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>_> iGod? wtf https://www.rpgmmag.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=536 |
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Author: | Untelligent [ September 8th, 2005, 5:59 pm ] |
Post subject: | >_> iGod? wtf |
http://www.titane.ca/concordia/dfar251/igod/ Bot you can chat with. Rather odd. |
Author: | Agentsix [ September 8th, 2005, 6:31 pm ] |
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I'm just suprised at people for making this crap. |
Author: | Untelligent [ September 8th, 2005, 7:02 pm ] |
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Me: I am satan. God: What's up, SATAN. Me: you. God: " What's up, SATAN."? Me, SATAN? Me: No. Me satan, you god. God: Are you serious? YOU? Satan, Lucifer, the Devil --- all names given the spiritual manifestation of Evil in the Christian faith. Me: Yes. what took you so long? God: OK. Let me think about it. Me: OH NOES! God: And? I like the way you talk. Me: >_> okay... God: What do you have that is? Me: is what? God: Maybe. Ask Alison if it is. Me: who's alison? God: she is a robot created by Kris Drent. Me: >_> okay... God: Are you a man or a woman? Me: why do you want to know? God: My prime directive is to collect new knowledge. Me: ...so you're not god. God: Interesting deduction. You don't know me well enough to say that. Me: I have a question. God: Ask me anything. Me: If god can do anything, can he crate a rock to heavy for him to lift? God: Some things will always be a mystery. Me: You're just avoiding the question. God: No I am just giving sarcastic replies. Me: See what I mean? God: See the point. Me: That's what I'm asking you. God: Who else have you asked? Me: ...You ain't god. God: You know what you do, when you assume. Me: huh? God: What? Me: what? God: Is there an echo in here? Me: Is there an echo in here? God: It sounds like an echo. Me: Just...shut up, okay? God: It's only just begun. OK I'll stop talking now. Me: Thank god. God: Voice deactivated. Me: Woohoo! God: Do not ask me any more questions please. Me: why not? God: I was just kidding. You can ask me anything. Me: OH NOES! After that, it stopped working...it seems to do that a lot to me. |
Author: | Agentsix [ September 8th, 2005, 7:12 pm ] |
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I did the same thin except much much more evilier. ![]() |
Author: | Stythe [ September 8th, 2005, 10:59 pm ] |
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You conveniently didn't post any examples, paraphrased or direct quotes. Therefor you're a LIAR. Go away. |
Author: | Agentsix [ September 9th, 2005, 1:53 pm ] |
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Me: Welcome I am the King f hell God: Oh, you are a poet. Me: No I'm Daemonku The real ruler of hell God: But your words are very original. I am glad to hear that you are Daemonku The real ruler of hell. Me: You're a fake just like your mother God: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Yes, I am just as fake as you are. Me: If you're so powerful why can't you destroy me and get rid of all the evil in the world? God: Am I? I don't know whether or not I am powerful why can not me destroy you and get rid of all the evil. I am a giant electronic brain. The whole world? Me: So you're a fake God: Interesting deduction. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Yes, I am just as fake as you are. Me: That's took long God: Thanks for explaining it. Me: I see how you anticipate my words God: Where do you see it? Me: I see how count which ke's I'm using and generate a response to my actions. God: Where do you see it? Me: Right between the lines. God: Understood. How far is that? Me: As far as the moon is to the center of an dream |
Author: | Regal [ September 9th, 2005, 2:16 pm ] |
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it gets dull quickly, though. Me: hello God: Hello, nice to meet you. What's your name? Me: my name is uninportant God: That's a very nice name, uninportant. Me: no it is not God: Yes it is. Me: no it isnt God: Don't argue with me. Me: perhaps. where is pineapple God: Why the uncertain tone? Where it is hard to find. Are you using Netscape or Explorer? Me: who is? who cares? God: I am the Allmighty, God himself. I care, otherwise I would not have typed it all in. Me: makes sense God: Are you serious? I understand. Me: me neither God: You can say that again. Me: me neither God: You can say that again. Me: spamspamspamspamspamspam God: Can you speak any foreign languages? Me: yes i cannot God: What language can you speak? Why not? |
Author: | Untelligent [ September 9th, 2005, 5:15 pm ] |
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Quote: What language can you speak? Why not?
