for it on the internet.

Author:  NWalterstorf [ April 27th, 2006, 2:25 pm ]
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Steak w/ Sauteed Mushrooms.

Author:  Zombisem [ April 27th, 2006, 7:05 pm ]
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i eat magonins for breakfast *shows teeth*

Author:  Agentsix [ April 27th, 2006, 8:21 pm ]
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Hmm I heard you eat something else or was that me making a cheap pun

Author:  Ixzion [ April 28th, 2006, 3:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Sumisem wrote:
i eat magonins for breakfast *shows teeth*

Eww...there's weird stuff all up in there. Musta eaten NLY.

NWS, sauteed steak with mushrooms sounds awesome. I wouldn't mind getting some of that!

Author:  Staffy [ April 28th, 2006, 3:58 am ]
Post subject: 

When I ingest nourisment the first thing I ask my self is: "Is this edible"

if it fails this razor, then I move on to: "can I eat it anyway?"

Few things fail to get excluded from this refinement, so I go on to ask:
"would it be a good idea to eat it?"

This knocks things like glass, bleach, and metorites off the menu. I'm sure you can think of others.
However if I'm like, REAAAAAAAALY hungery, I have to ask one FINAL question of my sustanance, which is:
"Would I die (or at the very least need a trip to the hospital) if I ate this?"

You'll find that a surpising ammout of things in the world are consumable if you ask these four questions. So have fun and expirament.

Author:  Agentsix [ April 28th, 2006, 4:17 am ]
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Well me and this girl went to eat out. It was some good pie, sweet sweet pie. I don't remember the name but it taste like apple and cherry

Author:  NWalterstorf [ April 28th, 2006, 12:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ixzion, how do you like your steak?

I always get mine Medium Well. The steakhouse where I go always undercooks every order, so when I want Medium, I order Medium Well. That way there's a good little amount of blood, and it's charred enough to leave a good portion of fat. And who can forget the sauteed mushrooms? I always order a side of piping hot sauteed mushrooms, and pretty much blanket my entire steak with the bowl of mushrooms they give me.

Author:  Ixzion [ April 28th, 2006, 2:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Staffy wrote:
When I ingest nourisment the first thing I ask my self is: "Is this edible"

if it fails this razor, then I move on to: "can I eat it anyway?"

Few things fail to get excluded from this refinement, so I go on to ask:
"would it be a good idea to eat it?"

This knocks things like glass, bleach, and metorites off the menu. I'm sure you can think of others.
However if I'm like, REAAAAAAAALY hungery, I have to ask one FINAL question of my sustanance, which is:
"Would I die (or at the very least need a trip to the hospital) if I ate this?"

You'll find that a surpising ammout of things in the world are consumable if you ask these four questions. So have fun and expirament.

I've only rarely had to ask if a food was gonna kill me. I perfer to avoid those. :p

NWalterstorf wrote:
Ixzion, how do you like your steak?

I always get mine Medium Well. The steakhouse where I go always undercooks every order, so when I want Medium, I order Medium Well. That way there's a good little amount of blood, and it's charred enough to leave a good portion of fat. And who can forget the sauteed mushrooms? I always order a side of piping hot sauteed mushrooms, and pretty much blanket my entire steak with the bowl of mushrooms they give me.

Well, as far as I'm concerned, there's only two states that steaks are in:

Not done and done. :p

So it used to surprise me when someone'd ask me how. Now I just say well done.

I also didn't like mushrooms at first, but they grew on me (pardon the pun).

Author:  Really Awesome [ April 28th, 2006, 10:39 pm ]
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I like Greek food, Americanized Chinese food, Italian food, French food and Japanese food, but I'll eat pretty much anything.

Actually I don't know why I singled out Chinese food as being Americanized. I guess all the stuff I'm used to eating is probably Americanized.

Author:  Ixzion [ April 28th, 2006, 11:25 pm ]
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Not necessarily. If you go to the small-time joints, they usually give you authentic food.

That's why I'll head to Sal's around the corner and pay more (about $3-4 more per pie) instead of Pizza Hut. You can just taste it.

But I have a question for you, Rob. What exactly constitutes Greek/French food? I wouldn't mind trying some.

Author:  Regal [ April 30th, 2006, 8:24 pm ]
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... myself, i'd say pizza.

though i do eat healthily nowadays, even if im not quite sure why. No red meat is a quirk of mine. Its too rich for me to digest easily.

(the only example of greek food i can think of is feta cheese. Which says an awful lot about me ¬¬)

Author:  NWalterstorf [ April 30th, 2006, 10:12 pm ]
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Gyros are predominately Greek. Also, Baklava is also Greek (but also Lebanese, as the Lebanese adopted the food).

Author:  Staffy [ May 2nd, 2006, 6:39 am ]
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greek food relies heavaly on fish, mutton, pitas, garlick, olives, and simple cheeses. Also beans. Lots of beans.
Most italian food is a mongrelized form of greek food.

Author:  Perversion [ May 3rd, 2006, 9:06 pm ]
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Anyone ever had a cow tongue burrito? They are quite good, actually. That and chiles rellenos. Poblano peppers stuffed with chihuaha cheese and a meat of your choosing. Yummy.

Author:  Staffy [ May 3rd, 2006, 10:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Staffy's Four Peper Chilli.

and Red Chillis

Dice up about a pound of those (collectively).
Also A red, green, and yellow bell pepper (these arent spicy so they don't count), four beefsteak tomatoes, a large red onion, and a Bermuda or Vedalia onion. Mince up some fresh parsley, oregano, celery, cillantro and garlic. And also mince up some carrots. Potatoes and mushrooms are optional, but dice them finely if you use them.
you will also want a tsp of red pepper, a 1/4 cup of mollasses, a 1/4 cup of plain yellow mustard, plus the most important ingredients: 1/2 pound of angus prime stew beef, a tsp of Chilli powder, and 1, 12 oz. can each of Red Kidney and Black BEANS

In a large skillet on medium heat, saute the bell peppers, carrots, celery, and onions in a drizzle of olive oil (extra virgin please!). Grind fresh pepper onto these and also about a tsp of salt. Place these in a pressure cooker when done, or large 6 quart stock pot (the pressure cooker is faster IMHO).
Next, repeat for the tomatoes, garlic, and other spices, but only saute these lightly. MAKE SURE TO USE THE SAME SKILLET. Put these in the cooking pot. Brown the stew beef, but you do not need to cook it thourghly; remember, its going to finish cooking in the pot. now add the beans to the pot as well as the optional Potatoes and mushrooms, any remaining spices, the mustard and mollases, and finaly 16 oz. of water. If you are useing the pressure cooker, then cook on high untill the weight has giggled on top for 15-20 minutes. (30-35 min if above 6000 ft). If you are useing the stock pot, then you will need to cook this for 3 hours on low heat stirring occasionaly.

serves about 12.

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