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MM fall is apon us.
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Author:  Chrssy [ September 21st, 2005, 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  MM fall is apon us.

Lord Ixzion: Well...I have 45 minutes left, but why don't you go out and have some fun? :p
Lord Ixzion: *30
InfinityCDH: ya..make a pile of leaves..then jumop and role around in it. then having to rake it up again...
Lord Ixzion: I did that maybe once in my entire life.
InfinityCDH: lol
Lord Ixzion: Because of the after part. :p
InfinityCDH: lol yea
Lord Ixzion: So, you gonna leave me now?
InfinityCDH: well...2 trees in my yard have lost all their leaves already..musta been windt one day while i was asleep...still got 3 more trees to go for their leaves to fall :P
InfinityCDH: in abit
Lord Ixzion: ouch
Lord Ixzion: and :-(
InfinityCDH: eh..i wont leave ya till u go.then when ur gone i can go out and jump and role around nekiid
InfinityCDH: in leaves
InfinityCDH: wet leaves..
InfinityCDH: with bugs on em...and dirt
Lord Ixzion: That turns me on for some reason.


being dirty always turn ppl on o_o k maybe not always...nekkid part maybe..

Author:  Agentsix [ September 21st, 2005, 3:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Leaves :p

Author:  Zombisem [ September 22nd, 2005, 4:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Lord Ixzion: You know, I always think about having a girlfriend, but who needs a gf when we can talk about baths and titties?
SuperSecretLone: .. Or you could HAVE a gf AND talk about baths and titties. Then have a bath and see titties. :P

i was on the old mag a few days ago for no reason really... and that was ixz sig... i was like heh.

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