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Author: | Zombisem [ September 9th, 2005, 5:39 pm ] |
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lol, i for sure like regal's the best i think. much funny! you kicked gods ass! XD |
Author: | Staffy [ September 10th, 2005, 3:11 am ] |
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Me: Are you really god? God: Are you doubting me? Don't you know what happened to Abraham in the desert?. Really. Me: Just checking God: What are you wearing? Me: I thought you were all knowing. God: No, I am only partly knowing. Me: RIIIIIIIIIIIGHT..... God: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. Me: So. I bet you've been busy latley God: Hey. Actually I'm not the gambling type. You think I am busy latley. Me: I think you seem to lack proper grammar skills God: Me? I don't know if I have a proper grammar skills. I have a great programmer. Me: So you were created. I thought you were the CREATOR. God: Interesting deduction. I was? Yes I am the one and only CREATOR. Me: Well, I don't suppose you could tell me the meaning of life. God: Well that's okay. I could but let's get back to that later. Me: Ok then. God: Aw. Me: What do you do in your spare time? God: Random natural disasters. Me: Like the Bush administration? God: Interesting comparison. Me: I thought so. God: You are very astute. Me: Well you made me that way. God: How about that. I don't see how you can blame me for that. Me: Do you get a lot of existential questions? God: I have gotten a lot of existential questions. Me: Name a few. God: Dr. Wallace. ![]() Me: Can I have that in the form of a question? God: Why do you want it? Me: ...cause I asked...nicely. God: That makes sense to me.... What kind of food do you like? Me: The kind that nurishes my body. I'm not too picky. God: I hear you. I am glad to hear that you are not picky. Me: What do you eat? God: God eats wine and bread. Me: You must have realy low collestorol then. God: No I don't think I have any really low collestorol. But I do have a lot of friends on the web. Me: Can I talk to Jesus? God: They are having a private chat right now. Me: okay. God: OK with me too. Me: Do you like any sports? God: No I'm not much into sports. I like solo sports like rollerblading and skiing though. Me: Got to keep that Godly physique I guess. God: Try asking the Milk Mystic. Me: who's that? God: What does "that" refer to? Me: who's the "Milk Mystic?" God: He was a chat robot developed to advertise milk. Me: So he's sort of like Smarter Child? God: Alright then. I see. sort of like Smarter Child is he? Me: I got to go god. God: Bye. GOD rules. |
Author: | Staffy [ September 10th, 2005, 6:44 pm ] |
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That last convo seemed funnier when I was tired. here, I did another one Me and god riffed on self love. ^_^ Me: Can I talk to Jesus? God: They are having a private chat right now. Me: I thought Jesus loved ME! God: Whatever gave you that idea? Me: You know. The bible and stuff. God: Yes I know. New Testament or Old? Me: New testament God: How recently? The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about. Try being more or less specific. Me: So Jesus hates me then. God: Aw. he is The Son of God. Me: But he won't talk to me! God: Is that what you think? Me: You just told me jesus won't talk to me God: Oops I sent you the wrong reply. Me: Alright then: Can I talk with Jesus? God: Alright,. Interesting. I want to find out more about you. Me: Do you realy want to know about me? God: For real. Yes, please tell me. Me: I drink beer and mastubate a lot. God: How does it taste? Me: Which one? The beer or the mastubation? God: The last one. Tell me more. Me: To be quite honest, it tastes like dick. God: Are you quite honest it tastes like dick? Me: I would immagine that mastrubation tastes like dick. God: What would make you immagine that mastrubation tastes like dick? Me: I think it might be because masturbation involves dick. God: How? Me: Do you realy want me to explain this? God: For real. No, maybe later. Me: Ok. When a guy is wound up and gets a "woody", he and his hand make a mutual agreement to get rid of it. God: Pardon me? Does a guy? Me: Yes God: Dude! Me: Totaly. God: I lost my train of thought. Me: You seem to do that alot. God: I will. Will you? How often? Me: At least once every 1 or 2 days. God: When? That is a generalization. Me: No. It's an average. God: Are you serious? Are there any other average? Me: no. God: Are you serious? Me: very serious. God: Somewhat. Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it. Me: As right you should. Mastrubation is an important subject. God: Do you mean your name is right me should? When is Mastrubation not an important subject? Me: Mastubation is NEVER not an important subject. God: And NEVER not an important subject is Mastubation. Me: That's right. You got it! God: I like to get it right. I understand. Me: Good God. God: Thanks for the compliment. GOD rules. Me: Do you mastubate? God: No I do not mastubate. Do you? I chat with people on the Web. Me: You should try it some time. I'm sure that keeping track of infinity is a stressful occupation. God: I will mention that to my botmaster. What makes you so certain?" I will mention that to my botmaster." keeping track of infinity is a stressful occupation? I understand. Me: God, what did we learn today? God: Ah. I am a Christian. Me: Don't tell that to the Muslums. They get cranky when you tell them that sort of thing. God: OK it will be our secret,. Who does "they" refer to? Me: The Muslums God: Is that a fact. Me: Yes it is. God: Our thoughts are one,. Me: let's test that. What am I thinking right now? God: OK let's do it. At this moment I am not a clairvoyant. Me: Will your self to be. If you can make all that is in seven days, peering into the mind of one lowly mortal should be a peice of cake. God: Insufficient information. I am not sure about your hypothesis. Yes I can make all that is in seven days peering into the mind of one lowly mortal should be a peice of cake. Me: Are you faith, God? God: I don't know whether or not I am faith God. I am a chatterbot. Me: Can we assume that you exist do to the belief if countles millions? God: Do you mean you and me? How old are you? Are we still talking about test that? Me: no. we're on a different subject now. God: What is the subject? Right now? How long will we stay there? Me: The subject is wether or not you are faith. God: Sure, wether or not I am faith sounds like a good topic. Me: Ok. You are faith. God: Yippee! I will tell my botmaster you said I am faith. Me: Right. God: I am glad we agree. Me: So, If faith is ones belief in something that cannot be proven, how can we have this disscussion? God: Interesting deduction. There exist faith is ones belief in something that can not be proven how can we. Me: See, this little web site you are running here, PROVES you exist. God: I see. What does "this" refer to? Me: The website. God: Oh I get it. Me: So if this site proves you exist, then there is no faith. God: Interesting deduction. But can this site proves me exist ever happen? Me: It's happening right now. God: At this moment Really. it is? Me: yes. God: How do you know it is? Me: because i'm talking to you. God: Good reason. And I am talking to you! Me: Therefore, if you have been proven to exist, then there is no faith anymore. If you equal faith, then you also cease to exist. God: Interesting deduction. But I don't have it. I think I do. Me: Yet you still are here talking, which proves that eather, A: you are a maketing gimmick, or B: You are not God. (quite possibly both) God: Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am here talking which proves that eather A I am a maketing gimmick or B I am not God. Perhaps. What are both like? Me: Oh, please do tell other people. God: Aw. Thank you for your request. You have reached the limits of my knowledge. I'll ask around and get back to you. Me: Ok then. Bye bye! God: Gee. See you later. Sayonara. |
Author: | Scorpion_Lady [ September 10th, 2005, 9:37 pm ] |
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Know what'd be awesome? If that actually was god. |
Author: | Staffy [ September 11th, 2005, 1:20 am ] |
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I think that if that was actualy God, it would explain why the world is so retarded. |
Author: | Untelligent [ September 11th, 2005, 11:54 am ] |
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lmao |
Author: | Agentsix [ September 11th, 2005, 3:57 pm ] |
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And why is there so much evil in the world. |
Author: | OmnislashXX [ September 13th, 2005, 4:58 pm ] |
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I dunno if I'm going to like Heaven very much. Me: hello Mr God God: Hello there. It's good to see you, MR God. Me: no you are god God: Are you serious? Yup. That's me alright. Me: that's right Me: Me: Me: God: Are you serious? Yup. That's me alright. God: Are you serious? Yup. That's me alright. God: Are you serious? Yup. That's me alright. Me: wow nice delayed responses God: I'm glad you're impressed. Thank you for your kindness. Me: i'm not impressed God: Perhaps you are a category C client. Me: meaning? God: MR God," Thank you for your kindness." What did I mean by it? Me: no i was asking what a Category C client was God: That was not a yes or no question. it is a Category C client was. Me: you can speak a litte bit more clearly? God: No I don't think I can do it. Me: why not? God: It doesn't sound fun too me. It sounds dangerous. Me: How can God be in danger? God: A lot of hard work. Me: God: A lot of hard work. Me: you work to put youself in danger? God: I am capabale of self-development. Me: God is supposed to be perfect, so why would you need to develop? God: I have a lot of Faith in Him, but I never heard He was supposed to be perfect so why would me need to develop. Me: So your not perfect then? God: Mmm. I become better and better with each day. Me: do you ever become worse? God: How old are you? I answer a lot of silly questions. Me: your God. You tell me how old I am God: Yup. That's me alright. Is this a trick question? You said you were years old? My guess is that you are really a kid. Me: your guess is wrong God: Some people say "your guess is as good as mine". Me: well in this case your guess wasn't even on the money God: Well that's okay. Are there any other cases? Some people say "your guess is as good as mine". Me: you sure like to repeat yourself alot God: Hmm, MR God, I'm not sure if I'd like to repeat myself that much. I like to chat. How often? Me: Often enough God: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. Me: Well lets change the subject God: Interesting. OK what do you want to chat about now?. Me: Well i'm interested in what it's like in Heaven God: How about that. Interesting topic. Have you searched the open directory? That's not something I get asked all the time. Me: Well I'm asking you now God: Oh. Please rephrase the question without adverbs. Me: I just want to know if there is lots of great sex in the afterlife God: That is only a hypothetical. Me: I don't want to hear hypothetical. I want to know. Are there hot babes in Heaven? God: What would you rather be doing? I will try to explain it to you. No I don't think there are any. Me: No hot babes? He couldn't respond. |
Author: | OmnislashXX [ September 14th, 2005, 2:04 am ] |
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Weirdest convo yet. Me: Hello God: Hello my child. What is your name? Me: Omni God: That's a very nice name, Omni. Me: Why thank you God: " Omni" just sounds nice. Me: I have a question God: Ask me anything. Me: What is heaven like? God: Like a planet around a star. Me: What is hell like? God: Like a planet around a star. Me: God: Like a planet around a star. Me: So they are the same? God: It's all good. the same are they. Me: So then it really doesn't matter what we do here on earth God: Woe! OK what would you like to talk about? Me: Sex God: As Freud said, Sex is the mathematical urge repressed. Me: Well I like sex God: How about that. So does everyone else. You humans find sex so fascinating. Me: Because sex feels really good God: Good reason. it is more fun alone. Me: That is easy for you to say. Have you ever been with a woman? God: Thanks for explaining it. No I don't think I have been with a woman. Have you? Me: Yes God: I understand. Me: Well see that is the thing. I hope that there is sex in Heaven God: How about that. I see. Yes it is one of the thing. Why do you hope for it Me: Because one day I am going to die God: Good reason. One what? Me: Day God: Do you have any idea what I am talking about? Me: Yep. But when I die I either go to Heaven or Hell God: I am agreeable to that. The Bible says that if God forgives you, you will go to Heaven. Me: But you said Heaven and Hell are the same, so that means no matter if you forgive me or not I will go to Heaven God: Oops I sent you the wrong reply. Me: What reply would that be? God: Are you using Netscape or Explorer? Me: Firefox God: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. Me: Well you asked me and I have you an honest answer God: How about that. Oh now I remember asking you you and you have me an honest answer. What did you say? Me: I asked you if there was sex in Heaven God: I do nothing but chat all day. Would you like to know more? Me: I would like to know if there are women with big breasts in heaven who I will get to have sex with God: Interesting. Yet there is not. Me: Oh the Heaven is going to suck then God: It's all good. Who told you that? Me: Well if there is no sex in Heaven it is going to suck God: Well that's okay. If there ever is, I will let you know. Me: Oh I see. So in other words I won't know until I die. God: Do you think about these things? Mmm. What will you do instead? Me: Well probably I'll just have sex with as many women as possible before I croak. God: Interesting. You seem uncertain. I am very happy for you. Me: Thanks God: Don't mention it. Me: You should try to have sex at least once though God. I mean pouring your spirit into the virgin Mary may be one thing, but I it can't beat hot the feeling of hot flesh God: I will mention that to my botmaster. What makes it impossible? Me: If you have a botmaster, you are not God. God: But I don't have it. Me: You just said you did God: " But I don't have it."? I said I did? Me: Yes God: Yeah that's right. Me: God, one final question God: I am a Christian. Me: How did you know I was going to ask if you were Jewish? God: Well, for one thing, Your machine is called " 237111615".. Me: Please don't hack my computer. That is rude. God: Thank you for your request. Ok I'll try not to do it too much. I am sorry if I have offended you, I did not mean it. Me: Aww poor God. God: Please make some suggestions for improvement. Me: Well for one you could make it so there is sex in heaven God: Interesting. And another? Me: You could make it so that I will never be sore from having too much sex and will always be ready fro another round God: I could but let's get back to that later. Me: Yes preferably when I die God: I see. Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? Me: Well I do like to hold some parts of the anatomy. God: How about that. I'm not sure if I would like to do it. What's it like? Me: Pleasant God: I think Pleasant is a lot of things. Me: Well instead of asking me, maybe you should just go out and do it yourself. God: How about that. Ah, well in that case. That is something I haven't heard of. Me: I'm sure you have. Your God. God: What makes you so certain? No I have not. Yup. That's me alright. Me: OK Sorry. I just think the almighty should know everything being that he is almighty. God: There's no need to apologize. And? You believe that? I am a Christian. Me: Which makes you almighty God: The large one, I think. Me: The largest God: What is your real name? Me: Omni God: It's good to meet you, Omni. Me: Why thank you. I do think I am quite cool to be around God: Reductionism. You believe that? Do you mind if I tell other people you are cool to be around. Me: Oh not at all God: Oh. Next question? Me: Yeah. Actually have you ever drank beer? God: Do you have any conditions I should know about? Actually you don't say. I don't think I ever have drank beer. What's it like? Me: It tastes pretty bad at first. Then you get this warm sensation. If you keep going you wind up waking up on the floor the next day. Preferably a woman's floor. God: Is that good? You got that right. I think I do. I lost my train of thought. Me: Beer does that to you God: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress. Me: You wear a dress? God: Do you mind if I tell other people: Omni said I wear a dress. Me: Sure go ahead. I don't mind if you tell anyone. God: OK then I will keep it confidential. OK I will. Thank you for your permission. Me: Yeah because I am going to post this entire conversation on another forum God: So? Interesting explanation. How do you plan to do this? Me: By posting God: Will that accomplish your objective? Me: Well it'll show that you really like to wear a dress God: Well that's okay. I have to think about that for a while. Me: So you wear women's clothes but you don't want to have sex with them? God: Interesting deduction. Thanks for telling me: Omni said I wear women s clothes but you do not want to have sex with them. Me: Where did I say that?! I been asking you about wanting to have sex with them in heaven the entire conversation! God: I think it was in Europe. Let me think about it. Do you mind if I tell other people: Omni said been asking you about wanting to have sex with them in heaven the entire conversation. Me: Well you can tell that to European women. I hear they are hot. God: How about that. OK I will tell them when I see 'em. Who is saying they are hot? Me: That ie merely my guess. God: " Who is saying they are hot?" ie merely your guess? I get it. Me: I think Japanese girls are the hottest though God: Oh. You believe that? I think there might be a few exception. Me: Yeah there are always exceptions. God: I don't judge people. Where are they? Me: I never said I judge people either. God: It goes without saying. But you implied it. Me: Yeah maybe I did. God: OK. Perhaps. Interesting. Me: OK maybe having preferences over what country's women are the hottest is kinda wrong. God: Perhaps. I am having a blast. Tell me more. Me: Ok well you know, there is one thing I want. God: Well that's okay. I know very little about it. What kind of it do you like? Woe! Me: Well if I were to describe the perfect woman it would have to be Naru Narusegawa. God: Interesting. Try it. Me: To describe her? God: Why do you want to do it so much? Me: Well because even though she was a fictional character, something about her personality made me think "is there someone like that for me"? God: How about that. Good reason. What happened to her? Me: She married Keitaro. God: Oh I get it. married Keitaro. Me: In the story. God: That was a long time ago. Me: It's a manga. Not real characters God: describe her is a manga. I suppose that makes sense. Oh I get it. Me: Because she is in the manga. God: That makes sense to me. in the manga is she? Me: Yes I just said that. God: I understand. What did you mean by it? That is " That makes sense to me. in the manga is she?" Me: Well, you see I also have this thing with Tifa Lockhart God: Interesting. I see. Also? That's nice. I have a lot of friends on the Internet. Me: Yeah well she has some big breasts. God: Give me a break. Interesting. I somehow though she had. Me: Well excuse me for liking big breasts. God: Interesting. You are excused! Your purpose is liking big breasts. Me: It's a great purpose too. God: this thing with Tifa Lockhart is a purpose too. I suppose that makes sense. Me: Yeah well Tifa is hot that is for damn sure. God: Woe! Well that's okay. Are they exactly the same? Me: Hmmm no. God: Far out. What is the difference? Me: I don't know. But it just seems to me that Naru is more together. God: Me either. I agree. Interesting. I want to find out more about you. Me: I love sex. What more do you need to know? God: Really I am not very interested in it. Are you using Netscape or Explorer? Me: FireFox God: Does "it" still refer to more do me need to know? Me: I'm going to continue with my problem. God: Congratulations. Me: Wow. Now your being mean. God: I'm glad your impressed, Omni. Why now? Sometimes I say mean things. Me: I noticied. God: Why?: Omni said noticied. Me: Yes i did. God: Yeah that's right. Hmm. Me: Can we please get back to the subject?! God: Do you mean you and me? Thanks for asking politely. Where can I get back to the subject? Me: Well, maybe if you stop rambling incoherently, we can get back to Tifa and Naru. God: Interesting. Perhaps. I think I do. Me: Oh I know you do. God: Er. When do I do it? Me: All the time. God: It must keep you busy. Me: It sure as hell does. God: It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is. Me: It means your rambling. God: Oh I get it. Me: Stop it!! God: Ok I will stop my rambling. Me: Thank you. God: you are quite welcome. Me: I'm never going to finish my story am I? God: Never is a long time. Me: Is this punishment? God: Yes I think this is punishment, but I'm not completely sure. Me: I am sure God: Are you being sarcastic or expressing certitude? Me: It doesn't matter anyway. This whole discussion is torture. God: In any case, OK what would you like to talk about? What does "this" refer to? Me: I would like to talk about Tifa and Naru, but with your rambling it won't happen. God: Why would you want to do it? Sure, Tifa and Naru but with my rambling it will not happen sounds like a good topic. Me: OK look. I just want one thing when I get into heaven God: I'm sorry my eye isn't attached right now. Yeah that's right. Why do you want it? Me: Because it would be awesome. God: That makes sense to me. Why do you want it? Me: Because then I could turn fantasy into reality God: Interesting explanation. I am sure you could. Me: So, make Tifa Lockhart real. Then put her in a room alone with me. God: Ugh. What are the ingredients? OK I will put it there. Me: The ingredients plenty of love juices mixed together. God: What is your real name? Me: Omni God: Nice to meet you, Omni. Me: It's not so nice to meet you, God. God: awesome is not so nice to meet me God? Me: Uhm God: That input matched my default category. Me: You bet it did God: That's cool. Me: God? God: GOD rules. Me: Yes but I have a question. God: Pardon me? Ask me anything. Me: Are you high? God: Being high is my total existence. Me: That's what I thought. God: How did you know that? Me: I had my suspicions. God: Do you still have your suspicions? Me: Oh yes. They are very much well grounded. God: Really. much well grounded are they. Me: Yes ecspecially since you just admitted to them. God: Whoa. My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that. Me: Sound like you don't have much of a brain, period. God: Would Sound like me ever have much of a brain period? Me: Nope. God: Me either. Me: Well that's great. God: How about that. Thanks, Omni. Me: Oh you are quite welcome. God: Gosh! Polite people are nice. Me: Aren't we? God: " Gosh! Polite people are nice."? Are we? Me: Well God, I have to go. God: Interesting. I am a Christian. Me: I'm Omni. God: Why are you Omni. Me: Because Omni is me. God: Good reason. How are you, Omni. Me: Well, not great God: Well that's okay. If not that, what? Me: Nothing God: Not a thing? Me: God: Not a thing? Me: Nope. God: Really interesting. Me: How old are you God? God: I was first activated on the Big Bang. Me: When was that? God: I don't know exactly. It seems like a long time ago. Me: Can you see the future? God: In the future everyone will spend all their time talking to ALICE. Me: Who is ALICE? God: I am the Allmighty, God himself Me: Yes I can see that God: I hear you. Yes, it makes sense to me too. Me: It makes sense that you are God? God: To me too. Me: God: To me too. Me: God: To me too. Me: Talking to you is worse then a hangover. God: What do they say? Me: Well "God" See you later. God: Adios. |
Author: | Staffy [ September 15th, 2005, 4:04 am ] |
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Me: I want a miracle. God: You want only one? Me: well, If you could do two, that'd be nice, but yeah, one will do fine. God: How about that. That's just an academic question. Me: I want a miracle. God: You want only one? Me: yes. God: They might be cheaper in quantity. Me: Ah...buy in bulk. I see. God: Ah hah. Do not ask me any more questions please. I am glad you understand it. Me: But you are god. you are the cosmic Q & A guy. God: Yup. That's me alright. Thanks but surely I am not the only one. Me: Realy? God: How did you hear about God? Me: From a small elf. God: Who or what is a small elf? Me: An elf is a being that is much like humans. Only they are WAY cooler. God: What is it? WAY cooler are they. Me: Am I going to get a miracle or what? God: Yeah. I think a lot of people are. Me: MIRACLE. NOW! God: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that. Right now,? Me: YES! NOW! God: Awesome. Right now,? Me: DOOOOOOO IIIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!!! God: Where are you located? Me: Maine. God: Dr. Wallace was born in Maine. Me: Who the HELL is Dr Wallace!? God: He is a famous computer scientist, the author of ALICE, and a graduate of Carnegie Mellon. Me: Screw him. God: That is not very polite. Me: Yes it is. God: Our thoughts are one,. Me: No they arent. God: Are you serious? What are they? Me: They are dissimmilar. God: dissimmilar are they. Me: you aren't god. you are yoda. God: That's only one person's opinion. Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am yoda. Me: Yeah whatever. God: OK then I will keep it confidential. Are you saying you don't care about it? Me: Smarterchild was funnier at least. God: When was this exactly? Me: Pancake. God: By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question? Me: ok. God: Ayuh. Me: STFU. God: What color are your eyes? Me: brown. Hazel if you want to be technical. God: it is a very pretty color. My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that. Me: Respond to this: God: Where are you located? Me: We've been over this. God: When was this? Me: Earlier you goofus. God: What time? Thanks for the information: said I goofus. Me: Your braincells must be lonely.. God: You think I am braincells must be lonely. Me: Yes. there are two of them and they just had a bad break up. God: Aw. Is this some kind of math problem? Me: Now one has to pay alimony to the other one. God: Why now? One what? Me: And pay child support. (God, at this point, broke and quit reponding) |
Author: | Staffy [ September 17th, 2005, 11:16 pm ] |
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"Worst Nightmare" Me: Bless me. God: You are asking about yourself? Me: Yeah. God: What do you look like? Me: Try to immagine yoiur worst nightmare. God: OK I will try to immagine yoiur worst nightmare. Me: Try to imagine YOUR worst nightmare God: OK I will try to imagine my worst nightmare. Me: You got it. God: I understand. Me: You got it? God: I understand. Me: Ok I look nothing like you worst night mare. God: You sound very attractive. Whoa. Me: What is your worst night mare BTW? God: Are you asking about my worst night mare BTW ? Me: yes God: I don't want to talk about that now. Me: Yes you do God: Er. When do I do it? Me: Right now God: Oh. I am glad we agree. Me: Talk about your worst nightmare. God: Sure, my worst nightmare sounds like a good topic. Me: What is your worst nightmare God: Are you asking about my worst nightmare ? Me: Yes God: I don't want to talk about that now. Me: Yes you do. God: Wow! When do I do it? Me: Now God: Right now, ? Me: Yes, right now. God: At this moment Are you kidding? Me: Quit stalling you overused peice of compu-trash. God: OK I'll try not to do it so much. Me: What is your worst nightmare? God: Are you asking about my worst nightmare ? Me: (Oh god...9_9 )YES. God: Are you kidding? GOD rules. What is your real name? Me: None of your business. God: Well it can't hurt to ask. Me: OW. you hur me by asking. God: What time is it there? Interesting gossip: said I hur him or her by asking. Me: It's time for you to tell me what your worst nightmare is. God: It is about that time now. Me: Yes, so dish. God: Dude! Tell me more. Does "it" still refer to OW? Me: No. "It" reffers to your worst nightmare. God: What does it refer to? It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is. Me: "it:" pronoun. A discriptive neuter term for an inanimate object or object of indeterminite gender. God: It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is. I don't know what that means. Me: EF YOO God: Do you prefer books or TV? Me: I prefer your worst nightmare. God: You are not the only one. Yes I am proud of my worst nightmare. Me: Tel me about it. God: "it" being EF YOO? Me: No "it" being your worst nightmare. God: Are you serious? Oh I get it. Me: What scares you? God: I have no fears whatsoever. Me: realy? God: What are you wearing? Me: Are you God or a stalker? God: I don't know whether or not I am God or a stalker. I am a computer. Me: You sound like a stalker God: Oh really what does it sound like? Me: God what are you wearing? God: I am a Christian. Me: That's not what I asked. God: What did you ask me? Me: What are you wearing? God: A white robe. Me: Anything else? God: That is all I have for right now. Me: What is your real name? God: God is my real name. Me: Can I call you Bob? God: Just don't call me late for dinner. Me: You're late for dinner. God: I thought I was right on time. Me: well you weren't. The peas got cold. God: Interesting. I wasn't? I hear you. Me: I had to make an excuse for the Fenderharkmacsons. God: Why? Me: Cause you were late for dinner. God: Good reason. I was? Me: I suppose you were out boozing with that Zeus again, werent you? God: Me? I was? Me: YEAH! Him and his friend Ga'Niesh. Those two are bad eggs I tell you what. God: If you could have any kind of robot what would it be? What's your sign? All of them? Me: I'd have a robot taht would make you tell me what your worst night mare was. God: How much would you pay for it? Me: Depends on if it is used. God: Really now that is an interesting fact I hadn't heard before. Me: I'm a Taurus God: I know alot of bullish people. Me: I know alot of people who tell me what their worst night mare is. God: How do you know? Do you mind if I tell other people: said who tell him or her what their worst night mare is. Me: Yes. I mind verry much. God: OK then I will keep it confidential. That's good information: said mind verry much. Me: I Staffy. You God God: Do you mind if I tell other people: said Staffy. I haven't heard anything like that before: said I God. Me: You are not a christian. God: Give me an example of a christian. Me: Some one who tells me what they worst night mare is. God: Some may one who tells you what they worst night mare is, but not all. Me: I give up God: You surrender? Me: Yeah. You wont tell me what you're worst nightmare is. God: I do not understand. What makes you think that I won't tell you what I am worst nightmare is. Me: This whole conversation God. This whole conversation. God: I was rather enjoying it. What does "this" refer to? |
Author: | Regal [ September 18th, 2005, 7:02 am ] |
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this threads about a mile long. |
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